Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 551: The Sweeping Monk Who Is About To Be Boiled! Glowing Dishes Come To Dragon Ball! (Pleas

Anonymous old monk: "You see what the poor monk said is right, why don't all the benefactors convert to Buddhism like me. Especially a certain teacher Tony.

Tony: "You old monk, you are here again, you need to be taken to cook soup like this."

Liu Angxing: "Soup? I don't know if the old monk can make a good ingredient for soup. I will definitely take good care of the ingredients like the old monk.

Xiao Fugui: "Liu Angxing, your taste is too heavy, I'm afraid others won't be able to stand it, if you use the old monk to cook the soup, you may not be able to bite the meat.

Zhou Yang: "Why don't we initiate a vote to see if we should use the old monk to make soup? I am responsible for arresting the old monk hahahahahaha"

Anonymous old monk: "Administrator, don't be like this. I'd rather be locked up in a small dark room than be used to make soup. I beg you to let this poor monk go."

Xiao Bu: "Sure enough, Sao is still old monk Sao, old monk soup sounds a bit scary, but 04, if Liu Angxing or Xiao Fugui made it, it might be really delicious.

Ying Zheng: "I haven't eaten such a dish yet. Although the last time the administrator came over, I have brought out all the most advanced ingredients in our place for the administrator to eat, but I still don't dare to eat this old monk soup." drink?"

Anonymous old monk: "You don't really want to take me to make soup, you will lose a life mentor."

Dad: "Just like you are a life mentor, aren't you afraid of leading the young people in the group astray?"

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Old monk, you are still a life mentor. I am afraid that everyone in the group will escape into the dark like this. You old monk, stop flirting. If you continue to flirt, you will really be taken away."

up. "

Orochimaru: "It seems okay to make the old monk into a living experiment, how about adding a voting option, making the old monk into a test subject hahahahaha"

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, you actually thought of using a poor monk as a test subject, so I should be used to make soup. It's too cruel, too cruel. The 70-year-olds are actually taken to make soup by you black-hearted people."

Zhou Yang: "Let's stop flirting with the old monk. We are already 70 years old, but we still can't enjoy so many things in the world. The old monk should sweep the floor well.w

Super Saiyan: "Can you guys still order takeout?"

Wukong in the Dragon Ball world is also a person who loves to eat very much, so naturally there is another foodie in this group.

Liu Angxing: "Looking at your newcomer joining the group, I'll let you see the strength of the chefs in our group!"

Xiao Fugui: "Liu Angxing, you are stealing my limelight like this. Although I lost in the last food competition when it comes to cooking, I am no worse than Liu Angxing!

Super Saiyan: "How can I order takeout? I'm going to starve to death after training. I can eat food from other worlds. This group is too powerful."

Liu Angxing: "Since you are a newcomer, I will give you some food for free, and treat it as a welcome for newcomers!"

Xiao Fugui: "Wukong, let you see the superb cooking skills of our group of chefs, and I will send you a copy too. Let you enjoy it."

Iron Arm: "I feel like I've been discriminated against. Why didn't I receive such treatment when I joined the group? Are you discriminating against me as a dwarf?"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "When will Liu Angxing give me a few copies!"

Liu Angxing: "You foodie, you still owe me so much money, and you still want me to give it to you for free, the king of foodies in Great Britain, you may also be taken to cook soup like this!"

Tsunade: "Short man with yellow hair, you are right, it may be because you are too short, so the two chefs can't see you, so there is no way to send it to you."

Super Saiyan: "Thank you to the two chefs. This group is so good that they can even order takeout. It's an honor to join this group."

Ding~ Suddenly several dishes were sent to Wukong through the chat group. Wukong looked at these dishes and was very envious in his heart. Why are these dishes still shining? This is really 990 too tempting.

After finishing speaking, Wukong didn't even prepare his chopsticks, so he grabbed the dish in front of him and ate it. Suddenly this glowing dish seemed to stimulate the taste buds in Wukong's mouth.

But speaking of the peculiarity of these dishes, Wukong felt that his body's energy returned instantly. Although he had just carried out high-intensity training, after eating a few dishes, he didn't even feel tired. It's amazing!

Wukong: "You two chefs' cooking is really great, how can you cook such delicious food, and the physical fatigue is gone all at once, it's really touching, you can cook such Good food!"

Liu Angxing: "This is the strength of our chefs, Xiao Fugui, right?"

Xiao Fugui: "That's right! This is the strength of our chefs."

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket!.

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