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Chapter 268: The Bug Rat Charm That Turns Stillness Into Motion! Ghost Ninja Legion (Please Subscrib

Twelve Talismans, derived from the Holy Lord in the anime [Jackie Chan's Adventures], the fire demon among the eight demons who once ruled the earth, corresponding to "Li" in Eight Trigrams!

The eight demons symbolize the eight attributes of the Eight Trigrams. They have powerful power since they were born, enslaving humans in ancient times!

Among the eight demons, the Holy Lord is also considered a powerful existence, and any one of the twelve powerful powers is enough to compare with the rest of the demons!

It is also because of the cruelty of the demons that human beings are reduced to the blood of the monsters and live a humble life.

Therefore, eight unknown Shinigami also stood out among human beings, who are also the Eight Immortals in Chinese mythology!

They have powerful power, and using unknown Shinigami tokens, they sealed the eight demons in hell, expelled all the monsters, and saved the human race doctor!

Among them, Lu Dongbin was the one who sealed the Holy Lord, and the sealing token was a sword, and then the power of the Holy Lord was divided into twelve spells, which can be used by anyone!

The Rat Charm can turn stillness into motion, and turn dead things into living creatures! The Bull Charm can endow human beings with infinite power.

The Tiger Charm can balance Yin and Yang! The Rabbit Charm can bestow speed! The Dragon Charm’s explosive power!

The invisibility ability of the snake charm! The horse charm can cure all diseases, the sheep charm can let the soul out of the body! The monkey charm can turn people into animals!

The chicken charm has the power of floating, the dog charm has the power of immortality, hold it and you can live forever, and the last pig charm can give people's eyes the power of Cyclops!

Twelve kinds of charms, even if they are placed in the heavens and myriad worlds, they are considered treasures, especially the rat charms, which can even turn dead things into living things!

Even in a certain episode, the sun god in Mayan mythology was even resurrected, and it was the real god who came back alive.

Although this god is not powerful, it also proves the bug ability of the Rat Charm from the side!

So when Zhou Yang was watching the animation before, he even secretly thought, if this rat charm is placed on the statues of Chinese Taoist gods, will they be resurrected?

Yuqing Sacred Realm Supreme Enlightenment first boarded Pangu Yuanshi Tianzun!

Shangqing Zhenjing Yuchen Daojun Lingbao Tianzun!

Hunyuan leader of Wanjiao, Emperor Xuanyuan, Taishang Laojun!

This is the supreme god of Chinese Taoism, and there are other gods such as the five heavenly emperors below, which is a huge mythological system.

Once revived by the Rat Charm, is it really possible to retain the mythical power!

But the rat charm is also a double-edged sword, because the things it resurrects will not be controlled.

In other words, even if you revive a god, what you get will not be a helper, but an enemy!

Moreover, although the power of the spell is powerful, it must also have limitations, at least it is impossible to increase it infinitely!

Otherwise, with the greedy character of the Holy Master, it would have made itself the supreme among the eight demons, instead of being treated as a younger brother by the other demons!

What's more, several of the abilities in the Twelve Talismans have already overlapped with Zhou Yang's existing abilities. For example, Cyclops in the Pig Talisman is similar to his golden eyes.

The invisibility of the snake charm can also be achieved by casting spells, but the hidden breath will be much worse!

The blasting ability of the Dragon Talisman is not as good as he rubbed an energy cannon and threw it out!

But even so, these twelve talismans are extremely precious treasures, and some of the bug talismans Zhou Yang is sure to get!

Attack type spells have limited abilities, but auxiliary type spells can make up for Zhou Yang's shortcomings!

Even if it doesn't work for him, but he still has a younger sister!

With the dragon and pig charms, she can at least have a strength of about nine levels, at least she doesn't have to worry about being in danger!

What's more, there are a lot of treasures in this world besides spells, just a history book is the world's most precious treasure!

No matter what is written on it, it will turn into reality, and the whole world seems to be under control!

However, although the location of this treasure is known by the Holy Lord, all the demons know its location!

But none of the demons dared to use it. Even the Holy Master was forced to a desperate situation to change the history, but he was defeated not long after, and everything was corrected!

This performance made Zhou Yang wonder whether there is something similar to the Xingyue world's restraint and world consciousness that is correcting history and promoting the progress of the world behind it.

What's more, the ability to modify the time history book seems to be limited to the world of Jackie Chan's Adventures, and it doesn't have much effect on other worlds.

So Zhou Yang didn't plan to touch this taboo treasure, and his goal was on several other items.

The mask of the ghost shadow army and the magic energy of the eight demons!

0…ask for flowers………

If you want to select various armies within the Ten Thousand Realms, the Ghost Shadow Legion will definitely be ranked in the top ten!

Although the Phantom Legion cannot form violent tactics like the Alien Legion, it does not have the powerful attack power of the Dragoon Legion!

But the ghost army is the most elusive, lurking in the shadows, hunting enemies silently, and collecting intelligence.

Moreover, although each ninja has a high IQ, they don't have human emotions and desires. They only know loyalty and mission execution in their hearts!

It can be said that with Ghost Ninja, you have mastered the shadow of a world!

Moreover, Ghost Ninja also has nine arms with different functions, and the ninja regiment is just one of them.

In addition, the Night Bat Group mainly attacks the sky, the Alien Group mainly attacks the waterways, and other units have their own functions!

Especially the units of the Shadow Devouring Squad, although they were only the size of a palm when they first appeared, these monsters can continue to devour the shadows of humans and grow up. As long as no one stops them, they can even grow to the size of cities!

It can be said that they are no longer soldiers, but more like war machines!

And all the ninjas obey the orders of the nine generals where the nine masks live.

The nine generals serve Tara, the king of the shadow kingdom, a guy who can open the ultimate darkness!

If it weren't for Jackie Chan's strong aura, maybe the earth has become a part of the shadow kingdom!

Although Zhou Yang accepted the surrender of the Xu family and the Uesugi family, he still likes to keep a few more preparations because of his selfish nature.

He is going to take over the ghost army, the army in the dark, and spread his eyeliner all over the world.

As for the eight demons who have been half-sealed by the unidentified Shinigami token, you can get the power of the eight demons if you get the token and swallow the wide energy in it!

Moreover, the eight demons seem to have a relationship with the evil gods. Among them, Xiaolong, the son of the Holy Lord, swallowed the eight evil spirits and turned into a monster, which is actually somewhat similar to the evil god Cthulhu.

Zhou Yang didn't pay much attention to it because he was watching anime in his previous life.

But now [Jackie Chan's Adventures] has become a real world, Zhou Yang can't help but want to explore the hidden secrets behind this world.

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