Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 219: The Shura Field Where Knives Are Sharpened, Gambling With Dogs Until Nothing Is Left

Zhou Yang knows that Emilia's dream is to become the king of this country, and then rely on power to create a country where demihumans and humans live in harmony!

No discrimination! No strife! A peaceful country!

If you want to evaluate, then it is two words!


As long as creatures have wisdom, they will have desire#, and then there will be disputes!

Even the Great Tomb of Nazarick ruled by the Bone King, or the Tempest allies ruled by the Moe King!

Their subordinates are absolutely loyal, but even so, they still can't stop the birth of disputes!

What's more, the Kingdom of Lugnica, which believes in the dragon, has a council of elders and various families with their own minds, constantly competing for interests, so how could it be possible to serve Emilia wholeheartedly.

Even if she becomes the king, the greatest possibility will be exaggerated by ideals and treated as a fool, and then she will become a puppet emperor step by step!

Before there is no absolute power to suppress, no one will be willing to pay for an empty ideal!

"Want to see me become king..."

Emilia said blankly, as if she still couldn't recover from the huge shock.

Parker on the side put his hips on his hips and said with a smile:

"Brother, why are you helping my daughter? Are you in love with her?"

After hearing this, 507 blushed on Emilia's face, and said with a little embarrassment:

"Parker, say it!"

Parker avoided Emilia's hands, and continued to laugh:

"I'm not talking nonsense. Why would a stranger help you like this for no reason? The only possibility is that he likes you."

After what Parker said, Emilia couldn't help being a little suspicious, after all, even if she was naive, she wouldn't think that there would be free pies falling from the sky!

Zhou Yang helped her so much, did he really like her?

Thinking of this, Emilia's heart beats a little faster. She is not a nympho, but because too many people have been afraid of him because of this surveillance!

Not to mention liking, there are not many people who are close to her, so Emilia has always been lonely in her heart.

If Zhou Yang really likes her, Emilia doesn't know what reason she should use to refuse!

After preconceptions, Emilia began to make up in her mind, and even the days of her and Zhou Yang's happy life flashed past, and her face became more and more rosy!

On the side, Parker looked at his daughter with two paws and smiled. He also has selfish intentions!

He wants to protect Emilia from harm, but with his strength, he can't prevent the group of lunatics from the Witch Cult!

Therefore, a stronger person is needed, a person with top-notch appearance, character, and strength!

And Zhou Yang not only complies with all aspects, but also goes far beyond, if he is willing to protect Emilia, then Emilia will be completely safe in the future!

And Parker's words and Emilia's performance made the group members who watched the live broadcast blown up!

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, the peach blossoms bloom all over the world, I admire you!"

Tie Dan Shenhou: "The administrator can touch a girl's heart when he goes to a world, and if he goes on like this, he can form an army!"

Iron Man: "The administrator is as romantic as me, men should be romantic!"

Time Elf: "Mr. Administrator is really blessed, I really want to cut off his evil fate!"

With that said, Kurumi sent out a photo!

In the photo, Kuang San was wearing a black and red gothic loli skirt, sitting on a chair, with a strange scarlet light in his eyes, and a hatchet in his hand that was slowly sharpening!

Qianwumei: "I deducted 666 for the sick and charming boss, it's too fierce, is this the rhythm of a hatchet, if the boss wants to chase and kill across borders [please be sure to replay it!"

Acedes: "Heh, this guy is very good at teasing girls, it's too much, I want to chase him too!"

Misaka Mikoto gritted his teeth and said: "This guy knows how to cheat girls everywhere. I don't like this kind of behavior the most. Please call me when the time comes!"

Xun'er: "''oy︽【Don't talk about it, there is another competitor, if this continues, before I grow up, the big brother will be divided by you!"

The crusader with burning hair and eyes: "The administrator is a big hentai!"

The dragon roared: (aeai) "Why do you take knives, why don't you let me eat him? Forget it!

Foodie King of Great Britain: "I think my big sword is already hungry and thirsty!"

Hell Fubuki: "Sit and watch the Shura field!"

God's Tongue: "Watching silently, and mourning for Mr. Administrator for a second!"

Wuming looked at the terrifying atmosphere of the hatchet, and said cautiously:

"Actually I don't think Mr. Administrator seems to be doing anything..."

Marquis Vauban: "I also think that Mr. Administrator didn't take the initiative to do anything, mainly because the cat is a good wingman, and the wave of assists is perfect!"

The Marquis of Vauban has lived for more than 400 years, and he has a clear understanding of emotional matters, so he also saw the cat's purpose!

But that half-elf girl is indeed beautiful, and her soul is also very clean, she is a nearly perfect girl.

If Zhou Yang accepted it, it would be a good thing, but the consequence would be to face the jealousy of a bunch of girls in the group!

I'm a slime: "I don't care, I just want to watch the Shura field! (funny expression)"

Flying Squirrel: "Although brother, you are very aggressive, but I said, I want to watch it too! (Dog head expression)"

Huoquan: "I checked my eyes, everyone is single!"

I'm not a fallen angel: "Wow ha ha ha ha, this administrator knows how to bully me every day, and now he is finally going to be unlucky, so happy!"

Science and Snake: "I don't care whether to chase or not, I should settle the bet just now. I'm worried that my points will be stolen by someone!"

Gambling Big Sheep (Tsunade): "Damn Orochimaru, do you think I'm going to renege on my debt?"

Science and Snake: "(Contemptuous expression) It's not that you think it, but that you know it at all. You still owe a lot of money, so you should pay it now to prevent you from doing this kind of thing!"

Tsunade was at a loss for words, but couldn't find a reason to refute, so he returned the points just now!

Looking at the thousands of points that were instantly lost in her account, she even lost a lot of money because she was the banker.

Tsunade, who found out that he lost points, just felt like crying!

Shizune on the side looked at Tsunade's constantly changing expression, and asked cautiously:

"Master Tsunade, what happened?"

Tsunade lay down on the table and said in a mournful tone:

"Gamble with dogs until you have nothing!"


Black Question Mark Face (Shizune Limited Edition!)

Zhou Yang, on the other hand, saw a group of girls in the group who had sharpened their knives and rushed towards him, and couldn't help but feel a chill in his back.

But fortunately, if they want to travel through the world, they all need his permission, otherwise, even if they have points, they can only stay in their own world obediently.

Zhou Yang didn't worry too much, anyway, they were the most happy, so why would he go to their world?

Would you be so unlucky?

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