Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 629: It's Up To You Orochimaru! Use Bite Attack! (Please Subscribe! Please Collect!)

The predator here also directly noticed a few zombie ninjas approaching him, and this seemingly calm predator also directly fought with the zombie ninjas

Because the predator knew that he had been known by the other party, but he didn't expect that there would be four zombie ninjas, but the predator didn't pay attention to these zombie ninjas, because he had already stolen the activation gun at this time.

The activation gun is a technological product of Lala World, its function is to wake up dead objects and give them the ability to move.

A few zombie ninjas also directly sent the information back to Orochimaru. Orochimaru knew that the other party was not easy to deal with. It seems that the zombie ninjas he brought this time are still relatively small.

Zhou Yang saw Orochimaru frowned, it seems that the opponent's strength is not weak, he can even fight with Orochimaru's zombie ninja, but Zhou Yang is not worried about the strength of the opponent, because now Zhou Yang is surrounded by 04 There are very strong opponents.

Orochimaru: "I didn't expect to be able to deal with my zombie ninjas. The strength of this group of snatchers is not weak."

After speaking, Orochimaru manipulated the zombie ninja to use fire-attribute ninjutsu directly, but the predator was able to directly avoid several fire-attribute ninjutsu attacks.

Zhou Yang: "Can you handle Orochimaru? Your zombie ninja seems to be frozen, and it seems that the opponent's strength is not weak.

Tsunade: "Orochimaru, you can actually manipulate a zombie ninja to fight him directly, but your zombie ninja doesn't seem to be very strong, and the opponent seems to be able to deal with your zombie ninja directly."

Saiki Kusuo: "Orochimaru, do you need me to take action? Your zombie ninja seems to be frozen, and the opponent's strength seems to be higher than your zombie ninja."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "I didn't expect this thief who traveled through time to have two brushes [but I think Orochimaru doesn't seem to worry that his Confucian ninja can't beat this predator."

Although Zhou Yang also knows how powerful this predator is, Orochimaru is just a scientist who studies science after all. Maybe his own ability is not as strong as other group members, but his zombie ninja is his technological achievement, so Zhou Yang is also very relieved Let Orochimaru manipulate these zombie ninjas to fight each other.

Orochimaru: "You don't have to worry, my zombie ninja's strength is not just a little guy who can use several common ninjutsu."

After finishing speaking, Orochimaru directly manipulated the zombie ninja brought by him to use Water Style directly. At this time, several waterspouts flew directly from the upper floor of the castle. Orochimaru said in his mouth:

"Water Style-Waterspout Technique" In an instant, the entire castle was directly submerged by this waterspout Technique, Zhou Yang also quickly jumped out of the castle, Tsunade, Saiki Kusuo, and Tokisaki Kurumi also jumped out directly following Zhou Yang's steps outside the castle.

I saw that the several-storey castle was directly destroyed by the waterspout, but there was a black figure outside the collapsed castle, also watching Zhou Yang and the others.

Orochimaru: "I didn't expect that you, a predator, really have something. This kind of ninjutsu didn't kill you, but my zombie ninja's strength is more than that."

Predator: "I didn't expect five people to deal with me alone. It seems unfair for you to bully more and less."

Zhou Yang smiled, then shook his head, and put his hands directly behind his head:

"No, the four of us didn't intend to make a move. You are only dealing with one person now. We don't seem to be bullying more than we are."

Tsunade: "Unexpectedly, this predator thought that we were bullying more than we were, hahahaha, we haven't planned to make a move yet," let that stinky snake make a move first.

Saiki Kusuo: "Hahahaha, I haven't even used my superpowers, but the opponent seems to look down on us, how can we bully 417 more and lose less.

Tokisaki Kurumi: "It seems that he may not have seen our strength. If the few of us go up together, maybe he won't be able to escape from this castle." 27

Orochimaru: "Let's leave it to me to solve it directly. This man is too arrogant. I have to extinguish his arrogance. My zombie ninja is more than that.

Predator: "You are still too young, of course I won't brag about how powerful I am with this strength, but you seem to have to stop me today, right? I will let you all be buried here today."

Zhou Yang: "Hey, it's another little guy who doesn't know good and bad. Look at how smart the evil reincarnation last time was. He ran away when he saw me but didn't run away. If he couldn't beat him, he ran away. It's so right to follow me here. We are tough."

Tsunade: "Pervert the big white snake, it's up to you, do you have the strength to defeat him?"

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