Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 703: Passionate Sports! Discussion Among Group Members! (Please Collect! Please Subscribe!)

Kikumaru Eiji: "I didn't expect that these moves were directly followed by you. It seems that I will use all my strength. Let you see how varied my shots are.

Zhou Yang: "It turns out that you didn't use your full strength. It seems that I underestimated your strength. You should use it quickly. I also want to see how such a cool style of play can be played. What kind of ball is coming."

Tezuka Kunimitsu: "I didn't expect Eiji Kikumaru to come up with his own trick. It seems that Eiji Kikumaru has taken it seriously this time. He usually looks very funny, but "One Zero Three" I didn't expect to be so serious this time."

Echizen Ryoma: "I didn't expect that Kikumaru Eiji-senpai could use that skill. It seems that the administrator's strength is really above ten thousand people. It depends on whether he can break the administrator's shield this time."

At this time Kikumaru Eiji hit the ball directly, Zhou Yang also effortlessly hit the ball back, but at this time Kikumaru Eiji has begun to enter his own state. The body seems to be dancing, sometimes hitting the ball with somersaults, and sometimes hitting the ball with the backhand.

Zhou Yang also saw Eiji Kikumaru's many changes. Could it be that the opponent wants to constantly change the way of hitting the ball and the route of the shot to defeat him?

But on the tennis court, the only constant is the reaction speed. Zhou Yang's reaction speed is enough for him to see the opponent's hitting line every time, but it is not enough to have the reaction speed. After all, the foot speed must be added, but this This is where Zhou Yang excels.

So Zhou Yang didn’t need any effort, he could accurately and stably reach the line of hitting the ball every time, catch the ball, and then hit back continuously. The direction is changing more and more.

Echizen Ryoma: "Is this the dance shot of Eiji Kikumaru in the legend? I haven't seen such a crazy way of changing the route of the shot before, but now it can be shown."

Tezuka Kunimitsu: "It's rare to see Kikumaru Eiji seriously once, but I didn't expect to use so much of my strength this time. It's been a long time since I saw dance-style shots. The last time was at Kikumaru Eiji He only used it when facing the last strong enemy."

But Zhou Yang on the side quickly saw the opponent's flaws. Although the opponent's hitting lines and hitting methods are very changeable, this move is indeed very energy-intensive. It's like facing Echizen Ryoma just now, so fierce, but at this time, it's fine as long as you hang the opponent all the time.

At this time, every time Zhou Yang hits the ball, he hits in the opposite direction of the hitting line. After a few counterattacks, Kikumaru Eiji's speed immediately slows down, because at this time, he has been played around by Zhou Yang. . Because every run is a great loss of foot speed.

Zhou Yang: "The way you hit the ball seems to consume a lot of energy. I just need to keep hitting back with you. After a while, you will not be able to keep up physically. After all, you are not as good as me. .

Echizen Ryoma: "Did the other party see the flaws of Eiji Kikumaru? Why is Eiji Kikumaru's hitting speed getting slower and slower...and Eiji Kikumaru's dance-style shots change more and more It's getting slower and slower, and Kikumaru Eiji-senpai's hitting direction can't be changed much"

Tezuka Kunimitsu: "It seems that the opponent has seen Kikumaru Eiji's flaws. He is indeed a master who can directly defeat Echizen Ryoma. This kind of strength has reached the peak in the tennis world."

Gradually Kikumaru Eiji couldn't keep up with the speed of the counterattack, and at this time he fell directly to the ground [these ten balls have already cost Kikumaru Eiji a large part of his energy.

Kikumaru Eiji: "I didn't expect you to have such a fast reaction speed and counterattack speed. It seems that I underestimated you. As expected of a powerful opponent, I still played very well in today's battle."

Zhou Yang: "Eiji Kikumaru, it's time for me to play next, let me show you my steady style of play."

Tezuka Kunimitsu: "Steady like everything, what is this name, how can there be such a style of play, I have never heard of 1.8. Do you know Echizen Ryoma?"

Echizen Ryoma: "I haven't heard of it, but it seems that he is going to use his true strength. As expected of the administrator, the strength is really quite powerful."

Tezuka Kunimitsu: "He is really an interesting person, I am already looking forward to living with him more and more."

At this time Zhou Yang was directly waiting for Eiji Kikumaru's serve, because he knew that the next blow would be the moment for him to defeat his opponent.

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