Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 245: The Horribly Long And Backward Bone King, The Gap Between Hell And Human World

Zhou Yang frowned, and turned around directly, only to see my wife Yuno, who tripped over him while backing up, and was about to fall!

So Zhou Yang stepped forward and hugged my wife Yuno in his arms, looked down at her panicked and asked:

"what happened?"

"There are... there are monsters! A.....huge skeleton..."

My wife Yuno blushed when she felt the warm embrace, and raised her hand to point forward. This was the first time she had seen such a huge skeleton.


Zhou Yang raised his head and looked in the direction she pointed, and there was indeed this bone skeleton.

Wearing a gorgeous black cloak, with a huge body, holding a scepter, and wearing a large number of prop-shaped rings on the bones of the fingers, scarlet light shone in the eye sockets, like a demon coming out of hell.

Seeing this skeleton, Zhou Yang couldn't help laughing:

"Hahaha, it's this skeleton!"

Even Tokisaki Kurumi and Marquis Vauban couldn't help laughing, which made my wife Yuno a little confused!

But the skeleton's expression seemed a little awkward, and he said in a helpless tone of 04:

"That...Yuno, I'm Momonga!"

"Flying Squirrel? That guy with a cute chat and a cute tone?"

At this time, Yuno also reacted, hiding behind Zhou Yang and carefully looking at the huge white bone skeleton in front of him.

Hearing the word "very cute", Momonga spread out meatlessly and said:

"The tone is so cute and it's my fault, and you're actually scared under the line!"

Zhou Yang smiled and said, "Who made you look so scary!"

Momonga's expression became more and more distressed, and he said full of resentment:

"You think I want to look like this, I can't change my appearance after transmigrating, and this appearance is also suitable for being the master of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, commanding countless evil creatures!

My wife Yuno also reacted under Zhou Yang's explanation, and said apologetically:

"I'm so sorry, I just thought I ran into... a bad guy!"

After all, she is just an ordinary person, and she has never seen any supernatural creatures in the living environment, and the appearance of Momonga itself has a shocking effect, so Yuno is scared.

Momonga also understood this point, so he waved his hand and said generously:

"It's okay, I'm used to it!"

Zhou Yang touched my wife Yuno's head and said softly:

"Don't look at Momonga who looks so evil, but he is actually a very gentle person!"

It can only be that Zhou Yang missed a word, Momonga is only gentle with those he regards as his companions, and has an indifferent attitude towards strangers.

Momonga said embarrassingly: "The administrator really understands me now, Miss Yuno, don't be afraid, we are companions after all!"


My wife Yuno nodded, and then secretly glanced at Zhou Yang, that handsome side face and gentle voice made her face slightly flushed!

Although she quickly looked away, her small actions still caught Kuang San's eyes.

Kuang San narrowed his eyes, a hint of amusement flashed in his eyes, but he didn't speak.

The Marquis of Vauban patted Momonga on the shoulder, said with a smile:

"The magic power in your body is really surging, you are worthy of being the king of the undead!"

The scarlet light in Momonga's eyes flickered, and he sighed:

"Hahaha, these are all the levels in the game before I crossed. I didn't expect that all of them solidified into a huge magic power after crossing!"

"Traveling through the game, the power that was supposed to be false has all turned into reality. The world is so big, there are so many wonders!"

The Marquis of Vauban sighed a few words, and it was inevitable that he felt a little envious. The strength he cultivated through hard work is not as powerful as that obtained by others playing games!

It's just that the Marquis of Vauban is not a character of complaining after all. After all, he has already joined the chat group, and the road ahead is broader. His goal should be to become an existence comparable to the Buddha of Heaven!

So the Marquis of Vauban took the initiative to ask: "Mr. Administrator, where should we go now?"

The rest of the group members also set their eyes on Zhou Yang, waiting for him to speak.

It's not that they don't have their own opinions, but that they all know that Zhou Yang has most of the world's information, can see the future, and can complete tasks as quickly as possible.

Zhou Yang just nodded his head and said with a smile:

"Since we have all come to this world, of course we must meet the host first!"

As soon as the voice fell, the originally dark room suddenly changed, and even a scene of dusk appeared, and everyone appeared in front of a Japanese-style mansion!

"I didn't feel any signs of space transfer, could it be an illusion?"

Momonga stretched out his hand and touched the house in front of him, but it wasn't fake.

The Marquis of Vauban looked at the world and said thoughtfully:

"This should be an enchantment. It is in the gap between the world and hell, without any aggressiveness, so it was not discovered by us when it expanded!"

My wife Yuno grabbed Zhou Yang by the corner of her clothes [cautiously looking at this dark world!

Although the scenery at dusk was beautiful, it gave her a feeling of death.

This environment reminded her of the desolation and helplessness of being locked in a cage by her adoptive parents before!

A look of panic flashed in my wife Yuno's eyes, and the despair in her heart had just begun to permeate, when a big hand that had always been warm was placed on her head, and Zhou Yang's voice sounded at the same time:

"Don't be afraid, I said I will protect you!"

Although the tone was flat, it carried an unquestionable meaning of 690, which dispelled the fear in my wife Yuno's heart and gave her the most important sense of security!

Because of this, my wife Yuno's sense of dependence on Zhou Yang became stronger and stronger, and her eyes gradually changed.

Kuang San on the side has been watching here, so he interrupted:

"Aren't you going to knock on the door to say hello?"

Kuang San's words interrupted the atmosphere, and also made Zhou Yang take his hand away and walk forward slowly.

My wife Yuno looked at Zhou Yang's leaving back with disappointment, and turned her head to look at Tokisaki Kurumi's eyes, she suddenly understood what!

They are enemies!

But the eyes intertwined only for a moment, and the two girls kept silent at the same time, so Zhou Yang didn't notice anything strange.

Only the Marquis of Vauban saw something strange, but he didn't bring it up, but kept silent with a smile on his face.


The door opened slowly, and a bald old man with a kind face came out, stared at the five people in front of him, squinted his eyes and said:

"Is anyone here?"

While speaking, Fu Sangshen's power that belonged to him spread out, ready to take a look at who these people are!

But the moment he opened his eyes, he was stunned and shouted in disbelief:

"Who the hell are you guys!"

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