Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 579: The Power Of Artificial Human Technology! The Actions Of The Mastermind Behind The Scen

Zhou Yang saw that Wukong flew up at a high speed, and directly punched the red artificial man's body. Wukong also felt that his speed had been greatly improved, because in the past, it was very likely that this punch would be dodged.

Zhou Yang saw that Wukong hit the blow directly, and also knew that Wukong's strength had been greatly improved.

The red artificial man in front of him was also instantly hit by Wukong's blow, and flew directly to the side of the valley, hit the waterfall, and directly splashed a large wave.

The red man-made man saw Wukong's speed so fast, and became angry immediately:

"I didn't expect you to have such a fast speed, but you can't beat me today, because my speed will be faster than yours.

After talking about the red robot, he punched Wukong directly. Wukong may have gotten used to Zhou Yang’s speed in the house of time and spirit. Compared with Zhou Yang’s speed, the red robot’s speed is like Wukong watching. Slow down in general.

Wukong directly dodged to the left, directly dodging the blow of the red artificial man. Then the red artificial man also felt that Wukong's observation and senses could fully accept his own speed, so the red artificial man directly attacked Wukong many times.

However, Wukong was already used to Zhou Yang's speed, so the red man-made man's attack on him, in Wukong's eyes, was nothing more than an inconspicuous attack.

Wukong directly escaped the attacks of the red artificial man these few times. Zhou Yang watched Wukong's dodging speed from the side, and also felt that Wukong's speed was indeed much faster than before. I have to say that this time is quite obvious compared to the cultivation results of the spiritual house.

Wukong: "Your speed can't be compared with mine. Several attacks are like slowing down the camera. It's really too slow. Compared with the speed of Mr. Administrator, this is completely one-day one place. "

Seeing what Wukong said, Zhou Yang secretly smiled. When this Wukong was fighting, he still didn't forget to brag about himself, "Wukong can make a material that can be made.

Zhou Yang: "Wukong, let him see your strength, let this hateful artificial man see your strength!"

Hearing Zhou Yang's words, Wukong immediately accumulated Kamepai Qigong. Wukong felt that it was getting easier and easier to extract the power of his body into his hands, and even poured all the energy in his body into the qigong wave of his hands. .

Wukong sent out Kamehae Qigong directly to the red android, and saw that the Kamehae Qigong at this time was extremely fast. Compared with the previous Kamehae Qigong, its shooting speed can be said to be a fraction of the speed.

The red robot had just escaped several attacks by Wukong, and before he even reacted, he was hit by Kamehae Qigong.

It was only at this time that Wukong felt that his strength had been greatly improved, and he did not expect that he could use Kamehae Qigong to such a situation.

The red androids seem to be on their last breath:

"I didn't expect that there was such a fast qigong wave. It seems that I have to use that trick."

The red man-made immediately gathered strength, and Zhou Yang saw that the man-made body was changing, and a tail grew from the tail, and two horns grew from the head. Zhou Yang saw and felt that the energy of the cyborg suddenly came back.

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The red android yelled at Wukong:

"Stupid human beings, let me show you my strongest state!"

The red cyborg emitted energy waves from its eyes and shot directly at Wukong. Wukong felt the approach of the opponent's energy wave and quickly moved at high speed to avoid the opponent's attack.

Wukong felt that the opponent was able to stand up after being hit by Kamehae Qigong just now, and could even emit so many and such strong energy waves, it really made people feel that this artificial human is not simple.


Zhou Yang has seen all this, but Zhou Yang is not worried about Wukong’s ability, because Wukong’s strength is far above this man-made man. “But Zhou Yang still reminded Wukong:

"This person's physical strength may have fully recovered, and his speed will be faster than before, but there is still a gap compared to yours."

Wukong smiled and said to Zhou Yang: "Of course I know, but his form looks a bit scary, with a red tail and red horns."

Zhou Yang was also laughed at by Wukong's answer, this Wukong kid was able to talk and laugh happily during the battle. And it can not create any tension at all. I have to say that Wukong is still a bit funny.

Zhou Yang: "Don't waste our time, hurry up and let him see how much worse his strength is compared to yours, I'm still in a hurry to go back to my world. Don't delay, don't delay."

The red man-made man was also very angry when he saw Zhou Yang saying this, and the blow didn't hit Wukong, but flew directly to Zhou Yang.

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