Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 225: Man-Made Ghosts, The Path To Buddhahood (Please Subscribe For The Second Update! Please

In a villa in the rich area, there is a strong yin energy!

This kind of Yin Qi is not the pure Yin Qi produced by the terrain or the Nether Bell, but a kind of dirty Yin Qi.

This kind of yin energy is often caused by the resentment generated after a person's tragic death mixed with death energy, with a strong resentment.

And Zhou Yang's piercing eyes also saw the scene in the villa. On the second floor, there were three female corpses lying on the ground.

They look sweet, but their eyes are wide open, and their deaths are miserable.

There are a lot of welts and bloodstains on his body, and there are blue and purple marks on his neck where he was pinched hard, and he was tortured inhumanely before his death.

Because they didn't die instantly, but were tortured for a long time, so there was huge resentment before that.

And one of the long-haired women is wearing a red dress. Although it is a bit metaphysical, the woman in the red dress is indeed extremely resentful.

Zhou Yang landed on the top of this villa, feeling the pervasive resentment, but his expression was a little weird!

Scathach on the side came to him and asked softly:

"Although the Yin Qi here is heavy, it is fundamentally different from the Yin Qi we perceive!"

"This is true, but that guy should be nearby!"

Zhou Yang nodded, and saw a few women who died tragically in the villa, and a young man who was doing nothing was slowly walking over, and he walked out of the toilet, fastening his belt while walking!

He came to the side of several corpses, not only did not have the slightest fear, but a sneer appeared on his face, he stepped on the face of a female corpse, and said proudly:

"He died before playing enough, what a waste, I have to buy a few new women and come back!"

After speaking, the man whistled and walked towards the bathroom, ready to take a shower and rest.

Scatha looked at this scene, a killing intent flashed in his eyes, and said coldly:

"What a disgusting fellow!"

Zhou Yang also nodded, and said in a deep voice:

"From what he said, it seems that he bought these girls back. I didn't expect that there is still human trafficking in the black market. It's really disgusting!"

Human trafficking, no matter in the previous life or in this world, is a black industrial chain with huge profits.

Especially in this world because of the existence of alien beasts, the human casualty rate has always been high. The police's ability to detect the wild is very low, and they usually end up dying in the mouth of alien beasts.

And this also gave many human traffickers the opportunity to lure people to marginal areas and then sell them to the black market.

Whether it is organs, labor or beautiful women, a complete industry has been formed, allowing these beasts to eat human blood buns to their heart's content.

Although Zhou Yang knows that some rich people have eccentricities and like to abuse others, but this kind of people who like to torture and kill their own race really makes him uncomfortable.

If you like to abuse the weak to gain a sense of accomplishment, then this person's heart must also be depressed!

Although Zhou Yang would attack the weak, he would not inhumanly torture enemies who did not hate him, he would only give them a good time.

And from this terrifying resentment, it can be seen that these girls experienced despair again and again during their lifetime, and then died amidst unwillingness and longing for survival.

"Let me kill this guy!"

Scathach stretched out his finger, the huge magic power gathered, and a bunch of magic cannons were ready, as long as it was fired, the young man and the villa would be razed to the ground!

But before Scathach released his magic, Gu Yang waved his hand and restrained her.

Scathach glanced suspiciously and asked:

"What's wrong?"

Facing the master's question, Zhou Yang just smiled slightly, then looked at the villa and said:

"Let them avenge themselves!"

The master's eyebrows were slightly frowned, and her keen spiritual sense felt that the Yin Qi in the air began to flow, and it was operating in a strange way.

And Zhou Yang's Nether Bell rang lightly, and Nie Xiaoqian's soul flew out. Looking at the villa in front of her, she said solemnly:

"A ghost is about to appear in here, and it's artificial!"

Although the yin and resentment inside are very strong, but the critical point of forming a ghost has not been reached, that is to say, an opportunity is missed.

This kind of opportunity can be met but not sought after. Although the resentment in the villa is heavy, as long as the corpse is disposed of, it will dissipate after a while!

The conditions for the formation of ghosts are harsh, coupled with the extraordinary power of this world, the strong blood energy of warriors also suppresses Yin energy.

Cities with a large population are also prosperous in human nature, and the birth of ghosts is basically restricted, so ghosts are rarely seen.

But this time, it seems that someone made a move, which caused the ghost to break through the critical point, and the consequence of this is naturally...

Injustice for injustice, revenge for revenge!

A large amount of Yin Qi gathered in the sky above the villa, forming a cone-shaped funnel, pouring into the red-clothed female corpse in the middle.

Ka Ka Ka!

Accompanied by a strange sound, the body of the female corpse in red began to burst, and the original body began to melt like a burning candle.


A ray of red light flew out from it, and transformed into a woman in red with a pale face and disheveled hair!

0…ask for flowers……

Her eyes had completely turned into the whites of her eyes, and her eyes were full of resentment, and she let out a deep roar:



Seeing this scene, Zhou Yang gently shook the Nether Clock in his hand, and a pure Yin Qi flew out of it, and fell into the body of the red-clothed female ghost, causing her body to further expand!

Under the washing of the pure Yin Qi, the female ghost regained some sense, bowed in the direction of Zhou Yang and said:


After finishing speaking, the female ghost rushed into the bathroom and saw the man who was still taking a bath!

At this moment, while taking a shower, the man said to himself:

"Next time buy five girls, then hang them all up, and then play slowly..."

When he was thinking about how to play with the next group of women, he suddenly smelled a strong smell of blood, subconsciously looked up, it really made him almost pee in fright!



It's all blood!

The red, stinky blood sprayed out continuously from the shower, splashing on his body, as if pouring red paint on him.


He was just a bully and feared the tough, so when he encountered this kind of thing, he naturally yelled desolately.

He wanted to run out, but suddenly stepped on a water stain, and fell backwards, but fell into an embrace.


The man's body was stiff, and he slowly raised his head, and saw a familiar face, it was the face he had tortured and killed with his own hands!

"It's impossible... help..."

Before the man had time to shout, the female ghost in red pierced through his skull with her sharp nails, and stabbed them in bit by bit.

"Let... let me go..."

The man felt Ultimate's pain, his face flushed red, but he was powerless to struggle, as pitiful and powerless as a weak reptile, he could never see the madness he had before.

But the ghost in red is a product driven by resentment, so it is naturally impossible for him to be released because of his begging for mercy.

The female ghost in red lengthened her nails, pierced the man's head, and ended his crimes in the form of death!

But after Li Gui killed the person, the resentment on his body became less, but the fierceness became stronger, and he began to prepare to devour the corpse!

Just when she was about to speak, a voice as beautiful as a lark sounded:

"It was you who begged me to help you take revenge before, but now that you have succeeded in taking revenge, it is time to become a Buddha..."

PS: Please subscribe for the second update! Please ask for a monthly ticket! Please collect it! Please ask for flowers! Please ask for evaluation tickets!.

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