Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 631: Orochimaru's Zombie Arms! A Predator Who Can Heal! (Please Collect! Please Subscri

The predator saw that Orochimaru was directly manipulating his zombie ninja to retreat, and he was also directly amazed at the power of the activation gun in his hand.

The predator said to himself at this time: "I didn't expect the power of these artifacts in this world to be so strong. It seems that as long as I collect all other technological products this time, no one in the world can defeat me. gone."

Tsunade saw that Orochimaru was directly manipulating his zombie ninja to retreat, so he naturally mocked Orochimaru:

"You also said to show me the power of your technology. I didn't expect these zombies to be defeated directly. It seems that Orochimaru, you are still not good. You are not as powerful as traditional ninjas." 1

Saiki Kusuo: "The opponent's strength does not seem to be as weak as imagined. It seems that this opponent is still stronger than the previous group of evil reincarnation. It is really troublesome."

Tokisaki 730 Kurumi: "It seems that we can't take it lightly. I didn't expect the opponent to have such a powerful artifact, but for us, his strength doesn't seem to be very good."

Orochimaru: "I didn't expect my zombie ninjas to be able to fly. I thought the speed was fast enough, but the opponent seems to have something more powerful. It seems that my zombie ninjas will fight well."

Zhou Yang: "Don't worry, the opponent's strength comes from the gun in his hand, as long as we get the gun, the opponent seems to have no strength to compete with us.

Saiki Kusuo: "It seems that I need to attack at this time, my super power can come in handy."

Orochimaru: "Your super power, what super power do you have to defeat these knight statues, if you succeed, maybe you are a good experimental subject.'

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Orochimaru, you started again. Last time you said you wanted to study Goku's body, but now you are interested in Kikusuo's body again. You really are a pervert." 17

Saiki Kusuo: "Hahahaha, do I want to prevent Orochimaru's love for my body like Wukong, but my superpowers are beyond your imagination. But these superpowers are too troublesome, I always It will be troublesome every time you use it.”

Tsunade: "Sure enough, this Orochimaru is not a good thing. He is so obsessed with the group members. Orochimaru, you should do your research well. You are interested in other people's bodies all day long."

Orochimaru: "Then I want to see what kind of ability this has. If it comes from natural superpowers, Saiki Kusuo is a good subject for experiments."

Zhou Yang: "Orochimaru, stop being so obsessed with other people's bodies, and take good care of your zombie ninja, otherwise you might be killed later."

Saiki Kusuo: "Orochimaru, let me tell you the location of this predator, you manipulate the zombie ninja to attack him, remember to be fast.

Qi (aedb) Mu Kusuo directly activated his superpower, perspective. Saiki Kusuo can see through walls and anything, but sometimes he can't do it freely, but just look away or blink to release the see-through.

Saiki Kusuo: "You have to hurry up, Orochimaru, if I look away or blink, my perspective will fail."

Orochimaru: "Isn't this the function of white eyes, but you can't retract and release freely, it seems that I still don't need to study your body.

Tsunade: "Sure enough, you are a utilitarian pervert big white snake. As soon as you see something that doesn't suit you, you don't want it right away. It seems that Orochimaru is still very ruthless."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Ah! Saiki Kusuo can still see through, it's not like he can see through something to see the predator's position."

Zhou Yang also remembered that Qi Mu Kusuo had such superpowers, but at this time he didn't plan to take action, because it seemed that they could solve the problem, Zhou Yang naturally didn't need to take action, he just watched from behind. .

Saiki Kusuo directly reported the location of the predator. At this time, the predator took a few heavy punches from the zombie ninja just now and hid behind the stone to rest. However, this predator is quite smart, because she hid His location is still relatively hidden, and there are several statues of knights protecting him.

Moreover, Saiki Kusuo saw that this predator could perform spells to heal himself, but he didn't expect that the other party was also a medical soldier.

Saiki Kusuo: "Orochimaru, he's behind that pile of rocks, but he can also heal. He's healing himself."

Orochimaru: "I didn't expect the other party to be the same type as the old lady Tsunade, who can actually heal, but those heavy punches just now made him very uncomfortable."

Orochimaru directly manipulated several strengthened zombie ninjas, punching and flying behind the stone pestle, but an amazing scene happened!

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