Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 557: Cross-Boundary Missions Open! Hillbillies Come To Town As Saiyans! (Please Subscribe! P

Super Saiyan: "Wow, it's so exciting that you can go to other people's world just by joining a group. If you can meet powerful people, you can just improve yourself by the way."

The reason why he took Wukong there, Zhou Yang thought that Wukong might face someone as powerful as Majin Buu in the future, on the one hand, it was because Wukong just joined this group, and it also allowed him to understand the functions of the chat group. , In this way, a strong person like Wukong can better integrate into this chat group.

Zhou Yang: "Wukong, don't get too excited. It doesn't take much of our power to solve this ancient monster. We just used a little plan in the past."

Orochimaru: "The administrator is really a powerful person. It just happened to let me see the true face of a Super Saiyan. What kind of person can have strength stronger than the curse mark."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Since I don't need to go there, everyone must work hard, but I believe that with the strength of the administrator, a small ancient monster can be dealt with by the administrator with one finger."

Zhou Yang: "Third Sister Kuang, you really still care about me, I will definitely get rid of it soon, so don't worry about San Sister Kuhahahaha!"

When Tokisaki Kurumi saw what Zhou Yang said, he immediately sent an emoji with a blank eye to show his contempt for Zhou Yang's rogue.

Xiaobu: "Orochimaru, Wukong, the administrators are going to Zhao Linger's world, Xiaobu will definitely cheer for you, I will name this annihilation plan as Guan Dakong's plan to annihilate monsters~.!"

Saiki Kusuo: "Little Bui, why do you like to name other people's skills so much recently? Did you become addicted to playing Kamehae Qigong last time?"

Xun'er: "Administrator big brother, you can definitely get rid of this ancient monster immediately. Although Xun'er also wants to seal this monster with the administrator big brother, but the strength of the administrator big brother does not need Xun'er Here to help."

Zhou Yang: "Xun'er, just watch my performance from behind and remember to cheer me on."

Xun'er: "Xun'er will definitely cheer for the administrator Big Brother."

Acedes: "Sure enough, the administrator is a big pig's trotter. I didn't believe it before, but now I absolutely believe it."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Hahahaha, I have already said that he is a big pig's trotter, but you still half believe it. Do you think the administrator is untrustworthy now, sister."

Zhao Linger: "Thank you very much for helping me. With everyone's strength, I can definitely solve this ancient monster and give the people of our world a safe world."

Orochimaru: "It's too easy to solve a monster like this. I still go to the market to prepare my zombie ninja and give some of my Chakra to him

Tsunade: "Orochimaru, don't mess things up, or I will make you look like a human, no, I should beat you like a snake.

Orochimaru: "You old woman, not only didn't help, but even mocked my strength. You can disbelieve anyone, but you can't disbelieve in the power of science."

Super Saiyan: "I'm going to show off my skills this time, let you take a good look at the power of Kamehae Qigong taught by Kame Senren."

Tony: "Don't talk about Kamepae Qigong, I always feel that Kamehaeqigong has been played badly, and as soon as I see Kamepai, the name is the same as my name was played by the old monk

. "Sample

Anonymous old monk: "Mr. Tony, it seems that you like me to call you Mr. Tony. Mr. Huatong Tuodian is the leader of the paint-headed ghost. Your Stark industry can be changed to Stark hairdressing ahahaha Ha ha.

Misaka Mikoto: "`~ If this is the case, let him take a good look at the strength of our chat group, and let him see the strength of the administrator by the way!"

But at this moment, Wukong became strange:

"How do I get to Zhao Linger's world? Does this group have the function of time travel?"

Zhou Yang: "I also forgot Wukong, you don't have any points, wait until I give you a boundary-penetrating talisman."

Ding~ A Boundary Traversing Talisman appeared directly in front of Wukong, and Wukong was also quite surprised. Can this thing travel to other people's worlds? This chat group (by Denuo) is really amazing.

Super Saiyan: "Wow, the function of this group is too powerful, you can go to other people's world through this thing.

Zhou Yang: "Orochimaru, are you ready? Hurry up and bring your zombie, we will go and destroy this monster!"

Orochimaru: "Mr. Administrator, don't be so anxious. It's a little troublesome to bring a few zombies, but with my Orochimaru's strength, I'm ready, let's go!"

After talking, Zhou Yang, Wukong, and Orochimaru directly traveled to Zhao Linger's world!

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