Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 296: Crazy Hints At The Purple Old Lady, Orochimaru's Curiosity Live Broadcast

Acedes sneered: "Cute is useless in front of sexy!"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "I also think sexy is more important!"

Yakumo Zi took a sip of black tea and said calmly:

"I think it doesn't matter if they are both, because I have both. Sometimes being too good is also a kind of trouble!"

Xun'er: "((¯~)Cut~~! I've never seen such a brazen person!"

Yakumo Zi said lightly: "I'm just stating a fact. Mr. Administrator, don't you have the ability to pay in advance? You should know that I am a seventeen-year-old waste!"

Lying gun inexplicably!

Zhou Yang rolled his eyes and said helplessly:

"That's right, after all, Mama Zi is also a girl who has lived seventeen chaotic years!"

After much deliberation, Zhou Yang finally decided to die again!

After all, what is the difference between people who do not risk their lives and salted fish?

Not calling Zima to Yakumo Zi is equivalent to not calling Misaka Mikoto Sister Pao, losing one's soul!

Shout out now, inject her soul!

Take her!

After Zhou Yang finished speaking, the group became quieter, filled with a strange atmosphere!

Yakumo Zi's expression stiffened immediately, she narrowed her eyes, blocked the pervading murderous aura, and said softly:

"Mr. Administrator, can you explain what it means that a Chaos is a year?"

Although the other party didn't speak directly, Mama Zi saw the meaning immediately!

Yakumo Zi doesn't know how many years a chaos is, maybe it won't be counted until the universe collapses!

Such a long time, Zhou Yang said that he has seventeen chaotic years, isn't that saying that he is an old woman!

Thinking of this, Yakumo Zi's slender and slender fingers gently twirled a strand of golden hair, and her eyes were as distant as an abyss!

After Zima said it, Zhou Yang felt a chill coming from behind him, but it was just his illusion!

Because although Zi Ma has good strength, she can't have the power to connect all worlds like a chat group!

In other words, no matter how he tried to die, it was impossible for Zima to come to his side and punish him!

Just because she can't come, it doesn't mean that Mama Zi isn't angry!

Although it is still calm on the surface, you must know that it is so calm before the storm!

Tiedan Shenhou: "I don't know why, but I feel a strong murderous aura~!"

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, this poor monk just remembered that he was going to fast, so I will go first!"

I'm a slime: "Sweeping monk, didn't you say you'd like to live stream the Buddha ceremony, I'm suddenly interested, let's go together!"

Flying Squirrel: "I suddenly want to watch it too, take me in!"

Fire Fist: "Flying Squirrel, you are too much, you are the king of the undead, if you listen to this, aren't you afraid of being saved?"

Flying Squirrel said indifferently: "Even if I stand in front of a hundred monks and let them chant scriptures for a year, they still can't save me. Moreover, Buddha's light and light magic have similarities, and I can resist it!"

Hell Fuxue: "Kneel to the undead boss, do you still need a younger brother? No need to work, just shout six six six!"

Momonga smiled and said: I have an entire Nazarick tomb, and there are countless subordinates in it, you can say that I have no shortage!

Hell Blowing Snow: "Forget it, I'd better watch the old monk chanting scriptures live!"

God's Tongue: "What's the point of looking at an old monk? Why don't you come and see me cook!"

Live broadcasting is not just about sharing life, you can get a lot of rewards during the live broadcasting process, just like before Zhou Yang live broadcasted killing ghouls, Acedes directly rewarded the Romantic Fortress!

Although it has the special purpose of Acedes, it also shows that the live broadcast can get a lot of treasures!

Especially Erina Nakiri, she has long wanted to obtain extraordinary powers, and then use this power to make more delicious food!

Because she already knew that the magical effects of the delicacies in the world of Little Heads are also inseparable from their so-called martial arts and some special legendary kitchen utensils.

And Nakiri Erina, who aims to be the top chef, is naturally unwilling to give up this path, and she also wants to become the world's number one chef!

And if she has enough power, she will be able to gain enough voice to protect herself and let her father no longer control her life.

Zhonghua Xiaodaojia: "The live broadcast of food has started, everyone come to learn how to cook with coins!"

Science and Snakes: "All of you are starting to do business. Instead of watching those boring things, why don't you watch me dissect zombies and explore their body structure!"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "We want to watch live broadcasts of food, who wants to watch you dissect rotten zombies, it's simply a novelty-hunting plot!"

The evil dragon roars (Kanna): "Kanna doesn't like to eat this kind of thing either, it's a hentai behavior!"

Big fat sheep in the gambling world: "`~ Orochimaru, your hardcore hobby is better to play alone!"

Orochimaru was not angry when he heard that, he just smiled and said:

"You are still young, when you reach this age, you will know the beauty of it"

Roaring Dragon (Kanna): "I am over ten thousand years old!"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "I am also hundreds of years old, what are you talking about!"

Orochimaru: "....."

There is no common topic with you heroes and dragons!

Save some face for my evil scientist Orochimaru, next time I will talk to God of Iron Dan and Sweeping Monk about this topic!

But Yakumo Zi ignored their discussion, but continued to ask Zhou Yang:

"Mr. Administrator, how is your chaotic age calculated? I'm very curious. Would you like to come to my place for a cup of tea? Slow down!"

Tokisaki Kurumi narrowed his eyes and said with a sneer:

"Beauty is invited, Mr. Manager's Yanfu is not bad!" (Nuo Zhao Zhao)

Although it is a compliment, the black air in it is indeed about to overflow from the chat interface!

Xiao Bu: "Today's Mr. Administrator seems to like to die, if you don't die, you won't die!"

Xun'er: "It's not the first day you've known him, and it's not the first time he's been obedient to death!"

Misaka Mikoto nodded and said: "That's right, this guy still calls me Sister Pao and Sister Bilibili, I really want to give him an electrotherapy!"

Looking at the reactions of these girls, Zhou Yang said righteously:

"Comrade Yagumo Zi, as a good young man of the new era and a successor to socialism, I can't just go to a girl's house for tea.

My sister told me that boys should protect themselves outside, especially with a gentle, generous, considerate, virtuous, young, and beautiful woman like you, and you must never drink tea together!"

PS: Please subscribe for the second update! Please ask for a monthly pass! Please collect it! Please ask for flowers! Please ask for an evaluation ticket!.

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