Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 725: Holy Light Blesses You! Iron Man Tony's Sos! (Please Subscribe! Please Collect!)

I am not reconciled! I am so unwilling! I will be able to step into a brand new realm soon!"

The leader of the blood reincarnation in this city roared unwillingly.

And Zhou Yang was so expressionless that he didn't even bother to look at the other party. He just stomped on the other party's face with his feet, and then increased his strength inch by inch. Finally, the leader died with a scream.

Still too easy.

Zhou Yang thought it was too easy to let a leader die in this way.

It seems that after meeting the next leader, you have to think about it before restraining your strength, let the next leader live a little longer, and torture him a little more.

In this city that lost the leader of the blood reincarnation, the blood on the entire sky also disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, Zhou Yang looked up at the sky, stretched out a hand and gently raised it high into the sky, a beam of light pierced through the clouds like a sharp arrow, and shone on this messy city.

And when the light shone on the first corner of the city, those illuminated places miraculously began to gradually recover.

Supergroup recovery.

This is a trick that Zhou Yang figured out a long time ago.

But this technique is really too inconspicuous, Zhou Yang never had the opportunity to use this technique in the past, so he didn't care at all when he obtained it, and casually threw this technique aside.

But this time Zhou Yang suddenly recalled this thing.

Perhaps this exercise is meaningless against the enemy, and the members of one's own group can restore a lot of abilities, and they can't be used at all.

However, saving a city and restoring a city to normal in a short period of time is extremely practical.

The people buried in the ruins screamed in pain, but when the light of dawn in the open sky shone on the screaming people, the screaming people stopped screaming.

They no longer feel pain, and the weight on them begins to lighten.

The collapsed building returned to normal like a video rewind.

The bodies of seriously injured humans and even those with severed limbs began to recover rapidly.

They watched in disbelief.

Is this... a miracle?

No, it should be a miracle!

Those humans next to Zhou Yang can be said to be the original witnesses.

They witnessed the birth of the miracle and the people who released the miracle.

No! That is not a person, but a real god.

With the raised hands of Zhou Yang, more and more rays of light shrouded the city, and human beings gradually recovered from suffering.

But Zhou Yang, a human who has completely lost his life, has been unable to bring them back.

"Gone souls, you will be infinitely happy in your next life~"

Zhou Yang said something silently, and then his whole body once again released an extremely strong light, dazzling like a small sun, and everyone around could hardly open their eyes, but the light was not dazzling pain , but because I gradually felt ashamed, I thought I had no right to watch this light, so I couldn't help closing my eyes.

The sky was extremely clear, and the sun and the moon appeared in the sky at the same time. They were the other witnesses of this miracle.

The image of Zhou Yang also left an indelible impression on the hearts of these ordinary people.

And Zhou Yang's image will be eulogized in this world for Ten Thousand Years to come.

"Okay, move on to the next city."

Zhou Yang disappeared in place in an instant, and where Zhou Yang stood, an incomparably huge monument will be erected in the future to commemorate this god who saved these ordinary people from suffering.

As for the image of the monument?

Of course Zhou Yang stepped on the image of those blood reincarnators who despise all enemies!

*`~ Hehe, interesting, these bloods are very valuable for research, all the blood belongs to me, you take away the points, remember to keep the whole corpses of these reincarnations for me as much as possible, maybe I have a chance to refine them all into zombies ninja.

Orochimaru and a group of people started to observe the progress of the situation in the group all the time.

But in the end Orochimaru was really itchy, so he asked Zhou Yang to let him join the battle.

Of course Zhou Yang would not refuse, so Orochimaru also appeared in this world.

However, Orochimaru was not in a hurry to kill the blood reincarnators, but searched for the corpses of all the blood reincarnation people one by one from the cities that Zhou Yang and the others passed by, and at the same time, he also made some high-efficiency healing medicines to treat some Zhao who hadn't had time to save them. Chi's injuries.

This is probably Orochimaru accumulating virtue for himself.

Tony: "Guys, I'm in some trouble here, any of you can help me."

Tony's call for help was quickly responded by Monkey King, he likes to fight in various places.

In just half a day, he solved the threat of enemies in four cities by himself. Of course, those leaders were all killed by Zhou Yang, and these group members alone may not be able to really fight against the current blood reincarnation leader.

The combat strength of these leaders is no better than those ordinary reincarnations, they are all top-notch.

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