Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter Five Hundred And Sixtieth: Devil's Modified Version Of The Ghoul Seal! Zhao Linger&#039

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon directly merged himself with the water monster. At this time, the roar of the water monster became louder. Zhou Yang knew that the strength of the water monster at this time was stronger than before. The water monster also became a moon worshiping water monster.

Zhou Yang obviously didn't care about the fit of the Moon Worshiper, and instead smiled at the Moon Worship Water Monster:

"You still want to beat me like this, then I'll let you see how good I am."

After Zhou Yang released the Taiyin God Realm directly, he saw that the flood at this time had completely frozen, and the body of the Moon Worshiping Water Beast was also instantly frozen by the ice "440", making it unable to move. Appearing even more angrily, it swung his body frantically trying to break free from Zhou Yang's Taiyin God Domain.

But only Zhou Yang knew that this Moon Worshiping Water Demonic Beast didn't even have a chance to move, because under his Taiyin God Domain, the Moon Worshiping Water Demonic Beast was already quite painful.

Wukong saw Zhou Yang's Taiyin God Realm on the side, and was also amazed by Zhou Yang's strength, because although his Kamehae Qigong is said to be very strong, compared to Zhou Yang's Taiyin God Realm, his own Kamehae Qigong is obviously stronger Very inadequate.

But Orochimaru on the side also directly threw his zombies to the four corners. The four zombies saw Orochimaru muttering something, and the four zombies seemed to have life in an instant.

But Zhou Yang thought at this time that he wanted to kill the water monster directly, and told Orochimaru not to rush to seal it yet.

Zhou Yang: "Ling'er, can this water monster be eliminated directly?"

Zhao Ling'er: "I only know that our Nuwa people can seal him directly. This water monster will live when it encounters water, so only by sealing him can we prevent him from harming the world."

Zhou Yang: "It seems that we can only seal him, Orochimaru, prepare yourself, let's seal this worshiping moon water monster directly.

Wukong: "I don't need to take action anymore, but this Moon Worship monster is not weak. The Kamepai Qigong can't kill him, but the administrator's strength can kill him directly. It is worthy of our group Manager here."

Orochimaru also heard Zhou Yang's words, so he asked the zombies on the side to cast the Ghoul Sealing Technique directly. At this time, the four zombies were possessed by the blue Chakra, and Orochimaru was also doing the ghoul sealing technique. He also chanted some spells in his mouth.

At this time, a ghost with long red hair and a long knife appeared behind the four zombies, wearing a white robe and holding a rosary in his hand. Suddenly four long knives passed through the bodies of the four zombies and ghouls, and stabbed directly at the body of the Moon Worshiping Water Beast.

Zhao Ling'er was also quite surprised, how could the sealing technique of these four zombies have such great power, and it could be compared with his own world. The strength of so many members in this chat group is so much stronger than myself.

Seeing that the Moon Worshiping Water Beast was pierced into the body by Technique's long knife, Zhou Yang also knew that this Moon Worshiping Water Beast was no longer able to fight.

With the howl of the Moon Worshiping Water Monster, everything in the world returned to calm. It was still covered with dark clouds before, but the sky with lightning and thunder was cleared away, and a ray of sunlight in the sky directly fell on Zhao Linger and Li Xiaoyao.

Zhou Yang, Orochimaru, Wukong and others also saw that the Moon Worshiping Water Beast was sealed by the Ghoul Technique, and chatted with each other....

However, Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling'er on the side were obviously the happiest, because Li Xiaoyao felt that the battle against the Moon Worshiping Water Beast would definitely be a disaster, but the few people in front of him could directly defeat the Moon Worshiping Water Beast. Who are these few people who can have such a strong ability.

Zhou Yang: "Looks like you, Orochimaru, this zombie ninja is also useful sometimes, but this ghoul banning technique I remember is Forbidden Technique, how do you know how to cast it.

Orochimaru: "I already know most of the Forbidden Techniques in the ninja world, but it's just a small ghoul banning Technique, will it be difficult for me?"

Wukong: "It seems that I didn't improve much this time, but this moon worship monster is too hot, and it was killed by the administrator with a unique move. I can't beat him to death with a few Kamepai qigong .”

Zhou Yang: "But you are too rascal when you fight, you have not finished talking about 1.0, and you just use Kamepai Qigong to bombard you, can't you let him pretend to be pretending?"

Wukong: "I didn't think too much about it. When I saw him, I just beat him to death with Kamepai Qigong. Don't you guys still chat with him? Hahahaha, this Moon Worshiper is not a member of the chat group Ah ha ha ha ha ha"

Zhao Ling'er, who was at the side, saw that the world had returned to calm, and her hanging heart was instantly relieved, but Zhao Ling'er has not yet learned whether the water monster has the possibility of being resurrected.

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