Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 736: Acedes' Affection! The Golden Sparkling True Fragrance Experience! (Please Collect

In fact, Acedes immediately received a gift package from Zhou Yang when everyone came back.

This can be regarded as a great gift.

The kind that benefits more than other group members.

At that moment, Acedes knew that the administrator really cared about her, which made her feel sweet.

The other party didn't want to let him get hurt, and at the same time he didn't forget to help him improve his strength after the end.

It's not in vain that I have also helped this management with some minor tasks. This guy is still very conscientious.

Thinking about Acedus's eyes is a little crazy.

Of course, only Acedes and Zhou Yang knew about this matter, and Acedes completely planned to bury this matter in his heart, so that this matter would only belong to the two of them.

No one noticed something wrong in Acedes' words, and they were still discussing how much the participants had gained this time.

In the end, the conclusion of 920 is actually not as exaggerated as what Monkey King said.

However, Sun Wukong has really improved a lot. He is a militant himself, and his strength has improved a lot after experiencing a tribulation. Naturally the biggest.

And the second is the rather inconspicuous nameless old monk.

The nameless old monk also unknowingly saved many innocent civilians in that world, so he was also slightly rewarded by the will of that world, but the nameless old monk didn't know the details, he just thought his own All the promotions are Zhou Yang's training, so I respect Zhou Yang, the administrator even more.

And the one who gained the least was Jin Glittering.

Sun Wukong: "Jin Shining, tell me how much you have gained!"

During the battle (aede), Jin Xing kept venomously speaking to Monkey King. Now it is obviously time for Monkey King to fight back.

But Sun Wukong didn't know how much Jin Sparkle had become stronger, he just asked because he wanted to know the specific information.

At this time, Jin Xingxian didn't say a word as if the line was disconnected, no matter how others asked, she just didn't answer.

I offended the management, maybe this is another punishment from the management?

Although he walked out of the small black room, are other punishments still inevitable?

Zhou Yang: "You look very confused."

At this time, Zhou Yang had a private chat with Jin Shanshan alone.

Jin Shining: "No, no, I have nothing. I'm thinking about how to make my magic weapon more powerful."

Zhou Yang: "Is that so? Then you can take this, it's not particularly important, but it should be useful to you."

After finishing speaking, Jin Shanshan received a pop-up item from Zhou Yang.

He chose to accept.

Jin Shining: "Is this a blood sword?"

This is a blood sword whose whole body is soaked in blood, full of fierceness and incomparably domineering.

Jin Shining realized that even looking at the sword, she would feel chills.

What kind of magical weapon is this?

Zhou Yang: "This is a part of the body of the blood reincarnation person, but I refined a part of it and became the weapon in front of you. This weapon is not only amazing in lethality, but it takes a long time to get along with this weapon. Yes, it also cultivates your concentration a lot, but you also have to be careful not to be infected by the fierce aura in this blood sword "and then become a lunatic who only knows how to kill."

Jin Glitter: "Why?"

Zhou Yang: "What and why?"

Jin Glitter: "I've obviously spoken badly to you, you should punish me more severely."

Zhou Yang: "The moment you become a member of the group, we are a family, right? Why do the family have to be so fussy? When you become stronger, the family becomes stronger, and as the family becomes stronger, we will go forward even more. It will only be a stepping stone for us."


Zhou Yang's last words were filled with a burning sensation in his chest, as if some extremely excited emotion was constantly churning and spreading in his heart.

Zhou Yang didn't treat himself specially because of his offence, he was also thinking that his strength had not improved much this time, and he would care about himself for his own sake.

Perhaps, this is the posture of a real strong man.

Jin Glitter: "Thank you for managing."

Jin Xingxing, who was always conceited and venomous, felt speechless at this moment.

Zhou Yang: "Cultivate hard, you become stronger and everyone becomes stronger, come on."

Then Zhou Yang cut off the private chat.

What you do is enough.

Jin Shining may not be very likable in character, but as Zhou Yang said, after becoming a member of the group, it is a family.

No matter what, Zhou Yang will help the other party, which is also helping himself.

He firmly believes that his own strength is the real strength, but the people who follow him should not be too bad, throwing the distance too far will only keep alienating each other.

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket!.

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