
The Heavenly Fire Knife slashed directly on the Holy Grail, cracking with a soft sound, turning into countless points of light and escaping.

The Cup of Heaven, which everyone was chasing and fighting for, was actually shattered by him!

Eimiya Kiriji also opened his mouth wide, completely unable to understand why he shattered the Holy Grail again when it was close at hand!

Then why did he fight so fiercely with Gilgamesh before?

Idle eggs hurt!

“Ahem, this guy is too ruthless!”

The conqueror king couldn’t help but cough when he saw this scene, and with his strategy, he didn’t think of the reason why Zhou Yang did this.

In contrast, Saber was a lot calmer, after all, she knew that Zhou Yang would definitely not do such a thing for no reason.

“Such a beautiful cup, it’s a pity to break it…”

Tosaka Sakura said regretfully, in her eyes, the Holy Grail was just a beautiful cup, and her thoughts were much simpler than adults.

Hearing this, Skaha smiled and said, “Some things look beautiful, but they can be dirty in nature!” ”

Sakura nodded thoughtfully and said seriously:

“That is, look at things to see his essence, right, teacher!”

“Sakura is really smart!”

Skaha looked at the well-behaved Sakura and gently touched her head, and the two stood together, looking like a mother and daughter.

Someone kept calm, naturally someone went crazy!

Kenneth was stunned to see this scene, knowing that he had paid so much for the Holy Grail, and even his head was dyed with forgiveness.

Although it failed this time, there is still a chance to seize the Holy Grail next time!

But Zhou Yang directly destroyed the Holy Grail, but directly cut off their opportunity to make a wish, which made Kenneth not hate!

“Magic bullet!”

So he used a magic bullet to kill Zhou Yang, but faster than his magic trick was Skaha’s gun!

“Master, be careful!”

Dilumudo reminded, but it was too late!


Skaha’s spear pierced directly through his heart, and with a slight turn, it tore his body apart, turning into a pervasive mist of blood!

After losing his master, Dilumudo’s body slowly faded, and said with a wry smile:

“This time, I still lost, sorry, my master…”

Even if Kenneth hated him in every way, Dilumudo only had the word “loyalty” in his heart, and he only wanted to obtain the Holy Grail for his master!

It can only be said that Kenneth’s fiancée is too fancy, and he himself is too unlucky!

After Zhou Yang shattered the Cup of Heaven, the original fragments of the Cup of Heaven also fell on the ruins, and a strange aura began to pervade!

“How long are you going to load?”

Zhou Yang said playfully, causing the rest of the people to be stunned.

Why speak to the Holy Grail?

The next moment, the fragments of the Grail began to float, and then combined together in the air, a pitch-black light lit up from the cracked gap, and then repaired the Grail.

The restored Holy Grail does not have the holy appearance before, but exudes a strange and eerie aura.

It doesn’t look like a universal wish machine to achieve all wrongs, but more like an evil thing.


The golden chalice was eroded by the black air current, and at the same time, a large number of black mud-like objects gushed out of the cup, exuding a terrifying ominous and sinful aura!

When Weber saw the ominous, disgusting black mud, he took a step back in fright, crashed directly into the conqueror king, and asked as if to prove it:

“Is this disgusting thing the Holy Grail?”

The Conqueror shook his head, put his hand on his shoulder and said in a deep voice:

“It seems that the Holy Grail has undergone changes that we don’t know, and this little brother seems to know a lot of things…”

Zhou Yang looked at the pervasive black mud, the terrifying monster that almost carried the evil of the world, and also felt the dangerous aura.

If you are swallowed by that black mud, even if you have a strong will, you will be awakened by the darkness in your heart and completely blackened.

But this thing represents pure darkness and evil, so can it be devoured?

If it was an ordinary person, he might only think of using the fire of the sun to destroy it, but Zhou Yang was different, what he was pursuing was absolute interests!

Among the several abilities he possesses, there is one that can be fused with the evil black mud of this world!

That is his Eclipse City, the Eclipse City that can devour time, and those countless tentacles are also the embodiment of dark evil!

Since there is an idea, then there will be time!

“Eclipse the City of Time, swallow it for me!”

The enchantment of the City of Eclipse opened, and one tentacle after another poked out, like a poisonous snake, rushed into the black mud of this world’s evil, and began to devour!


The terrifying swallowing sound echoed near the Willow Cave Temple, and the City of Eclipse Time also began to change, and the originally gray enchantment space began to become more and more gloomy!

“This guy is really daring, and he actually devoured all evil!”

Skaha discovered Zhou Yang’s intentions, and had a further understanding of the latter’s guts, and at the same time became more curious in his heart.

“Ding! If you find the xeno-energy invasion, do you spend 3,000 points for skill upgrades! ”

The system’s prompt sounded in his ears, Zhou Yang nodded, and directly chose at the same time!

The points were deducted instantly, and the mighty power of the chat group descended, falling into the city of eclipse time, and the will of Angmanuela in this world’s evil was easily erased.

And the remaining large number of evil and filth all poured into the City of Eclipse, and under the role of the chat group, began to combine with the Eclipse City.

The number of these tentacles became more and more numerous, and their appearance became more and more hideous and terrifying, like a monster crawling out of the abyss.

Saber frowned when he saw this scene, and said in a deep voice: “What a terrifying ability, what are these black mud?” ”

“The evil of this world carries all the sins of the world!”

Zhou Yang slowly walked over while explaining, looked at Saber and said with a smile:

“From the Third Holy Grail War, the Ainz Belen family cheated to summon the Avenger Angora Newman, causing the Holy Grail to be completely polluted, from a universal wishing machine to an evil thing that only knows destruction!”

Saber looked at the black mud that was still being devoured by the tentacles and fell silent, and after a while he spoke: “That is, it can no longer fulfill its wishes?” ”

After the conqueror king knew the truth, he was also a little interested, but he did not expect that the wishing machine he was expecting before had long been polluted, and his wish could not be fulfilled.

Still, he asked curiously, “King Arthur, what wish do you want to grant with the Holy Grail?” ”

King Arthur clenched the hilt of his sword and said seriously: “I want to go back to the past through it, to the time when the kingdom was not destroyed, to change history, to save all the subjects, so that Great Britain will not fall again!” ”

The ideal of the Dumb Mao King is very simple and simple, she has carried the heavy responsibility of the country all her life, lost all her happiness, and turned herself into a so-called Ming Jun!

But her reign still failed and was destroyed in the rebellion!

But when the conqueror king heard this wish, he frowned and said coldly:

“If this is the case, you, who can’t even bear the consequences caused by your own decisions, have long been ineligible to become a king!”


Arthur was suddenly speechless, just wanted to refute but couldn’t think of a reason!

When she was distressed, Zhou Yang’s hand was on her head and successfully touched the dull hair!


Dull hair is so soft!

Before the Dull Mao King could react, Zhou Yang spoke in advance:

“Saber, I think…”

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