Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 522: Land Rich Tony! Come To The World Of Marvel! (Please Subscribe! Please Collect!)

Anonymous old monk: "Welcome, welcome, if the administrator comes to compare strengths, I think the administrator can destroy my temple, but if the administrator comes, I can invite the administrator to eat vegetarian dishes.

Zhou Yang thought to himself, as expected, this monk is really suffering, and he usually has to abstain from sex and food, but he still doesn’t have to eat. I have to say that this old monk is still a bit admirable.

Tie Dan Shenhou: "If the administrator comes to my world, I will definitely make my people bow down to the administrator immediately."

Zhou Yang thinks that this iron gallant god is really a good licking dog, but this human army has no way to match the strength of Zhou Yang, so what's the use of letting them bow their heads, and now in the world, their own The army in the city where they are located has been frightened by their own strength, and even the army cannot defeat themselves, let alone the army in the world of iron and brave gods. 04 Tokisaki Kurumi: "Administrator, if you come here, I would like to compete with you, but I know I can't beat you, but our world is not peaceful recently, I have something important to do body."

Zhou Yang: "Third Sister Kuang, of course I'm not looking for you to exchange ideas. If I'm looking for you, I will definitely have a good time with you and catch up on the old days [how can fighting and killing be suitable for the two of us?"

Tokisaki Kurumi was also confused by Zhou Yang's words. Although Zhou Yang usually doesn't look very serious, if this person is serious, what kind of strength will he show? , all of this made Tokisaki Kurumi feel an unknown dominance,

Tony: "If the administrator has the opportunity to come to my world, come to me. I will invite the best chef to cook you the most delicious dishes. By the way, you can try my latest armor. Our world also has There are so many strong people."

Zhou Yang knows that there are indeed all kinds of strong people in Tony's world, including Thanos who is trying to unify their world, and Captain America who has super fighting power.

There are naturally many strong people in Tony's world, but in Zhou Yang's opinion, even if the strong people in Tony's world are gathered together, they may not be able to beat him.

But Zhou Yang has already made up his mind at this time, since this is the case, why not go to Tony's world to see, besides, he hasn't visited the world for a long time, "It seems that there are not many classic attractions in the world.

In addition, Zhou Yang thought that even if he wasn't going to compete, a local tyrant like Tony already had enough strength to greet him, so why not go to Tony's world first and wander around, and if he encounters any problems, he can help him solve them by the way.

Since returning from the world of alchemy last time, Zhou Yang has always felt that Tony is a very creative person, although Tony is a playboy who does not hesitate to show off his wealth

But it is such a playboy who can cooperate with Misaka Mikoto to create such a strong combination skill. f

Xiaobu: "If the administrator comes to my world, I will definitely share Coke and potato chips with you, and I will ask the big brother to cook a table of delicious food for you."

Jin Shining: "My world, my strength is enough to protect it. If the administrator comes again, I'm afraid it will break our balance, but the weak are also destined to be protected."

Acedes: "I didn't expect that the administrator would want to find someone else to compete. If you say it, who would dare to compete with you? You have such a strong strength. It's too intimidating to say it like this."

Zhou Yang thought to himself, it must be a very interesting thing to travel to other worlds this time, and it happens that he can also see what other worlds are like.

After speaking, Zhou Yang used his points to buy a world-traveling talisman, and traveled to Tony's world.

As soon as Zhou Yang traveled to Tony's world, he saw a tall building rising from the ground, and this tall building looked much taller than the tall building next to it. Zhou Yang thought it must be Tony's tower Ke Industry, after all, such a high-rise building stands tall in this city, it must be someone as rich as Tony to do it.

Tony has already seen Zhou Yang's arrival from afar. Normally, he might not meet the visitors in person, but today is Zhou Yang, who is a very powerful person in this Ten Thousand Realms.

But Tony didn't mean to be negligent at all, and Zhou Yang immediately visited his own Stark Industries.

Zhou Yang thought to himself that a local tyrant is a local tyrant. Sure enough, everything is automated, and all the servants are robots. Zhou Yang saw the red-gray armor in Tony's office, or in the laboratory.

Zhou Yang: "This must be Jarvis. Only you can make such a cool color."

Tony: "Jarvis, come out and say hello!"

After finishing speaking, Zhou Yang saw an armor flying in front of him, and said to him, Hello, administrator!

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