Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 264: My Wife Yuno Who Sharpens The Knife, And The Helpful Kanna Sauce (Please Subscribe For

Acedes: "The king of dumb hair didn't point it out, why did you say she was crooked? Could it be that there is a ghost in his heart?"

My wife Yuno: "I think Mr. Administrator is a very good person, but I was in a bad mood just now, and I have already worn out three knives!"


Grinding three knives, Yuno, are you ready to kill God?

Even Zhou Yang couldn't help but feel a bit of coolness behind his back, after all, Yuno's sickness is not just talking!

Xun'er said faintly: "Why don't you stop making excuses, let's have an outing, big brother, let's meet and have a heart-to-heart talk!"


I'm not stupid enough to deliver the goods to your door, now you can only say hello across the screen, if you really meet face to face, you can't chase me desperately!

Zhou Yang: "I think this kind of thing should be discussed in the future!"

Ganwumei: "In the future, let's talk about it, the Chinese culture is really strong and deep, and I admire the "one seven three" admiration!"

Zhou Yang: "~(??_?)/|Convex backhand a gas tank!"

Ganwumei: "(????) But it's an egg!"

Zhou Yang: "You are a young girl from Japan, and you almost beat the Chinese dictionary. That's too cool!"

Ganwumei: "I swear here that I will devote myself to the great cause of tearing up the dictionary, and the goal is to destroy all the words!"

Xun'er: "(??????)? Send you flowers and I will work hard with my little sister!"

Tiedan Shenhou: "You always work hard in inexplicable places!"

Zhou Yang: "Okay, let's not talk about this topic, I would like to ask you, who understands the godhead?"

Marquis of Vauban: "Isn't the godhead the concentration of the power of the gods? Has Mr. Administrator found the godhead?"

Science and Snakes: "The world I live in does not have divine songs, but I have heard descriptions from many world materials. It seems that they are the core of a god and their eternal support. If I have the opportunity, I really want to study it! "

Misaka Mikoto: "It seems to be the core of the gods in religion, but I have always received scientific education, so I don't know much about it!"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Sure enough, Mr. Administrator has started to change the subject, but let's not bother with you for now, let's get down to business first!"

Although Kuang San has a dark belly, she knows that she should not push too hard on a man, she needs to be pulled like a kite, so that she can fly higher and longer!

This is also what fascinates her, she is charming rather than pure, and her belly is not annoying, all of them are handled just right, which makes Zhou Yang love her even more.

One shot into the soul (Hui Hui): "I have heard my teacher talk about the godhead, but it is related to the gods, and it is a taboo topic!"

Ying Zheng: "I have lived for so many years, and I only know the gods, but I don't know the godhead, ashamed!"

Flying Squirrel: "I have known the godhead before, if I want to go further, then the best way is to become a god, condense the godhead and become the god of the undead!"

Hell Blowing Snow: "Look upstairs and become a master of gods!"

I'm a slime: "I'm just a slime, I don't even know the world I'm in now, so I shouldn't be busy!"

Dad: "Dad knows a little bit that Godhead is equivalent to a human heart to a god, and it supplies all the power that a god needs!"

Zhou Yang: "Fortunately, we held an auction here, and there is a godhead inside, which seems to be of the life department!"

Although this was caused by the negligence of Huaxia officials, but this sentence caused a sensation in the group!

If there is no connection between cause and effect, this sentence can be interpreted as if my world is very powerful, and the gods are just better commodities!

I hate violence: "Auction God... Orochi is really shameful!"

Flying Squirrel: "The administrator's world is too scary, even the gods are auctioned off, and the motivation to work hard is lost in an instant!"

Electric Shocker: "I'm starting to doubt my life now. I feel that even if I upgrade to Iv6, I've only reached the starting point of an administrator!"

Love coffee jelly (Kusuo Saiki): "All roads lead to Rome, but some people live in Rome from birth!"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "I don't want to work hard anymore, administrator, please support me!"

Zhou Yang refused without hesitation: "You are so good at eating, I can't afford you!"

Dumb Mao Wang underestimated in dissatisfaction: "Stingy!"

Roaring Dragon (Kanna): "It seems that I have heard of it. I remember that Erkoya seems to have a godhead, but for some reason it was shattered, and now it has fallen off the godhead!"

Although the world Kanna lives in is just a daily routine, the power hidden in it is extremely terrifying.

For example, Kanna has lived for more than 10,000 years, even a pig can become a god, let alone a dragon!

Although Kanna is still a child, she also has a terrifying power that can easily destroy the city!

And Erkoya in Kanna's mouth is another dragon, or Feathered Serpent God, another dragon in another sense!

Alcoa, whose real name is Quetzalcoatl, was born at the time of the first division of heaven and earth. In human form, she is a royal sister with an exaggerated bust. She has a gentle and considerate personality and maintains the balance between the two worlds!

There are countless strong ones, even if there is a dragon god other than Genesis, Zhou Yang will not be surprised

After all, the daily and funny shows often have explosive combat effectiveness, such as a certain blue fat man who can only be regarded as changing the cause and effect and the universe.

Looking at the praise of the group members, Zhou Yang didn't explain it, after all, keeping some mystery is beneficial and harmless to him!

But he didn't come here just to be praised, so Zhou Yang said:

"By the way, do you know how to use the godhead?"

Ganwumei: "I've never heard of such a high-end thing!"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "I'm just an ordinary elf, I don't even know what it is!"

The elf who controls the supreme power of time, if you are ordinary, everyone here will become scum!

Lin Fengjiao: "Forgive me for my ignorance and lack of knowledge, I really know too little!"

Marquis of Vauban: "I have seen in the classics that using the godhead can make a person become a god, but he himself is also subject to the constraints of the gods!

We godslayers gain power by killing gods and are not subject to any restrictions, so using the godhead directly is not suitable for us, and I don’t know about other usages, after all, the rules of the world are different, and the gods are not exactly the same!" 0.0

Zhou Yang nodded, he would not be so stupid as to put a shackle on himself, this time he came to ask just to find a better way to use it.

Roaring Dragon (Kanna): "If you want to know, I'll help you ask Erkoya when the time comes, she should have experience!"

After hearing this, Zhou Yang said happily: "Thank you so much Kanna sauce, I will treat you to a big meal in a few days!"

The dragon roared: "(???) want to eat meat!"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "Me, me, you can't forget me!"

Zhou Yang said flatly: "Who is this lady, do we know each other?"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "(#)*ㄣo(¯盘¯///) face hit hard! <(¯)(日(日(日(日(*(>口<-) shadowless feet"

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