Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 707: The Eve Of Cultivation! Little Master's Healing Food! (Please Subscribe! Please Co

At this time Zhou Yang and Echizen Ryoma said goodbye to Tezuka Kunimitsu and Kikumaru Eiji, Zhou Yang also directly felt that he already had some hunger.

Zhou Yang: "Exercising really makes people feel hungry. I'd better replenish my strength quickly. Today is really too much trouble. I don't know if I can ask Liu Angxing to get me something to eat."

Echizen Ryoma: "Is that the chef in the group? I didn't expect there to be such a person in our chat group. It seems that our chat group is really full of experts, but the strength of the administrator is really too strong. I used to There is still a little bit of doubt, but now I have completely believed it."

Zhou Yang: "Hahaha, tennis is really not a simple sport. Although my speed and strength have reached a certain height, I can't develop such a variety of playing styles like you."

Echizen Ryoma: "I just want to develop as many styles of play as possible, but I didn't expect the administrator to defeat us with his own speed and strength. I still look forward to how much the administrator can help me improve. "

Zhou Yang: "The last time I went to Wukong's world, Wukong's strength has improved a lot. This time, if I help you train your reaction speed, it will definitely improve a lot."

Echizen Ryoma: "But today's energy consumption is really great. I must take a good rest today. I'm not like an administrator. The lineman seems to have unlimited energy. He even beat me after the match. After two rounds, it seems that the physical strength of the administrator is not generally strong."

Zhou Yang: "My physical strength is only a little stronger than yours, so I have nothing to be proud of. I'll help you with training. Your physical strength has a lot of room for improvement.

Echizen Ryoma: "Seeing Kikumaru Eiji's style of play, I realized that my physical energy can be consumed so much. It seems that I still need to train well~"

Zhou Yang: "Don't worry, after all you have to eat before training, I'd better ask Liu Angxing to bring me a few meals, after all I'm tired today, and I need to replenish my strength-.

Zhou Yang also had a private chat with Liu Angxing at this time, and it was also during meal time. Liu Angxing was still quite busy, but when she saw Zhou Yang talking about herself in private, she immediately saw what Zhou Yang had asked for.

Zhou Yang: "Liu Angxing, Liu Angxing, can you cook some dishes for us now? The newcomers here want to taste your taste, and maybe they will become your long-term customers."

Liu Angxing: "Is that the all-round tennis player? It just so happens that I have a few new dishes today, let you try it! I'll send it to you right away."

Suddenly several dishes suddenly appeared in front of Zhou Yang, and also appeared in front of Echizen Ryoma at the same time, Echizen Ryoma was also directly stunned by the food in front of him at this time, Echizen Ryoma did not expect to be able to pass food like this.

Echizen Ryoma: "I didn't expect this group to have such a function, but this dish looks really high-end, but what is this golden-yellow fried rice, it's even glowing."

Zhou Yang: "There are many unexpected things in this chat group, and this is just one of them. Liu Angxing's cooking will all shine. After all, cooking that doesn't shine is not good cooking."

0...asking for flowers...

Echizen Ryoma: "This Liu Angxing is too powerful. I never thought that he could make such a shiny dish. If I hadn't joined the chat group, I might not be able to see such a dish in my life."

Zhou Yang: "Liu Angxing's dishes also have a special effect, that is, they can instantly restore your body's strength, so you should try it, after all, such dishes are not only very delicious to you, And can restore your physical strength very quickly.


Echizen Ryoma took a bite of Liu Angxing's cooking, and suddenly felt that he had never eaten such a delicious thing [basically, it seemed that his mouth was forcibly beaten by the cooking.

Echizen Ryoma: "This is too delicious. I didn't expect such a dish to be so delicious, and to cook a plate of fried rice so well. It seems that Liu Angxing is a formidable person."

At the same time, Echizen Ryoma felt that the fatigue of his body was slowly disappearing, and suddenly his body seemed to recover his physical strength in an instant, and he was even able to go directly to the court for another round of tennis.

Echizen Ryoma: "Isn't there any hormones in this dish? My body doesn't even feel tired at all. Is this the legendary dish that glows?"

Zhou Yang: "Don't worry, Liu Angxing's cooking is the best in the world, and he is even the top chef in our chat group."

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