Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 247: The Villain Boss Combination, The Human-Faced Spider Is The Point Baby (Please Subscrib

Yan Moai spoke calmly, and everyone nodded thoughtfully, only my wife Yuno was stunned!

what time is it

Is my water a fake group?

Although Yuno got the opportunity of group missions, he didn't understand the mission process, nor the meaning of active reincarnation, so he was a pure rookie.

But compared to Yan Moai's calmness, Lun Rudao shouted in a panic:

"Miss, run, these people are very strong!"

"Run, I'll stop them!"

The bone girl on the side also released the demon power on her body, ready to help Yan Moai fight for the chance to escape, as if she was ready to sacrifice at any time.

"Why do I feel like we have become villainous bosses?"

Momonga turned to ask the Marquis of Vauban, but the latter just glanced at him, and said indifferently:

"It's you, not us, you are the most villain among us!"

Momonga shook his head helplessly, he had already prepared himself for this when he chose the undead as his career!

And whoever said that the villain boss can't be the boss, any brave man in front of him can be solved with just a super magic.

My wife Yuno also got used to Momonga's appearance at this time, and said with a smile:

"It's okay, it's still cute after watching it for a long time, but it's more like the big villain in the movie!"

Zhou Yang mentioned in a timely manner: "Not only does 320 look like it, but this guy has a whole army of undead!

My wife Yuno covered her mouth in surprise, and said in surprise:

"It turns out that Mr. Skeleton is so powerful!"

Momonga couldn't help raising his head when he heard the praise, and said proudly:

"Little girl, I have a chance to let you visit my tomb in Nazarick. There are many interesting people in it!"

My wife Yuno smiled sweetly, "I would like to thank Mr. Skull in advance!"

Seeing how much your friends cared about you, Yan Moai's eyes flashed with emotion, she shook her head and said:

"Don't worry, they are all my friends!"


The three shouted in surprise, when did their young lady meet such a powerful friend!

This kind of strength is not to mention killing monsters, even if it is to reverse the world order, it is easy!

And they have never heard of the names of these people, as if they appeared out of thin air.

Zhou Yang did not go to explain to the three little demons, but came to Yan Moai and said softly:

"We will help you"

Yan Moai trembled, and even with her state of mind, she couldn't help showing an excited expression, but she still replied in a calm tone:

"It's almost here!"

"Love, you actually broke our agreement and stopped washing away the sins on your body, how bold you are!"

A sinister woman's voice broke the silence, the originally dim yellow sky suddenly became pitch black, a pitch-black door opened, and the breath from hell permeated the air.

As if to erode the world.

Ka Ka Ka!

Accompanied by a crisp sound, a huge spider with three eyes on the back slowly crawled towards the gate, and the dense eyeballs rolled around, enough to make anyone who saw it shiver!

Dense spider webs began to weave, and began to cover the entire sky, as if the enchantment in this gap was also regarded as a prey, tightly wrapped with spider webs, so that no one would escape.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yang only smiled slightly, but did not stop it from restricting the escape of the people inside.

When my wife Yuno saw this huge spider, her body trembled suddenly, and dense cold sweat broke out on her forehead!

But she didn't lose her composure, but moved her body closer to Zhou Yang's side!

In her heart, as long as Zhou Yang was by her side, she would not be afraid, and even wanted to take an ax to kill this huge terrifying spider.

But the three little demons under Yan Moai's command were not so calm, and the bone girl pushed back in fear, and said in surprise:

"The human-faced spider is coming!"

Lun Rudao also raised his head abruptly, seeing Yan Moai's calm expression and these people's playful expressions, he understood the intention!

They laid out a big net!

And the man-faced spider, the master of hell, is the prey that falls into the web!

How daring, how terrifying!

He even treated the boss of hell as a livestock. (aedd)

It's no wonder that Lun Rudao was shocked, after all, from his point of view, the human-faced spider is already at the top of this world, already equivalent to a god!

The actions of Zhou Yang and others are equivalent to killing gods!

Zhou Yang waved his hand to signal everyone to put it away. In fact, the Bone King at the side also used magic to hide his figure, so as not to scare away the little spider.

The human-faced spider crawled over slowly, its three eyes turned, and when it saw Yan Moai, there was a flash of jealousy in the eyes!

That's jealousy of Yan Moai's beauty!

She was not a spider at first, but a female gangster from Blue Star named Zhang Qimeng.

Because I had no money to surf the Internet, at the urging of some cronies, I robbed a passing girl with nail clippers!

But after robbing the money, she saw the girl's pitiful appearance, and a feeling of jealousy arose in her heart, so she cut her face with a knife, and ran to the Internet without any guilt.

It is precisely because of this that after the girl called the police, Zhang Qimeng was sentenced to seven years in prison, but passed out before the sentence was over, and when she woke up, she found that she had become a spider in hell!

Changing from a human to an animal, and it was an ugly spider, this kind of blow was a huge blow to Zhang Qimeng, which made her resent the girl who called the police and her talkativeness even more.

Although there are many dangers in hell, under Zhang Qimeng's strong desire to survive and the strength of the spider's body, she began to drag out an ignoble existence.

Relying on the accidentally discovered talent of devouring souls, he constantly devoured the souls in hell, and finally gained powerful power and became the boss of hell.

But as more and more souls were devoured, Zhang Qimeng's spirit was also mixed with these countless thoughts, and became more and more brutal.

Moreover, there are fewer and fewer souls that can enhance her strength, and fresh sinful souls must be transported from the world.

And the ferryman must be a girl with a pure soul, so that the soul can be transported without falling into the reincarnation of the nether world!

So Zhang Qimeng imprisoned the souls of Yan Moai's parents, in order to threaten Yan Moai to work for her and transport souls continuously!

Especially some souls who don't deserve to go to hell!

Lure them into hell and become Zhang Qimeng's rations to increase strength!

Yan Moai is not the first hell girl, but she is the one who has transported the most souls, which makes Zhang Qimeng's power much stronger!

As long as she keeps going, she will soon be transformed into a legendary god, and then she can break free from the confines of hell and begin to devour the world!

But today, this slave dared to resist her, how could Zhang Qimeng not be angry!

Blocking people's way is like killing parents!

Under this rage, Zhang Qimeng turned her three eyes, opened her terrifying mouthparts, and said in a cold voice:

"Yan Moai, don't you want your parents' souls to be redeemed?"

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