Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 698: Tezuka Kunimitsu's Shock! Talk About Self-Cultivation! (Please Subscribe! Please C

Tezuka Kunimitsu: "Although the opponent's batting speed is very fast, for the average opponent, hitting the ball like this consumes a lot of hitting power, and the source of strength is physical strength."

Kikumaru Eiji: "That's right, although Echizen Ryoma can't keep up with the opponent's hitting speed for the time being, but this kind of hitting is a key factor for ordinary tennis players who use hitting speed as their trick."

Tezuka Kunimitsu: "Although the strength of the opponent is really very strong, as the time of the game goes by, the physical strength will gradually decline. This is the opportunity for Echizen Ryoma." "803" Eiji Kikumaru: " Although it is said that Echizen Ryoma is not the strongest tennis player in our youth academy middle school tennis team, but when it comes to the physical strength of this young man, he is indeed one of the best in our team."

Tezuka Kunimitsu: "That's right, Echizen Ryoma's physical strength is indeed something he is proud of and a magic weapon to defeat his opponent. It seems that the next match will be a tug-of-war."

If Echizen Ryoma thought it was his serve at this time, then he might have to use his own stunts. At this time, Echizen Ryoma threw the tennis ball into the air, and sent the ball slightly to his left side, and then Echizen Ryoma directly arched his back , swing up.

Tezuka Kunimitsu saw the back of Echizen Ryoma's bow at this time, he was surprised, and he realized instantly that Echizen Ryoma used his own special skill of external rotation serve.

Tezuka Kunimitsu: "Echizen Ryoma's most powerful stunt is the outspin serve. At the beginning, he relied on this kind of serve, which made many tennis players unable to predict the deflection direction of the ball, and was hit directly in the face by the ball."

Kikumaru Eiji also noticed Echizen Ryoma's movements, and expressed the same surprise as Tezuka Kunimitsu, because he knew that only Echizen Ryoma could hit this kind of serve

Kikumaru Eiji: "Captain, do you think this is Echizen Ryoma's strongest serving skill, the external spin serve? Maybe the opponent will be knocked down by this sudden spin this time."

After the ball spun strongly on the ground at this time, it spun multiple times directly on the ground and flew directly towards Zhou Yang's face.

Echizen Ryoma also smiled confidently, because this is a serving stunt he is proud of. He has won many serve games with this trick, and it is a skill that can make his opponent completely unable to react.

At this time, Zhou Yang also saw the ball spinning many circles on the ground and flying directly towards his face, but the hitting speed was the same as the previous few times, Zhou Yang seemed to be watching a slow-motion replay.

Zhou Yang directly caught the ball with a thick racket, and also swung the tennis racket directly, hitting the ball directly to the side where Echizen Ryoma could not catch.

Echizen Ryoma was completely stunned at this time, he didn't expect that his opponent could catch his own ball so easily, and counterattacked back without any suspense. Echizen Ryoma was deeply shocked by Zhou Yang's strength.

On the other hand, Tezuka Kunimitsu saw Echizen Ryoma and had no time to react at all, and was caught off guard by the rebound of the ball in an instant.

Tezuka Kunimitsu: "Echizen Ryoma has no chance of winning at all? I didn't expect the opponent to catch his ball so easily. I didn't expect the most powerful stunt to be so easily resolved..."

At this time, Tezuka Kunimitsu did not expect Zhou Yang to have such strength, because as a tennis captain, he also knew many outstanding tennis players.

But I have never heard that there is such an outstanding tennis player in my own world. Of course, only Echizen Ryoma knew that Zhou Yang did not come from my own world.

Tezuka Kunimitsu: "Unexpectedly, there is such an outstanding tennis player. I have never heard of such a tennis player. I really want to know what his special skills are. Although Echizen Ryoma is not enough for him, it is not I know why I want to compete with him."

Kikumaru Eiji: "I didn't expect there to be such a player. I really want to have a fight with him, but how will Echizen Ryoma solve it now. Although I think Echizen Ryoma's chances of winning are already very small. .”

Zhou Yang2.7 Looking at Echizen Ryoma, he didn't expect that he would be able to play such a good game for the first time in tennis. Although he has only hit three goals now, Zhou Yang feels that his strength is indeed above everyone else.

Echizen Ryoma also slowly stabilized his mentality at this time, because he knew that although his strength was not bad, he had absolutely no chance of winning against Zhou Yang.

Zhou Yang: "Echizen Ryoma, but your strength is still not very good, but I believe that after my training, you will definitely be able to strengthen it."

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