Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 279: The Old Philosopher Monk Pulls People Online, Wutian Buddha Goes Online Again (Please S

Xun'er: "The powers of these twelve talismans correspond to each other, and match the power of the zodiac sign. So what power does the mouse talisman have?"

Zhou Yang said in admiration: "As expected of Xun'er, she's really smart!"

Xun'er: "(`?W??)¥ Salute o! Of course, I will become the cutest little wife of Big Brother in the future, so I must understand these things clearly!"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "~(*?_?)/^*Throw it out! You think too much, you are still young, so give your big brother to your sister!"

Xun'er: "Love has no age, size, gender, or race, as long as you like it, there is no problem! _p(-=)!"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Huh, you really insist on buying it!"

Xun'er: "(??????)? Send you flowers! Of course you have to persist, precious things can't be handed over in "June 20". I'd rather like it vigorously than wait until later to regret it! "

Xun'er's words reminded all the girls in the group and made them fall into deep thought!

The dumb hair on Foodie King's head swayed slightly. Although he had snacks in his hand, he lost his appetite to eat them!

Misaka Mikoto was taken aback for a moment, and said with a wry smile:

"I don't even have a child who can understand..."

Xiao Bu also nodded, not knowing what he was thinking.

My wife Yuno was lying on the bed with her mobile phone, her beautiful eyes were looking at the ceiling, wondering what she was thinking.

The rest of the girls also had different expressions, and none of them spoke.

Even Tokisaki Kurumi remained silent, causing the whole group to fall into a brief silence.

Zhou Yang noticed the weirdness of this atmosphere, so he directly sent a picture of the mouse's spell ability, and said:

"Since sister Xun'er found out, I'll post it, the main reason is that this ability is too powerful and can't be controlled!"

Turn stillness into movement, turn death into life!

Apart from not being able to resurrect the dead, its ability can already be regarded as god-tier!

Marquis of Vauban: "Turning stillness into movement, and even resurrecting the statues of gods, so that gods can be directly separated from mythology, this is simply a godslayer's artifact!

I just don’t know if this rat spell can be used in the world I live in, and under the world’s rules, whether the gods resurrected by relying on the rat spell conform to the rules!”

There is a world that has its own system. For example, in the world of godslayers, the source of power for the godslayers is the Pandora-structured godslayer magic circle!

The principle is to summon the gods through the medium, let them break away from mythology and become different knowledge on the ground, and then kill them to gain power.

But if they are resurrected with the mouse charm, then whether they are different gods or real gods, will they be able to touch Pandora's god-killing formation.

Although it looks similar, there are hidden gaps in the rules. Whether it can be implemented can only be said after Zhou Yang tries it.

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, although the rat is small, it is the first in the zodiac. The first year of the zodiac represents the beginning of everything!

And because the Rat Charm represents the beginning, it can endow the dead with a concept of beginning, allowing them to gain the ability to move!"

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Old monk, why did you become so philosophical all of a sudden, I am a little uncomfortable!"

The sweeping monk picked up the flowers and smiled, and said calmly: "This is not philosophy, but Buddhism. If you want to learn, I can teach you!"

Tiedan Shenhou felt a coolness behind his back, and said in horror:

"Don't come here, I don't want to be a monk yet!"

The sweeping monk smiled and said: "Fodu is a destined person, I think you and my Buddha are destined, why don't you shave your degree and bid farewell to this troubled world of mortals!"

Acedes: "The Philosopher Monk is going offline, and the MLM Monk is online and has opened VIP!"

Ganwumei: "Sexy old monk, recruit apprentices online!"

I'm a slime: "Iron God, you go, I can take care of your maids!"

God of Tiedan: "Get out!"

I am a slime: "One ==∑(((>??w??)Superman! I am a slime, no eggs!"

Marquis Vauban: "This time, Mr. Administrator has made a lot of money!"

Wutian Buddha: "I think the Tiger Talisman is no worse than the Rat Talisman, on the contrary it is stronger in some aspects!"

Ganwumei: "Oh my god! Big big big guy is bubbling!"

Hell Girl: "This is really a boss!"

Tiedan Shenhou: "Old monk, come out to see God, oh no, see Buddha!"

The crusader with burning hair and scorching eyes: "I didn't expect to see Wutian Buddha, I was really shocked!"

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, Wutian Buddha, thank you very much for your previous guidance, which made me fully understand the direction of the future!"

Wutian nodded, smiled and said:

"Don't be so polite, since we are in the same group, we should help each other!"

The more Wutian understands, the more he understands the power of chat groups!

Although he is the most powerful person in the group now, but with Zhou Yang's progress speed, I believe he can surpass him in the near future...

And if he defeats Tathagata Buddha, he will become the most powerful person in his own world, and will be limited by the world!

If you want to break this status quo, the only way is through the chat group points.

Or get in touch with higher-level powerhouses through chat groups, and gain a little bit of experience from them.

This is equivalent to a sweeping monk who has improved his strength just by being instructed by him. If he can be instructed by a higher-level powerhouse, it will be of great help to him!

Zhou Yang was also shocked that Wutian came to the water group, and asked curiously:

"Wutian Buddha, have you defeated Tathagata Buddha?"

Wutian shook his head and said: "I'm still preparing the layout, I'm afraid I already know the plan of Tathagata Buddha, but I don't have the certainty of winning.

This time just because I happened to see you guys chatting, so I couldn't help mentioning 0.3, I'm going to be offline soon!

Zhou Yang nodded regretfully, then asked:

"Then why is it said that the Tiger Charm is no worse than the Rat Charm?"

Wutian sat cross-legged on the Mieshiheilian, closed his eyes and explained:

"The Rat Charm is indeed very powerful, and the power contained in it surprised even me, it has such an unreasonable and terrifying power!

But no matter how powerful it is, it is an external force, as you said before, what it resurrects is not under your control.

Moreover, the level of the world it is in also determines its upper limit, and it is destined not to be able to act on the strong taboo.

Even if it is really useful, I believe it is just a thought, to see who is offending them!"

PS: For the fourth update, please collect it! Please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly pass! Please ask for flowers! Please ask for an evaluation ticket!.

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