Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter Five Hundred And Twentieth: The Reincarnation Of Death! The City Of Food Time Engulfs The Wo

The sudden appearance of Zhou Yang surprised the alien. However, as the saying goes, if a master fights, start with a bunch of conversations.

Zhou Yang: "Do you want to come to get the Infinity Stones? But it's impossible in front of me. Tony just gave you an opening performance."

Alien: "A small human being can actually stop me. Today I will let you taste the fear of the power brought by the scepter."

Zhou Yang: "I really want to see what strength can defeat me, I just practiced recently, let me test my strength with you, call all your troops over here.

The alien "Five Nine Three" star: "One is enough to deal with you and me. I don't need anyone's help at all. So many robots can't hurt me. You just wait for failure. If you tell me the location of the time gem , I can make you surrender to me."

Zhou Yang thought to himself, it is a bit arrogant for this alien to say such a thing. In Zhou Yang's view, this is simply the fearlessness of death in the pretend world.

Zhou Yang: "The time gem is on me, grab it if you have the ability, I want to see how you can take the time gem from me!"

Alien: "You just wait for death, you were given a way out, but you dare to be my enemy, you just wait for lightning to punish you."

Zhou Yang thought to himself, this person really has a big tone, but just now he beat Tony so badly, no wonder it is now his pretend moment.

Tony saw from the side that Zhou Yang had already made a move. At this moment, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. The battle was over, because only he knew that Zhou Yang's strength against the person in front of him was already this alien holding a scepter. The end of man.

Tony suddenly fired a missile at the alien holding the scepter, and said something.

Tony: "After blocking this missile, you will soon be unable to block any attacks from this person in front of you."

Alien: "Hahahahahaha, this is really funny, you have no chance of winning in front of me, because I will kill you here.

Zhou Yang: "I hate pretenders like you the most, let's settle this quickly"

At this time Zhou Yang directly released the Taiyin God Realm, and suddenly the cracks in the sky were quickly frozen, and a cold wind blew up in the sky, instantly all the flying beasts were instantly frozen, and suddenly the ground was frozen It was frozen.

The alien holding the scepter wanted to block Zhou Yang's attack with the power of the scepter, but no matter how he used the power of the scepter, he couldn't stop the erosion of the ice. At this moment, he seemed to feel his own strength Dangerous, he quickly used the scepter to control the power of lightning to strike Zhou Yang.

Zhou Yang thought to himself at this time, this lightning still wants to hit me, this is too much to look down on my physical skills, my speed is faster than Jarvis.

After Zhou Yang finished speaking, he immediately took a few steps and quickly dodged the attack of many bolts of lightning. At this time, the ice had gradually devoured the alien's body.

Zhou Yang: "Wait to accept the fear of death. Those who pretend will never have good fruit. You will never see the time gem in your life."

Alien: "You... who are you, I can't be defeated here, I will be the master of the universe.

Zhou Yang: "You don't have to, or even have the right to know who I am, because you and I are too poorly chosen"

After Zhou Yang released the time-eating city, suddenly, on the icy ground, a huge number of tentacles stretched out towards the alien holding the scepter, and the alien was swallowed in this field in an instant. , with a scream, there was only one scepter left on the ground...

Tony: "Mr. Administrator, I want you to take action. My strength is really far behind yours. I didn't expect you to save our world in the end."

Zhou Yang: "This time, the opponent just happened to be able to restrain you. My physical skills and the time-eating city opponent have no possibility of slowing down their attack, so eliminating it is simply a very simple matter.

The army on the side was stunned when they saw all this, it was simply too amazing, Tony used so many robots to solve the battle, but this outsider could solve it all at once.

Zhou Yang saw this scepter and planned to take it away. Zhou Yang carefully looked at the scepter, wondering what kind of power it was that allowed the alien 4. to block most of Tony's attacks. Zhou Yang is also very interested in following Jiaojiao.

Zhou Yang: "Tony, I'll just take this scepter away first."

Tony: "Mr. Pipeline, since you saved us, it is your right to take it away."

But at this time a person suddenly appeared in front of them, trying to prevent Zhou Yang from taking the scepter.

Ding, find the reincarnation, kill one with 500 points, and the leader with 1,000 points.

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