Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 659: Ordinary People Who Resist Superpowers! Burning Hall Targeted By Orochimaru! (Please Co

Saiki Kusuo: "That's definitely not a person without thinking, even an ordinary person can't think about things, because a person always thinks about something in his heart.

Zhou Yang: "Then is there someone you can't see through? It seems that the strength of that person is very strong, strong enough to resist your superpower."

Tony: "That can't be Lala, maybe he can develop a technological product to resist a certain radio wave you send, so that it can block your superpower."

Lala: "Hahaha, I might develop something like this, but right now I haven't developed something like this, so that's definitely not me


Old 04 father: "Could it be some kind of expert? He can resist super powers. It seems that that person is very powerful. Does he have the strength of an administrator?"

Tie Dan Shenhou: "In this world, how can there be anyone who can surpass the administrator? The administrator's strength is the best in the world. There can be someone stronger than the administrator.

This may not have been born yet. 17f

Liu Angxing: "Looks like gall licking has come out again. Are you the only one who can lick it? I can do it too. The strength of the administrator is the best in the world. My cooking is only for the administrator. "

Tokisaki Kuangsan: "Liu Angxing, are you a ghost today? You, a majestic chef, need to live by licking? The manager is notoriously shameless."

Zhou Yang: "Hahaha, I'm not a shameless person, how can you say that about me, Kuang Sanmei? Liu Angxing and Tiedan Shenhou only worship my strength!"

Liu Angxing: "Of course I was just joking, hahaha, it's better not to be a licking dog, after all, this road is gone forever."

The Day of Genius: "You guys are really difficult to understand. Sure enough, there are still many things I don't understand in this chat group, including your feelings. Sure enough, there is still room for improvement in a group like me. .”

Wukong: "But the strength of the administrator is still very strong. I don't know if the person who can resist Saiki Kusuo's telepathy is the administrator."

Arm of Steel: "If you say it this way, I still think it's really possible. If someone as strong as the administrator might really be able to resist Saiki Kusuo's telepathy." T

Zhou Yang: "Hahaha, that's definitely not me. I can think about things in my heart, but it's impossible for Saiki Kusuo to release telepathy for me. Saiki Kusuo is not that kind of person."

Saiki Kusuo: "If I secretly released it, you wouldn't know it, but I wouldn't do it either. After all, it's very troublesome to hear other people's psychology, or know what other people are thinking."

Marquis of Vauban: "So who is that person? After talking for so long, the answer has not yet been revealed. You make us wait anxiously.

Uncle Lin Jiu: "That's right, I want to know who is so powerful, who can resist your super power, and who doesn't have telepathy."

Orochimaru: "Maybe Saiki Kusuo will be my experimental subject, and I will let you know how to deal with this person. Come on Saiki Kusuo, as my experimental subject, let me transform you.

Wukong: "As expected, Orochimaru is still unyielding to capable people. It seems that I still have to protect myself. All the male members of the chat group, be fireproof, burglarproof, and Orochimaru."

Tsunade: "Hahahaha, I didn't expect Orochimaru to be here today, Wukong, what you said is so right, we should be fireproof, burglarproof, and Orochimaru.

Arm of Steel: "The topic has been dragged away all of a sudden, so who is that person Saiki Kusuo is talking about."

Saiki Kusuo: "He is an ordinary person in our world, but I don't know why I pass telepathy 227 Technique every time, but I can't see through his mind. It seems that he must be a weirdo."

Misaka Mikoto: "It's still an ordinary person in your world, maybe some kind of expert from outside the world, is it someone with special abilities?"

Zhou Yang: "I don't think so. Since you are talking about an ordinary person, it proves that this person still has no special abilities, and he is not a scientific genius. Maybe it's just that Saiki Kusuo's superpowers don't work for him. "

Saiki Kusuo: "His name is Rantangli, but I don't understand why every time, I can't figure out what he is thinking, or I can't tell what he is thinking."

Orochimaru: "I am very interested in people like this. If I can capture him as my experimental subject, it might be a very interesting thing."

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