Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 665: The Administrator Of The Shura Field! The Spokesperson Of The Law Of True Fragrance! (P

Tsunade: "It seems that the administrator has fallen into the quagmire of women, and it seems that there is no way to break out. I think the administrator must not dare to ban the two girls.

Zhou Yang: "Wow, the old Aunt Tsunade's words hit me very hard, but if you ban the two girls, it will make people look down on me. So I really dare not."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Hahahaha, if you have the ability, just mute me, and see if I will beat you to the ground. Don't you have the supreme authority? Now I will let you mute."

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Wow, this Tokisaki Kurumi dared to provoke the administrator, the last clear example was Jin Shining, and it hasn't been released yet.

Jin Xingxian was very dissatisfied when she saw people in the group discussing herself, but there was nothing she could do about it. Who made Zhou Yang the leader of the chat group? I'm in a panic.

Acedes: "Third Sister Kuang, don't provoke him, maybe he will really ban you later [Our administrator is a wretched man."

Zhou Yang: "I'm not willing to ban the two girls, I love the girls in our chat group very much, you must like people like me very much.

Tokisaki Kurumi: "You are like this, what do you want me to do, you are already shameless to this extent, it seems that I will beat you to the ground next time we meet`

Zhou Yang: "The most you can do is to quarrel with me. If you really see me, don't you still feel like a deer? Am I right, crazy third sister."

Tsunade: "Administrator's trick is really amazing. No girl will like you if you look like this. You are too shameless."

Orochimaru: "Our administrator. Is there no one like you? But maybe a woman with a low IQ is really no one wants. It seems that Tsunade's future marriage is a bit worrying."

Lin Jiushu: "I didn't expect Orochimaru to worry about his marriage life for old Aunt Tsunade. Orochimaru is not as good as you. Create a zombie ninja for old Aunt Tsunade. Maybe he will like it."

Dad: "You ninth uncle, last time you asked to make a zombie ninja to be your wife, but you refused, and now you want Orochimaru to give it to Tsunade."

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Sure enough, Uncle Jiu still can't forget his zombies in women's clothing. Maybe Uncle Jiu is playing a fashion show with his zombies in women's clothing right now."

Uncle Lin Jiu: "Wow, you guys are so perverted. I'm not so perverted. I'm a zombie priest. I'm not such a wretched person."

Orochimaru: "Ninth Uncle, it's hard to say, you will fall into the quagmire of women's zombies like this. You need my zombie ninja very much, look at your point account, I can give you You are a good zombie ninja, and you are the best in women's clothing."

Unnamed old monk: "It seems that Uncle Nine has been played badly, and he was actually promoted by Orochimaru. Uncle Ninth, you should quickly correct your style."

Bone King: "If you want to correct your style, who is more urgent than you, old monk, your coquettishness is not inferior to Uncle Jiu, you are the coquettish king of our group."

Marquis Vauban: "I agree with you. The Bone King is very right. The old monk is the king of show in our chat group, but old monk, do you need a zombie ninja from Orochimaru to quench your thirst?"

Lori'an: "People like the old monk will say that I am a dignified monk, how can I be contaminated with the world, this is very insulting to me."

Anonymous old monk: "Looks like what Lori'an said, a man like me who is always accompanied by a green lantern will not be contaminated by the world, and I want to stay away from the world of mortals."

Zhou Yang: "Old monk, don't hide your coquettish heart. I used to think you were a reclusive monk, but now you are a coquettish monk."

Anonymous old monk: "Unexpectedly, the wisdom of the poor monk was ruined after joining this chat group, it is really not worth it, it is really not worth it.

Tony: "Old monk, don't say it's not worth it all day long. You are a man who has made a lot of money in silence. Since (Zhao Nuohao) joined this chat group, your skill has been constantly improving. .

Anonymous old monk: "Hahahaha, you are right, as a member of the chat group, I still feel very lucky."

Dad: "Look, the law of true fragrance has reappeared, old monk, this is the spokesperson of the law of true fragrance, old monk, see if you want to cook a bowl of fried rice today.

Zhou Yang: "Father, you are telling the truth. Maybe the old monk is really a typical representative of the law of true fragrance. You should admit it, old monk. No one can beat your coquettishness.

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket!.

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