Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 601: Buddhism's Greatest Misfortune! The Charge Of The Foodie King! (Please Collect! Pl

Tony and Misaka Mikoto also hunted and killed the evil reincarnation directly. I also told Zhou Yang, the sweeping monk and saber directly through the chat group

Misaka Mikoto: "The evil reincarnation on our side has been eliminated, have you found any other evil reincarnation?"

Anonymous old monk: "This evil reincarnator is playing with me and the British food king all the time. I didn't expect these evil reincarnation to be dressed so handsomely."

Foodie King of Great Britain: "You old monk, don't take this evil reincarnation lightly, or you may be arrested and cook soup."

Zhou Yang: "I didn't expect Misaka Mikoto and Tony to get rid of your evil reincarnator so quickly, so did you use Lala's hat?"

Tony: "The strength of this evil reincarnation is really too weak, but the speed of our evil reincarnation can be said to be very fast. 387 If I forcefully eat Misaka Mikoto's super electromagnetic gun, maybe I haven't been able to maneuver my Jarvis to catch him yet."

Misaka Mikoto: "However, Tony's magic armor is really scary. It can absorb such a strong energy and convert it into its own energy. It is indeed the ultimate scientist."

At this time, the sweeping monk also found another evil reincarnation, but the sweeping monk didn't care about this evil reincarnation, because his strength was definitely above this evil reincarnation.

But the evil reincarnator in front of him has already manipulated 10 superpowers from Misaka Mikoto's world to fight him and Saber, so the sweeping monk immediately became cautious.

Foodie King of Great Britain: "You, a reincarnator, actually manipulated 10 people to fight us. You are not a fighter at all. You have the ability to come up one-on-one."

Anonymous old monk: "I said, you, the foodie king of Great Britain, really eat a lot of food, don't you? The other party's ability is to manipulate other people's thoughts, and you even asked others to come up to you one-on-one, don't you?" Belittle the ability of others? Can you even say belittle the IQ of others?"

The reincarnation person with evil thoughts: "You guys can enjoy the feast brought to you by these ten superpowers today.

Anonymous old monk: "I didn't expect this evil reincarnation person to speak loudly. Believe it or not, I will directly bypass these ten superpowers and arrest you directly."

Saber at the side saw the sweeping monk in front of him say such words, and immediately burst out laughing:

"You old monk, you still tell me that if someone catches these ten superpowers and doesn't block your attack, then her ability will be useless. You should pay attention to these ten superpowers."

I have to say that the battle between the sweeping monk and the foodie king is not as dignified as Tony and Misaka Mikoto, one is because they are not in their world now, and the other is that the sweeping monk and the foodie are their own through recent practice Strength (aeed) has become very powerful.

The sweeping monk directly made a light work, and directly wanted to go around behind the evil reincarnation, but he was blocked by a superpower, and the speed of this superpower was not usually fast, but he was able to catch up to the sweeping ground The monk's light work.

The sweeping monk also saw that the superpower in front of him also had extremely fast speed, and he was able to keep up with his own light work. It seemed that the speed was not bad, but it might not be as good as the sweeping monk when it came to fighting.

At this time, the sweeping monk also directly pointed at the superpower with one finger, and the sweeping monk laughed loudly and said: "Today, I will let you try my Yang finger, where to hit, and where to hit." It means that you will be cured when the medicine arrives!"

The superpower in front of the sweeping monk was also instantly pointed by the sweeping monk, and fell directly to the ground.

Foodie King of Great Britain: "I didn't expect your fingers to be so good. You must have practiced a lot. I didn't expect you, an old monk, to be so coquettish. It's amazing, it's amazing, this old monk is too good."

Anonymous old monk: "You should take a good look at your enemy, otherwise I will not save you when you are defeated."

Foodie King of Great Britain: "I didn't expect that you, a dignified Buddhist, would be so heartless. It seems that I misunderstood you."

At this moment, Saber raised the sword while talking and directly knocked down the power user who rushed in front of him.

Foodie King of Great Britain: "I didn't expect these superpowers to be quite in the way, otherwise I would just go in and chop up these evil reincarnators.

After the two people showed their housekeeping skills, there were only two superpowers left.

Anonymous old monk: "There are two more, so let's divide them up like this, one for each person and whoever can catch this reincarnation will be invited for dinner today."

Foodie King of Great Britain: "I won't let you!"

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket!.

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