Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 618: My King Who Is Heavily In Debt! Goku's Ambition! (Please Subscribe! Please Collect

Foodie King of Great Britain: "Don't quibble, the more you talk about it, the more you talk about it, let's admit that Liu Angxing's cooking is really delicious."

Xiao Bu: "Although Xiao Bu thinks that coke and potato chips are the best, but seeing Liu Angxing's cooking is quite tempting, can Liu Angxing mix potato chips and cola and make a super delicious meal cooking.

Saiki Kusuo: "Little Bui, it's really scary that you are trying to make a dish with cola and potato chips. Liu Angxing may be powerless. If Liu Angxing can make a coffee jelly "Zero Two Three" dish Pretty cool."

Zhou Yang: "You two are thinking about food all day long, it's really embarrassing me, Ang Xing."

Liu Angxing: "Hahaha, the idea of ​​the two of you is really weird, but I can tell you that there is a method, but it just hasn't been developed. When I develop it, you can taste it."

Xiaobu: "Wow, if you combine these two things, what kind of result will it be [I'm still looking forward to what Liu Angxing can make. I still want to teach my big brother how to do this. something."

Saiki Kusuo: "As expected of a genius chef, if something like coffee jelly is made into a dish, it will be very delicious. I didn't expect a genius chef to make such a dish. It's quite amazing."

Foodie King of Great Britain: "You must give me a few servings at that time. If you find it delicious, I will definitely buy a lot."

Liu Angxing: "This time you ate the food I cooked for you for nothing again, but I remember the previous account. Don't try to escape, you should pay your account first."

Xiao Fugui: "Sure enough, Liu Angxing is a sales genius, but he is even better than Orochimaru. Orochimaru may only be able to sell things that he doesn't use very often.

But Liu Angxing is selling food like this. If he ate three meals a day, Liu Angxing might have developed already. "

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Look, even the old monk can't resist the temptation like this. It seems that the old monk is still defeated by the delicious food."

Acedes: "Third Sister Kuang is right. I didn't expect the old monk to be such a person. He was defeated by seafood dishes."

Anonymous old monk: "Why are you talking about me again? I have been repenting for the past few days, but I found a very suitable reason, that is, I was in Misaka Mikoto's world when I was eating food. I Back in my own world, as long as I don’t eat, I won’t offend our world’s grand master, this seems very reasonable, I can feel at ease after eating this meal.”

Tony: "Old monk, your excuses are perfect, maybe next time you can go to other people's worlds, then eat and eat everywhere, and then return to your own world to comfort yourself with such reasons, I have to say Old monk, you are really coquettish."

Misaka Mikoto: "Hahaha, it seems that the old monk can't escape the temptation of meat in the end. But speaking of this group of reincarnated people with evil thoughts, it's really weird that they were tortured by the old monk."

Wukong: "I still remember that this group of evil reincarnators tried to control your world, but this kind of strength is too weak, but there are stronger enemies in my world... so I must Strengthen your cultivation, and then you will be able to resist foreign enemies, so that you can defend the earth."

Unnamed old monk: "Wukong, your strength like that is still not strong enough, besides, you are the big disciple of the administrator. The administrator has never practiced with others. You are actually the first."

Tie Dan Shenhou: "It's really enviable and jealous. If the administrator has the opportunity to practice with me next time, it will be a very exciting thing."

Zhou Yang: "Did you treat me like an experience baby, and let me practice with you everywhere, hahahaha, but if your strength improves, maybe my cultivation is worthwhile."

Dad: "In this way, maybe you will be able to face the reincarnation invaders alone. It seems that we must hurry up and advance. Although the evil reincarnation 2.8 this time does not seem to be very powerful, But there are a lot of ambitions behind it, but it was quickly killed, I have to say that the strength of our group members is still very strong."

Tsunade: "Father is right, if another reincarnation invades next time, maybe we won't be able to resist it."

Orochimaru: "Tsunade old lady, you don't have to worry, because my science has given us enough power to deal with them, so you don't have to worry about it. The ninja world is safe."

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