Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 667: Otaku Culture Invades Chat Groups! Ying Zheng Also Fished? (Please Collect! Please Subs

Xiao Bu: "Why do you compete for strength all day long? If you stay at home like Xiao Bu, eating potato chips and drinking Coke, it would be great. Xiao Bu's world is not as scary as yours.

Saiki Kusuo: "Xiaobu is right. Although I have super powers, I think it is a very troublesome thing to have super powers. If he can stay at home and eat coffee jelly all day, it doesn't matter how strong he is." It’s not strong, as long as I have coffee jelly, that’s enough.”

Ying Zheng: "Let me tell you this, I want to enjoy it. Although I can only live in the palace, my palace has everything you need. If the world loses leisure, this is not enough. .”

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Ying Zheng is right, is it true that everyone has been infected by Xiao Bu, and even thought of staying at home and doing nothing, but it is still very cool to think about it."

Lin Jiushu: "Hahaha, let me tell you this, I don't want to work today, maybe if I catch all the zombies, I will feel bored, but this is impossible."

Anonymous old monk: "You should be like old monks, sweeping the floor and taking care of the temple, how nice it is! Look at my life like this is quite pleasant."

Misaka Mikoto: "Hahaha, it seems that the old monk still enjoys it very much. Maybe the old monk will secretly eat meat for two days from time to time, and then go out to feel the popularity of the world

Dad: Yes, it’s easy to agree with Xiao Bu’s statement, but Dad just can’t stop, but it’s quite comfortable to think about it like Xiao Bu. no

Xiaobu: "Hahahaha, it seems that what everyone said is right, we should all stay at home eating potato chips and drinking coke! Xiaobu thinks this~ looks the happiest.

Tony: "My house is too big. If you stay at home, you still need to exercise frequently, because the distance between rooms is too far-."

Anonymous old monk: "Teacher Tony, you are showing off your wealth in real life. It seems that the sum of the temples of the old monk is not as big as your house. No, it should be that the sum of ten temples is not as big as your house." Already."

Saiki Kusuo: "This is the legendary king of the hairdressing industry. Tony's hairdressing industry seems to be the leader of the hairdressing industry."

Zhou Yang: "Thinking of the RV that Tony drove last time, it was not for anything else, but to show off his wealth. It seems that Mr. Tony is still a representative of the world of showing off wealth."

Dad: "It seems that only a successful person like Mr. Tony is qualified to stay at home and enjoy his own potato chips and Coke. It's not okay to bury you like that." 11

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Of course, someone like an administrator is fine too, a strong person like an administrator can also enjoy his life anytime, anywhere.

Liu Angxing: "What you said seems to be no part-time job. A chef like me should work hard on cooking and work hard, otherwise he will be easily surpassed.

Xiao Bu: "Although Xiao Bu has to go to school every day, Xiao Bu doesn't want to work. It would be such a happy thing if I could eat potato chips and drink Coke at home every day."

Shana: "Little Bui, you are still too negative, hurry up and conquer the world with me!"

0…ask for flowers……

Zhou Yang: "Xiao Bu doesn't have such ideals. Xiao Bu is a typical home girl, but how did Xiao Bu get such good grades? Is this the legendary school bully?"

Misaka Mikoto: "Don't forget, there is also a super scholar in our chat group, that is the genius of Bai, he knows everything. Although I am also a minority of LV$, but I got it through practice Yes."

Genius White: "Ah? Why did you suddenly mention me? There are so many geniuses in this group. I just want to explore everything in the world. Of course I can still explore clearly."


Arm of Steel: "It seems that this group is all geniuses, and only I am a genius hahahahaha."

Tsunade: "You yellow-haired dwarf, when it comes to ghosts, who can compare to Orochimaru, Orochimaru is a complete ghost. You are only a dwarf at best.

Iron Arm: "Old Aunt Tsunade, don't be so serious, I'm just talking, you big fat sheep in the gambling world don't care about these things."

Tsunade: "Hahahaha, I didn't expect you, a little yellow-haired dwarf, to stop flirting with me one day, and I feel uncomfortable."

Saiki Kusuo: "It seems that the old Aunt Tsunade has a serious tendency to be abused. It seems that Orochimaru still needs to be cured. Call Orochimaru, call Orochimaru.

Orochimaru: "I don't care about him. I don't care about him, a fat sheep in the gambling world."

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation tickets!.

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