Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 640: Teleportation Is A Magic Skill For Shopping? The Threat Of Activating Guns! (Please Col

Orochimaru: "It's too easy to deal with these predators, but unfortunately only one needs to be dealt with, otherwise my zombie ninja can kill them all.

Tsunade looked at the predator lying in front of him, and naturally knew that the predator had been dealt with by them, but Tsunade didn't expect that Orochimaru's solution could strengthen the zombie ninja so much.

Tsunade: "However, these solutions of yours are too terrifying. You can actually develop the body of a zombie ninja to this extent. I didn't expect you to have perverted to this extent."

Orochimaru: "All of this comes from the power of science. It seems that I will soon be able to change the ninja world, and the new ninja will usher in greater changes."

Tsunade: "Don't even think about it, I'll go back and deal with you after I finish off these predators!"

At this time, Tokisaki Kusuo and Saiki Kusuo were directly facing the injured predator. Tokisaki Kusuo and Saiki Kusuo knew that the other party had been injured, and it was good that they could only revive dead objects.

Tokisaki Kurumi: "I didn't expect that we would face an injured person, but soon today he will be defeated by us."

Saiki Kusuo: "Although the other party is said to be an injured person, his medical skills can still recover him quickly, so let's deal with him as soon as possible, it is too troublesome.

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Facing such an injured person, you feel troublesome, but this trouble will be resolved soon."

At this time, the injured predator saw a boy with pink hair and a little girl in a red and black skirt in front of him. Although he thought the other party's strength was not very strong, he just ate After Zhou Yang performed a set of physical exercises, he already clearly felt that his body could not fully recover in a short period of time.

At this time, the predator also directly manipulated a stone statue beside him. This stone statue was an eagle. The wounded predator aimed his activation gun directly at the stone eagle, and a laser shot directly from the activation gun. , and then the eagle was directly activated.

And it can howl like an ordinary eagle. This manipulated eagle also flew directly towards Saiki Kusuo, and Saiki Kusuo saw the opponent very quickly.

But now he can only dodge directly through teleportation, and Saiki Kusuo flew directly from the direction of the eagle's attack to the back of the eagle.

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Wow, your superpower is really powerful, you can move instantly, so any fast thing can't catch up with you."

Saiki Kusuo: "It can be said so, but the activation of teleportation is also very troublesome. I usually use it directly to buy coffee jelly. I didn't expect to escape the attack of this eagle today. It's really shocking." Feeling unwell."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Then you can use it a few more times, wouldn't it be good? Since you have this superpower, you want to be able to move at any time, isn't it very simple?"

Saiki Kusuo: "Well, you are wrong, there is a cooling time, so I usually teleport to buy coffee jelly and then walk back."

Although Saiki Kusuo's teleportation is a very strong superpower, after releasing one teleportation, it takes a few minutes to release the next one. It is a very powerful superpower, but the cooldown The time is too long.

Tokisaki Kurumi: ",~ Wow! Your super power is really strange, not to mention the telepathy Technique before, this teleportation also has a cooling time.

The predator saw that Kusuo Saiki dodged the attack of the eagle he manipulated directly, and also felt that this pink-haired kid was not simple, and that he moved directly to the opposite direction of the attack. At this time, he manipulated another big tree.

The predator held an activation gun and shot directly at a big tree beside him. The big tree was able to move directly, and this tree, which looked like a very old thousand-year-old tree, could use its branches to attack. You can even feel a gust of cold wind. (Zhao Li's) Tokisaki Kurumi saw the branches of this century-old tree attacking him directly. He also dodged it with a flying step, but this tree has too many branches, and these branches are like the hands of this tree, so the other party has hundreds of hands, which looks more like a Senju monster .

Saiki Kusuo also immediately released the Clone Technique, and grabbed several branches of the big tree respectively. Tokizaki Kusuo saw that Saiki Kusuo was able to contain the attack of the big tree, but there was an eagle not far away Fly here by yourself.

Saiki Kusuo: "Get rid of that strange eagle, otherwise it will be troublesome. Get rid of him quickly."

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