Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 621: Cell Activation Solution! Orochimaru Who Hates People Every Day! (Please Subscribe! Ple

Orochimaru: "But speaking of these technologies, I recently invented something that can indeed improve human growth and increase the activation rate of cells.

Xiaobu: "Although I can't understand it, it sounds very powerful. Can Orochimaru explain what it is?"

Lala: "As expected of a scientist, he was able to directly invent these things. Orochimaru is indeed a genius in this area."

Tsunade: "Orochimaru, what kind of pervert experiment did you do again? Can you speak human language and blindly say what we don't understand? You really are a pervert big white snake like this."

Tony: "It seems that old Aunt Tsunade still has a lot of opinions on Orochimaru, but Orochimaru was able to develop such a thing, is it necessary to use it on the snake-shaped man?" 910 father: "Although the father also knows What is it, but if it looks like this, the snake-shaped man may be the strongest fighting force in the ninja world, Orochimaru is still amazing, and he can make his own children so fishy."

Zhou Yang: "Orochimaru, what kind of technology is it that can improve human growth and cell activation rate? Although I know what it is, what effect does such a thing have.

Orochimaru: "It seems that you still don't quite understand, that is, I extracted a series of cells from a certain ninja, and I directly made a solution of these cells, as long as a person eats these solutions, it can Let your regeneration ability become stronger."

Tsunade: "You didn't extract my cells, did you? You pervert, you didn't come to extract my cells while I was secretly away, did you?"

Orochimaru: "Who would be so pervert, I don't care about your cells, I use the cells of the strongest ninja. My snake-shaped man will soon become the strongest fighting force in this ninja world."

Lin Jiushu: "I didn't expect Orochimaru to develop such a strong solution, but does this solution have side effects, for example, some medicines also have side effects.

Lala: "I believe Orochimaru has solved this problem, he is indeed the strongest scientist in the ninja world.

Orochimaru: "Of course I have considered this issue. When I use her on my zombie ninja, it will have side effects, and it will speed up the phagocytosis of cells, and finally the cell sequence of the whole person will be directly changed."

Zhou Yang: "Then you dare to use this solution on your snake-like man, which proves that you have solved this problem."

Orochimaru: "The administrator is really smart. I have solved it. Now this solution will only enter specific cells and will not swallow other cells. If my snake-shaped man drinks this solution, or If injected with (aeff) this solution, it will have a super recovery power."

Mikoto Misaka: "I didn't expect that you scientists would secretly do so many things like this behind your back, including Tony's magic armor, Lala's brain wave protection cap, and now Orochimaru's regeneration solution. It seems that our group It’s still a strong science.”

Day of Genius: "There are still many things I don't understand in this group. I didn't expect a genius like me to have so many things I don't understand and can't develop. This chat group really needs me to do more research." .”

Arm of Steel: "I don't know if this solution can make my arm grow back. If it can, I don't need a steel arm like mine. And I don't need to look for the Philosopher's Stone. "

Wukong: "This kind of solution is really scary. If it falls into the wrong hands, I don't know what will happen. We can recover by eating fairy beans, but this kind of solution is not good for others. Natural resilience."

Liu Angxing: "A chef like me doesn't understand anything, but it's really scary to say that he can recover his physical strength and ability by not eating.

Xiao Fugui: "It's a good thing our world doesn't have such horrible things, otherwise what would we little chefs do? [Emperor's family can't stand people like this."

Zhou Yang: "However, this solution is still in the research and development stage. If it can be put into use, it will be really scary. But once it is used in the army, who can defeat such an army."

Orochimaru: "If the administrator has a chance, let's take a good look at the performance of my experiments. My snake-like man will definitely be the strongest in the ninja world."

Tsunade: "Orochimaru, take it easy, don't make any monsters out, if you make any kind of monsters, I will definitely not let you go."

Orochimaru: "O ignorant old Tsunade woman!"

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