“How can there be such a powerful force!”

Tosaka Shichen’s eyes widened, he couldn’t believe what was happening in front of him!

Gilgamesh, whom he regarded as an ace, could not hurt the other party!

And isn’t his power the burning horse, why did it suddenly become this terrifying extreme cold power!

Weber was in this realm of ice and snow, and the cold wind blew through his body, making him sneeze:


But his follower conqueror king locked his brows and said in a deep voice:

“His strength is too strong, he directly changes the celestial phenomena without releasing the enchantment, and he goes head-to-head with the oldest king, is such a strength really a human being?”

Emiya Kiriji looked at Zhou Yang, who was confronting Gilgamesh, and asked solemnly to Saber:

“Who the hell is he?”

Saber sighed and said helplessly: “A terrifying existence, at least an existence that you can’t understand!” ”

What Saber said is naturally the chat group, which is an existence that cannot be reached by the root, and as the administrator of the chat group, no one knows how much permission Zhou Yang has.

But the only thing that is certain is that Zhou Yang’s future cannot be estimated!

Gilgamesh frowned at the sprinkling flying snow, and said coldly:

“There is an aura of a god in your power, are you a demigod or a sacrifice of the gods?”

Gilgamesh possesses the highest level of divine fitness among the Spirits.

This divinity even surpassed Hercules, son of Zeus, the main Greek god, who also became a god after his death.

Although he has the greatest divine fitness, his rank is lowered because Gilgamesh himself hates gods who always cause him trouble, such as killing his friend Enkidu and causing the bull of heaven to riot on earth.

It was precisely because of this disgust that he was extremely sensitive to divinity, and felt the divine power from Taiyin in the extremely cold realm, and that power came from a powerful deity.

Zhou Yang nodded and said with a light smile: “I’m just a god killer!” ”

Just nine words, but like earth-shattering thunder, everyone was stunned!

It’s just a god killer!

In today’s era, there are still god killers!

Even the ancient god killer has long become the supreme existence because of his great achievements, why did he appear in the world?

A hint of surprise also flashed in Jin Shining’s eyes, and he did not question the words of the man in front of him!

The power given by the gods is all with a condescending reward, but the difference in Zhou Yang’s body is this faint smell of blood!

That is, this power is plundered!

Thinking of this, Jin Shanshan began to laugh maniacally:

“It’s so interesting, I didn’t expect that there was still a god killer, god killer, I admire you!”

What Gilgamesh hated the most was the gods, and Zhou Yang, who was a god killer, naturally got his approval!

Although he is extremely arrogant, his arrogance is only for those weak and ignorant mortals who do not know it!

For the same existence, Gilgamesh will also show corresponding respect, in his cognition, this is the courage of a king!

Zhou Yang spread out his hands and said, “But I don’t like men, Golden Pickup!” ”

“What a disgusting guy for me!”

Jin Shanshan heard his new nickname, did not hesitate, and waved his hand directly!


The king’s treasury poured out again, and a large number of heroic weapons burst out like bullets, shattering the heroic treasures that were originally frozen and killing Zhou Yang together!

Zhou Yang only summoned the power of the wild boar for this, and the huge wild boar that crushed everything ran out and directly knocked away all the heroic weapons.


And the manic boar did not stop, but continued to rush towards Gilgamesh!

“Wild boar with divine power, you really make me more and more interested, how many gods have you killed!”

Gilgamesh laughed loudly as he looked at the rushing wild boar, then took out a golden sword from the treasure house, transported the huge spell in his body, and slashed it down hard!


The huge wild boar was cut in half and re-transformed into a power return, but Zhou Yang had already come to him!

“The oldest king, let’s fight!”

Zhou Yang looked at the blond Gilgamesh, who was red-eyed, and the ice blade that condensed the power of Taiyin in his hand directly slashed out horizontally and cut towards the opponent’s throat.

But Gilgamesh was not stunned, and directly gathered the sword in his hand to react!


The ice blade collided with the sword-shaped treasure, and the huge force shook Gilgamesh’s mouth numb, but it also aroused his ferocity, and laughed maniacally:

“God killer, then you must be careful of being slaughtered by me!”

After speaking, the king’s treasury behind Gilgamesh lit up again, and a large number of treasures burst out, turning into a rain of golden weapons in the sky.

After all, his job introduction this time is an archer, and the projection of the king’s treasure house is naturally his best bow and arrow!

Giving up your strengths is stupidity!

“You have your King’s Treasury, but I also have the City of Eclipse!”

With Zhou Yang’s words, the huge City of Time Enchantment stretched out, covering the entire sky, and countless shots stretched out from it, colliding with the weapons of the sky!

Bang bang!

The time-devouring shots were shattered by weapons, and these weapons were also shot down and reclaimed the king’s treasury, and the shattered tentacles were also born, intercepting the weapons in the sky again!

And Zhou Yang relied on this King Kong immortal body and powerful combat skills to suppress this oldest king through close combat!

While they were fighting, the rest of the followers also fell silent, after all, these two guys were too powerful!

Especially when Tosaka Shichen saw his trump card being suppressed like this, his heart was like countless ants crawling, which made him miserable!

No, you can’t sit idly by!

So Tosaka Shichen spoke: “Everyone, if you stand by again, then this time the Holy Grail will be surrendered!” ”

The King of Conquest glanced at him and said with a sneer:

“It’s just trying to use us, but you think too much, even if you lose, I, Iskander, have my own pride and won’t do such a thing!”

Saber on the side also nodded and said seriously:

“Even if you lose, you must lose dignifiedly!”

Kenneth glanced at the two heroic spirits and sneered:

“You don’t want to make a move, will your royal lord give up such a good opportunity, can you still resist the curse?”

As soon as these words came out, looking at the pondering Weigong Kiriji, Saber’s face changed, because if she Weigong Kiriji spoke, then she could only make a move!

But the conqueror king still had an indifferent attitude, and said flatly:

“I believe in my lord!”

Webb blushed with excitement when he heard this, and said to Kenneth: “I won’t force my heroic spirit!” ”

Kenneth looked at these two guys, snorted coldly, and said:

“Stupid guy, it’s better to get out earlier, Dilumudo, go attack that guy!”

Dilumudo showed a look of struggle on his face, but soon disappeared, and slowly walked over with the spear in his hand!

After all, in his eyes, loyalty is far above all else, and he will fulfill all orders for the royal lord, even if it is against his own creed!


Suddenly, a blood-red spear appeared and broke through the air, nailing Dilumudo’s way and blocking the way.

An enchanting figure came slowly, his slender hand grasped the handle of the gun, his bright red lips opened slightly, and he said softly:

“This road doesn’t work!”

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