Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 731: Infinite Blood Haizi! A Huge Crisis Is Coming! (Please Subscribe! Please Collect!)

The bloody hurricane completely enveloped the area, and the people hiding in the shadows laughed wildly.

No matter how powerful a person is, there will only be one end in his cocoon.

Especially now that the cocoon has been completely formed, all that remains is to turn all the people inside the cocoon into his own nourishment.

At this time, all group members felt an inexplicable absorption power.

This kind of absorbed power is invisible and intangible, and even they will have an illusion that this absorbed power does not exist.

But all of them could really feel the power in their bodies begin to flow crazily.

The first is Sun Wukong.

Because his energy has always been in a state of leakage.

The fighting form of Super Saiyan itself is the most domineering and exposed, and the powerful momentum will not be restrained at all, so Monkey King is the first to suffer great trouble.

He quickly degenerated from the third stage of Super Saiyan to the second stage, and the second stage only lasted for two seconds 020 before completely returning to the state of the black-haired Monkey King, and soon became weak The feeling quickly hit his heart, his eyes began to become extremely tired, and then he fell from the sky slightly dizzy

And the second one who couldn't hold on was Jin Glittering.

His expression was very ugly.

Originally, if he had tried hard to restrain his breath just now, he could have slowed down the speed at which his power was being drawn crazily.

But Jin Xingshan just didn't believe in evil, and crazily released countless magical weapons, and at the same time manipulated thousands of magical weapons to attack all the surrounding fences.

But these energies have become the nourishment of this cocoon, and the conceited heart makes Jin Shining follow the footsteps of Monkey King and fall from the air.

"Very good! I have completely evolved!"

The person behind the scenes of the blood reincarnation hidden in the dark corner finally appeared this time.

His body was wrapped in a pitch-black cloth, and strips of blood-colored energy continuously flowed through the gaps in the cloth.

If those bloody energies are carefully identified, many of them can be identified from Monkey King and Jin Glittering.

Tony: "Big guy, let's go together!"

He is the most ordinary human being here.

And it is because he is too ordinary that his power is weakened the least. The main energy source of his armor relies on the reactor, and this enemy seems to be difficult to easily absorb the energy of the reactor, so even the armor in the armor Tony felt the energy in his body draining wildly, but he was still able to rush towards the bloody man with the help of the powerful combat power of his battle armor.

Orochimaru: "My zombie ninjas can't handle it either?"

Orochimaru's most proud work, each of those zombie ninjas is extremely powerful in combat, and it is not a problem for each zombie ninja to single out several reincarnations.

Moreover, zombie ninjas do not have blood, even if they do, blood is not the energy source of zombie ninjas, even if the blood in zombie ninjas is really drained, it will not have any effect.

But the current zombie ninjas are also hard to avoid being absorbed by that black blood man. (aeeh) Orochimaru instantly judged that the enemy must be the kind that does not just absorb blood energy.

By the way, he just said about evolution, perhaps the evolved blood reincarnation person already has the ability to absorb all life energy.

This is quite scary.

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, this benefactor is really murderous, I should stand up and fight with you to do justice for heaven, but now old monk, I can't take it anymore."

The nameless old monk is the person whose energy flow is the slowest besides Orochimaru, but no matter what happens, the flow of life energy in the body cannot be completely avoided.

Everyone entered the crisis in an instant, but this is only the effect caused by the enemy just showing up. The opponent has not yet made a move. What kind of combat power will it be if they make a move?

Everyone present subconsciously thought of the administrator.

Can this enemy manager be defeated?

By the way, where is the current administrator?

"Haha, let the useless guy die!"

The black blood shadow didn't care about Tony rushing over at all.

Among them, the two steel battle armors manipulated by Jarvis collapsed as soon as they came into contact with each other, and could hardly cause any damage to the opponent.

In Tony's impression, the only person who can make his armor have this kind of result is the one who manages it.

And now I'm afraid there will be a second one.

At this time, Tony was a little annoyed that he seemed a little too reckless, and he should have been a little more cautious just now.

But at this time, he had no way to turn back, and the other party had obviously set his sights on him.

The black blood shadow released a powerful wave of blood-colored energy, which directly shattered the armor Tony was wearing. Tony was also thrown backwards by the attack, and he penetrated through two or three buildings before stopping the impact. state.

And Tony in the battle armor was already extremely weak at this time.

"go to hell."

A black blood shadow instantly appeared in front of Tony with a cruel smile.

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