Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 670: Lala's New Product Launch Event! The Floor-Sweeping Monk Who Was Condemned By Word

Lala: "Since you are looking forward to it so much, then I will officially announce his name. His name is Tongtonglou big blindfold. This is a powerful thing. Even hearing the name, you already feel that it is very powerful. .”

Orochimaru: "Big transparent eye patch, is it a super eye that can instantly improve your vision? But it doesn't seem to be the case when you say it's an eye patch."

Tony: "So what's the use of the eye mask for us? We can't fall asleep. Although we think about our technological products all day long, we can't talk about the situation where we can't fall asleep."

Zhou Yang: "Hearing what you said, it seems to be a useless thing again. Lala, can your products only be used in daily life? Can't they be used in battle?"

Saiki Kusuo: "Hahahaha, Lala, you have deceived everyone again. It doesn't look like something awesome. Will there be side effects? Maybe you forget to turn off the power, and it will always be given to you." Eye pressure, don't keep your eyes open?"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "It sounds like it's really just something for sleeping. People in our chat group don't suffer from insomnia, so let's leave this eye contact for those in need."

Tsunade: "Wow, is it something that can be used to sleep? If you have one, you must give me one. What a woman needs most is enough sleep. If she doesn't have enough sleep, she may not be able to do business Ah..."

Orochimaru: "Sure enough, you old woman Tsunade is only half listening to people who don't listen to half. If people say something that is useful to me, then it must not be something just for sleeping.

You low IQ woman. "

Tsunade: "People said it's a blindfold, isn't the blindfold just for sleeping? Could it be that you use the blindfold as a tissue? I didn't understand, or it's because you're too stupid."

Xiao Bu: "Is it something that can promote sleep? It seems that this is a good thing. I must ask Lala to get one. I don't sleep much recently.

Lala: "You haven't listened to me, you have to listen to the answer, I just announced his name, I haven't said his effect yet.

After finishing speaking, with a ding, Lala posted a picture on the group, this transparent big eye patch, it doesn't look like an eye patch, it's more like glasses than an eye patch. Because it is made of white material, it is very transparent.

Zhou Yang: "So what is the function of this blindfold? Lala, what did you develop it for?"

Lala: "This blindfold can see through, so it's called the big transparent blindfold. You still have to listen to my introduction of its function. He can see through the inside of the machine and see what's inside the machine, like this We can directly prescribe the right medicine. Wouldn’t it be quite useful for Tony and Orochimaru?”

Tony: "Listening to what Lala said, it seems that there is some truth in what she said. If I had this pair of blindfolds, maybe I could repair my armor more conveniently. Lala, this product is better than the previous one. This time, the light and easy running gentleman is much more useful, so I want this product."

Orochimaru: "Wow, it sounds quite useful. I didn't expect the thing developed this time to be very effective. It is very effective for me to see the cells inside. I didn't expect Lala to With such a product, I still have to admire it this time.”

Lala:~ I said that it will be useful to you guys, I’m right, you guys still doubt my technology products, this time I’m finally amazed by you

Xiaobu: "It seems that things like this have nothing to do with us. It seems that Xiaobu should wait for the next technology product. It seems that this thing from Lala is really not very applicable to us."

Zhou Yang: "I didn't expect Xiaobu to shrink back immediately. Such a thing is so good. It can see through the internal things. It is still a very powerful technological product."

Anonymous old monk: "But when it comes to this (Wang Nuo's), I have to ask a question, since I can see through the inside of the machine, then according to this principle, should it be possible to give the human body See through, for example, those things that can see people?"

Tsunade: "Wow, you old monk, you really can't see it at ordinary times. You have come up with things like this. Lala's purpose is not for this, but it's because of your thinking. You are such a wretched person." Old monk."

Uncle Lin Jiu: "Old monk, it really is a show. People like me are really incomparable."

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