Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 587: Zhao Linger's Gratitude! Reverse The Tragic Plot! (Please Subscribe! Please Collec

Wukong: "Since I entered this chat group, I never expected to see such a heavy topic discussion. But I think as long as it can threaten human beings, I think it is necessary to stop him, but Orochimaru can finally Stop studying my body."

Orochimaru: "Who said that, I long for your body. If your body can be given to me, then my child will be more mature."

Iron Arm: "It seems that Orochimaru is still unyielding to Wukong, Wukong, or you just follow him, maybe you can get Chakra with five attributes."

Wukong: "I'm just an ordinary person, and I'm not a ninja, but Orochimaru is too powerful to help his child be born with such a strong talent."

Unnamed old monk: "It seems that Orochimaru still doesn't want to let go of Wukong's body, now Wukong's body belongs to the administrator, Orochimaru, you should not think about taking possession of it.

Xiao 710 buried: "Hahahaha, the old monk is indeed the king of the show, and the show monk among the monks actually said that Wukong is the administrator hahaha, you are not afraid that the administrator will beat you to death ["

Zhou Yang: "You old monk, I'm such an upright man, but you actually said that Wukong's body belongs to me, it seems that you don't eat enough set meals in the little black house, do you also want to be like Jin Shanshan? "

Anonymous old monk: "Then it's better for me to say less, otherwise the administrator may stamp me in half, or even shut me down in a permanent black room."

Zhou Yang: "Liu Angxing hurry up and grab the old monk to make soup. It's better to keep this kind of flamboyant monk as little as possible."

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Old monk, it seems that you have today, and you dare to offend the administrator. It seems that you cannot mess with the administrator who is the most powerful in the world. It seems that you (aech) will definitely be taken to cook soup today Already."

Dad: "It seems that you, a romantic old monk, have been molested to death by yourself recently. You are about to be arrested and cook soup, but the soup you have as an old bone must be very delicious."

Uncle Lin Jiu: "Poor romantic old monk, I was molested to death by myself recently, it seems that I can't survive today.

Liu Angxing: "Hahahaha, the administrator hastened to arrest the old monk? Or should I personally go and arrest the old monk and cook the soup."

Anonymous old monk: "It's not serious. If the administrator comes over, I might really be arrested and cook soup."

Zhou Yang: "You old monk, I think it's still useful to keep you, so I'll let you go for now, if you dare to tease me again next time, maybe you are the stuff in Liu Angxing's pot.

Food King of Great Britain: "If you think it's delicious, remember to send me a copy. I've been waiting for Liu Angxing's food for a long time."

Xiao Fugui: "I didn't expect that you, the foodie king of Great Britain, would eat everyone when you were hungry.

Zhao Linger: "Poor old monk, he is going to be used to make soup hahahahaha."

Zhou Yang: "Ling'er, since I came back from your world last time, I haven't asked you how you are. It's a bit forgotten after going to Wukong's world for two days."

Zhao Linger: "I'm doing well now. If the administrator hadn't rescued me, maybe I would be separated from everyone now."

Xiaobu: "Separate the two places" is it talking about a long-distance relationship? But Xiaobu thinks that long-distance relationship is acceptable!"

Lin Jiushu: "Xiao Bu, are you serious? Do you think that one on the ground and the other on the ground can be called a long-distance relationship?"

Xiaobu: "Aren't one on the ground and one underground very close together? Does one live in the basement?"

Zhou Yang: "Xiao Bu. You are really cute. People say that one is dead and the other is alive."

Zhao Linger: "It seems that Xiaobu is still very cute. If the administrator hadn't rescued me, I might be a dead person now."

Seeing that Zhao Linger is living so well now, Zhou Yang is also very happy, because once Zhao Linger uses the same fire of heaven and earth, she may have really disappeared. "Thinking of this, Zhou Yang feels that this chat group is sometimes happy for himself reason.

Anyone in this chat group is worthy of Zhou Yang's maintenance, so this time the tragedy of Zhao Linger was rewritten.

Zhao Linger: "The administrator is indeed my benefactor. If it weren't for the administrator, we might not be able to live in this world anymore."

Zhou Yang: "Seeing that you two are so good, I am relieved, it seems that it is the right choice to take Orochimaru and Wukong to defeat the water monster.

Wukong: "I can see the strength of the administrator at that time, so it's not in vain. If you have a chance next time, you must call me.

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket!.

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