Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 518: Little Master's Surprise! Clash Of Mad Scientists! (Please Subscribe! Please Colle

Zhou Yang got the magic book after studying it for a while, and never tried his own strength. Of course, Zhou Yang couldn't show his own strength casually in the world he lived in. Zhou Yang thought that since this is the case, it is better to go to the group members Take a stroll around the world, maybe encounter some monsters invading, and you can try your own achievements.

Of course, this is only a plan conceived by Zhou Yang, although it is not difficult to go to other people's worlds through the boundary penetration talisman. However, Zhou Yang also plans to stay in the real world for a few days, but it seems that the wind has been blowing up recently. Although the city where Zhou Yang is located seems to be calm after the last invasion of the Rhinoceros Legion, there may be a certain hidden danger behind this quietness. crisis.

In the deep forest in the wild, a group of strange birds are approaching the city. One of the birds is particularly conspicuous, its body is full of arrogance, and the golden bird is flying at a very high speed. This group of strange birds is rapidly approaching the city.

In the past few days, apart from practicing his own skills, Zhou Yang has been splashing around from time to time.

Zhou Yang: "Liu Angxing, the dish you served last time seems to be quite delicious. Make me some more if you have time."

Liu Angxing: "It's good that the administrator knows how to appreciate it. I put a lot of effort into making this dish."

Zhou Yang: "Hahahahaha, my sister and I both like it very much. If this is the case, I will ask for a few more copies."

Foodie King of Great Britain: "When it comes to eating, how can I live without me, and give me a few servings, maybe I'll be able to drink even more after eating.

Tony: "Cooking that you can't buy even if you have money. Sure enough, money is not everything."

Zhou Yang: "Tony, you don't seem to have much water lately. Did you encounter something? Or are you thinking about how to spend money?"

Tony: "I've been improving my Jarvis recently. Since I came back from the alchemy world last time, I've been researching how to make my armor absorb more energy, so as to emit more powerful energy cannons."

Orochimaru: "Sure enough, Mr. Tony is a scientific madman just like me. Only continuous research on science can keep people excited. The experimental body that the administrator sent me last time really made me very excited. "

Zhou Yang: "Orochimaru, just study hard, don't let me down, it's rare that I send you various experimental bodies all day long."

Orochimaru: "I've never seen a test subject like this, it's really exciting"

Zhou Yang: "Sure enough, they are two scientific madmen, you should do your research well, maybe one day you will be able to research something strange or extraordinary.

Zhou Yang was swimming in the group, and suddenly felt something moving, as if it came from the direction of the field, Zhou Yang had to stop the Shisui group at this time.

Zhou Yang: "No water for now, I have more important things to do, you two science madmen have a good chat"

Sure enough, in the wild, this group of strange birds has already entered the wild of the city, and the garrison army also quickly attacked.

However, thinking of the previous Rhinoceros Legion, the morale of the garrisoned legion is obviously very low now, and all kinds of soldiers seem to be in a kind of panic, because the strength of the Rhinoceros Legion last time really made them feel that there are so many people in this world. Strong species exist.

Of course, on the other hand, the soldiers were also very grateful for the presence of Zhou Yang last time. If Zhou Yang hadn't come out to solve the problem in time, how could the soldiers' lives be saved.

The leader soon arrived in the field. This time the opponent was obviously much more difficult than last time. Although the rhinoceros army last time was relatively large in size and there were a lot of numbers, they were more like a group of reckless men rushing forward desperately .

But this time it was a group of strange birds, and among them, the flying bird with golden wings could be seen flying extremely fast. Seeing all this, the soldiers' morale, which was originally not strong, was quickly dispelled even lower.

The leader quickly commanded the soldiers to shoot into the sky, and all kinds of gunshots sounded, and the bullets shot at this group of strange birds. Obviously, this group of birds is also of extraordinary strength, so they dodged the soldiers' bullets at will.

The soldiers knew that this group of birds seemed to be more difficult to deal with than the Rhino Corps last time. One was that the opponent was flying in the sky, and if explosives were used, the chances of hitting it were very small. The flying speed of the birds is extremely fast, and it is very difficult for an ordinary soldier to hit any one of them with the marksmanship and technique alone.

Soldiers seem to be in despair once again

~Why don't we withdraw, this is simply impossible to win, my gun has fired several bullets, and I can't hit one at all."

"Hurry up and call the snipers, our ability is impossible to hit them"

The leader hurriedly called the sniper to prepare to shoot. The sniper set up his sniper rifle and quickly fired dozens of shots into the sky.

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