Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 679: Upload Memory Files! Moviegoers! (Please Collect! Please Subscribe!)

All-round tennis player: "Are you also a very strong tennis player? But how do you know who I am, and how do you know that I will become an excellent tennis player."

Tsunade: "Hahahaha, it seems that newcomers still don't know how powerful the administrator is. The strength of the administrator can know your future and past. Do you feel that you have joined a very powerful chat group now?"

Orochimaru: "The administrator's strength is not just what you see or hear. His strength is too terrifying. He can know the future and past of a person. You, a tennis player, and the administrator want to know who you are It's still easy for anyone."

Xiao Bu: "Don't scare others into 04, the administrator is not as scary as you said, the administrator is still a very friendly person, Xiao Bu feels that the administrator is not only very strong, but also a Very friendly manager."

Jin Shining: "But I don't know who is using their authority all day long to give others a set meal. Could it be that this weak person is afraid of the performance of a strong person like me? Come and fight with me if you have the strength! "

Tokisaki Kurumi: "You are golden, and you are about to come out to pretend again. It is easy for you to eat the small black house set meal again in your current state. You should be careful, but your strength should not be as bad as the administrator. .

Tie Dan Shenhou: "There are still people trying to compete with the administrators, it seems that they are too young, the administrators are the strongest in this group, and the strongest in the world.

Zhou Yang: "Why are you bragging about me? I'm just a very ordinary person. I only know a little bit of kung fu, but when it comes to various superpowers, you are better than me."

All-round tennis player: "So, isn't the administrator a person in my world? He can know my future and past, which is simply impossible in our world.

Anonymous old monk: "You Echizen Ryoma, you are finally enlightened, your name should be Echizen Ryoma, this name looks like a name from Japan


Lin Jiushu: "You old monk, why did you tell you about places like Dongying? The place where they live is now called Japan, but the management team said that you are from Los Angeles, USA."

All-round tennis player: "I have indeed won several championships in Los Angeles, but now the opponents I meet have gradually become stronger, although there are people like Tezuka Kunimitsu who are guiding Me, but I feel that my strength still has a certain gap compared with others."

Zhou Yang: "I didn't expect that a talented tennis player like you would think that there is a gap between himself and others. It seems that geniuses are not necessarily very arrogant."

Lala: "That's right. If I develop some kind of special tennis racket, maybe Echizen Ryoma will be able to defeat any of your opponents. My technological products are very powerful."

Tony: "Lala, you are cheating. They are fair sports. If you use technology like this, you are breaking the fairness. So you should not develop such a tennis racket."

Lala: "I also planned to arrange a name for him, and I planned to call him the ultimate invincible, able to play and resist tennis rackets. I didn't expect you to kill my idea directly. "It's so miserable."

Saiki Kusuo: "Why do you want to come up with such a weird name again, Lala, how can others remember your long name, and don't deceive others with your technological products."

All-round tennis player: "So do you know how to make my tennis skills better? Or are you strong tennis players can make my skills better?"

Zhou Yang: "It's a pity that we are not tennis players, but I can let you know where your opponent's strength can go in the future, maybe this will still help you 683.11

All-round tennis player: "Do you still know who my future opponent is? Could it be that you will also become my hidden opponent? I want to see how strong my future opponent can be."

Dad: "Hahahaha, young people really have great ambitions, but the strength of the administrator is enough to let you know what your opponent will be like in the future.

Zhou Yang saw that Echizen Ryoma wanted to know his future. On the one hand, he wanted to let Echizen Ryoma know how strong his future opponents would be, and on the other hand, he wanted to show his own strength.

After Zhou Yang finished speaking, he went to edit relevant clips of "Prince of Tennis", but the clips of "Prince of Tennis" really made people feel that this group of tennis players is really very good, with all kinds of skills, it is indeed a magnificent tennis player world.

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