Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 281: Please Kanna Eat Dragon Meat (Funny)! The Group Members Who Are Cute Are Just (Ask For

Zhou Yang said helplessly: "You are so unscrupulous, can you really get married in the future?"

Huihui raised her eyebrows and said loudly:

"I'm a great magician in the future. When the time comes, thousands of people will admire me, and there will be countless admirers. How could I not be able to get married.

Besides, if you really can't get married, then I will come to you, Mr. Administrator, you are the man of the future great magician, get excited!"

Zhou Yang complained: "You are here to harm me!"

If Huihui is really attached to him, Zhou Yang feels that his wealth will definitely decline at a cliff-like speed!

As soon as he got into his soul: "What do you mean! You haven't settled with you for sending me ugly photos just now, I'm going to beat you to tears with a stick!"

Ganwumei: "Hahahahaha! The word "disaster" should be circled for the test!"

Acedes: "It's cruel to say this, but I want to give Mr. Admin a thumbs up!"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Today's administrator is very obedient, did he burn out his brain?"

Zhou Yang rolled his eyes and said, "What kind of image do you women think of me?"

Electric Shocker: "Isn't it a big carrot?"

Xun'er: "Isn't it Senju Guanyin?"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Isn't he a scumbag?"

Acedes: "Isn't it a satyr harem man?"

Big fat sheep in the gambling world: "Isn't it a wolf?"

My wife Yuno: "I think Mr. Administrator is a very nice person!"

Six messages were sent out at the same time, which made Zhou Yang feel uneasy, but only one, my wife Yuno, was the most sensible and knew how to care for him!

Zhou Yang: "I'm too lazy to argue with you, I hold my Yuno and don't want to talk!"


Yuno blushed immediately when she saw this sentence, her heart beat faster suddenly, and a kind of joy bloomed in her heart.

Tokisaki Kurumi: "(The expression of the kitchen knife) Please pay attention to your words, who belongs to your family, do you think I, Kurumi, can't hold a knife?"

Electric Shocker: "Where are you now, I'll wake you up with lightning!"

One shot into the soul: "Let's use my explosion magic, one shot will let him go to heaven!"

Xiao Bu: "The administrator is so cute, why don't we wrap him in flour, beat egg whites, dip in bread crumbs, fry him in an oil pan until golden, and the foodie king next door will cry!"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "I think some salt should be injected into the soul!"

Electric Shocker: "How can such an important meal be without cumin!"

Iron Man: "How about some more ketchup!"

The Marquis of Vauban: "Cut and eat with a knife and fork!"

Foodie king of Great Britain: "You guys are too much, I am the king of Great Britain, and I have dignity!"

Chinese Little Master: "Then do you want to eat?"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "If it's an administrator, I'll take two bites as hard as I can!"

I hate violence (Lori'an): "Your mouth should be full of blood!"

Dragon Roar (Kanna): "My mouth is watering after listening to it, I want to taste it, Mr. Administrator, when will you get out of the pot!"


What does it mean when I get out of the pot!

It is impossible to be a pot in this life, you should wash and sleep by yourself!

You evil dragon in the appearance of a dragon!

Zhou Yang has been completely helpless with the thoughts of these villains, and since Xun'er was kidnapped by them!

Not only did she become a booing little girl, but she also encouraged others to join her. She really has lost her mind!

Zhou Yang then said with a dark face: "Kanna, do you want me to go to your world and treat you to eat dragon meat!"

Dragon Roar (Kanna): "No! Kanna will not meet hentai, nor eat dragon meat!"

"Then just keep your mouth shut!"

Zhou Yang said something viciously, which made Kanna say wronged:

"You are bullying children!"

Zhou Yang said blankly:

"A child over ten thousand years old?"

According to Kanna's age, even the 5,000-year history of China is only half of her age!

In other words, this cute-looking little girl is actually older than Zhou Yang's ancestors.

Electric Shocker (Misaka Mikoto): "You actually bullied a cute girl like Kanna, are you really okay?"

Ganwumei: "Protecting Kanna is everyone's responsibility!"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "Maintain the common interests of foodies and resolutely oppose the dictatorship of evil administrators!"

I am not a fallen angel (Gabriel): "I just want to say that I will be with whoever gives me food. The administrator needs a salty fish to eat!"

I am a slime: "Although Kanna is old, she is cute, cuteness is justice!"

Zhou Yang: "→_→ Sooner or later, you will suffer a lot from being addicted to cute things!"

Dragon Roar (Kanna): "Kanna doesn't like Mr. Administrator anymore, and I won't get along with you in the future, unless you give me food, then I will be the best friend in the world with you!

Chinese Little Master: "Sure enough, Kanna can't change the nature of foodies!"

God's Tongue: "`~ Kanna come to my sister's place, I have a lot of delicious food here!"

The evil dragon roared: "(???) I want to eat meat! Then I will be the best in the world with Sister Erina!"

Looking at this group of stupid group members who were confused by the appearance of the cute dragon, Zhou Yang couldn't help but shake his head and feel that the world is going down!

So he withdrew from the chat group, then picked up a piece of soil, pinched a bird the size of a human head, and left a groove in its abdomen.

After finishing, Zhou Yang put the mouse charm on it, and the few mouse patterns lit up.

At the same time, the bird made of mud slowly shed its body of mud and stone, and stretched out a pair of white wings!


Asuka made a terrified sound after discovering the abnormality, and flapped its wings to escape from here!

But the flying bird was indeed easily held by Zhou Yang, and a large piece of feathers fluttered in the air, and the touch was no different from real feathers!

"Real power?"

Zhou Yang groaned, in the perception of spiritual power, this is completely a real living bird, and there are complete (Wang Li Zhao) internal organs and blood flowing in the body.

Zhou Yang turned the bird's belly up and found the mouse charm embedded in its belly, as if growing in its belly, it was firmly embedded in its belly!

Zhou Yang stretched out his other hand, and the cold air on his fingertips turned into an ice needle, and then lightly pierced Asuka's left wing, and the dark red blood flowed out along the ice needle, but soon

I was caught by the cold!

"There's nothing wrong with the blood, it's just the body of a living bird!"

Zhou Yang sighed, and then took off the rat charm. In an instant, the living bird turned into a clay sculpture, and even the feathers and blood that had fallen before turned into clay!

"What is in it exists only if it has the concept of existence..."

A playful smile appeared on the corner of Zhou Yang's mouth, and then the cold air gathered around his body, and layers of ice cubes piled up, slowly transforming into a statue...

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