Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 738: Coming To The Chi Chi World! A Powerful Cross-Border Empire! (Please Collect! Please Su

The Boundary Penetration Talisman is nothing worth mentioning to Zhou Yang today. When Zhou Yang redeems this item, he almost buys it wholesale. Anyway, as long as he wants to go to any world, Zhou Yang will directly buy it. go.

In fact, what all the group members don't know is that Zhou Yang has already been to their respective worlds for countless times.

For example, go to the world of Xiaozhujia to taste delicious food, or go to watch a game in the world of Prince Tennis. Of course, it is not a tennis game, but other games, because other games are not as pervert as tennis.

In these worlds, there are some lives that Zhou Yang can hardly experience in his own world today. These lives are full of serenity, and Zhou Yang likes this feeling very much.

Perhaps this is back to basics?

When Zhou Yang proposed to "187" to meet Acedes in the world of cutting the red pupil, Acedes issued a series of orders directly in the imperial capital.

"My lord commander wants to welcome a big man? What kind of big man?"

Countless people are making groundless guesses.

A few years back in time, Acedes was still a cruel queen in the eyes of outsiders, but a benevolent female commander loved by countless people in the empire.

But at a certain point in time, the closest confidantes of Acedes could feel that her Lady Queen had obvious changes in her personality.

If you want to say it accurately, it should be falling in love.

This was something that several of Acedes' closest associates found completely unbelievable.

It seems that Acedus has never had much contact with anyone.

Oh yes, except for the prisoners.

However, there is another noteworthy detail, that is, Lord Commander will occasionally disappear suddenly for a day or two, and then reappear suddenly. No one knows where Lord Commander went when he disappeared.

But every time he disappears and reappears, his cronies can feel the changes in Acedes more clearly.

Not just in emotional changes, but also in strength.

If Acedus used to be a feared queen and commander.

And now Acedus is a bottomless abyss.

Its power has no one can touch the limit.

Everyone is guessing that maybe Master Acedes has obtained a more powerful Teigu, and has become a completely superior existence.

Several of her cronies were thinking at the time, if the current commander-in-chief said that he would directly establish himself as a king and become the master of this world, it seemed that it would not be a big problem.

But the commander-in-chief did not do this, and she continued to act in front of her commander-in-chief.

"Have you noticed that the Commander-in-Chief is planting and watering flowers today, and the flowers he planted are not poisonous. They don't seem to be used to interrogate criminals, but flowers that are really admired."

The three beast warriors led by Acedes gathered to discuss all the abnormal actions of Acedes today.

"If I'm not mistaken, the big man Mr. Acedes mentioned this time must be the one whom Mr. Acedes admires. I really want to see what kind of person can be madly infatuated by Mr. Commander. That person must be a very powerful person."

"But who among the strongest in the world can still be favored by Master Acedes?"

Because Acedes joined the group, she knew her fate in advance.

And according to Acedes' character, of course she can no longer be easily controlled by the so-called fate, she chose to solve all troubles and crises.

It can be said that there is no danger to Acedes in this world now, and this world has become the property of Acedes in a disguised form.

As for the Bude Admiral army who was originally as famous as her, Acedes did not choose to do anything with this old stubborn, anyway, he can no longer pose any threat to himself

In the German Admiral Army, he was also very puzzled by what Acedes was doing.

But it doesn't seem too bad that Acedus didn't use his own power to rule everything.

On that day, the entire imperial capital was covered with flower petals, which was what Acedes ordered, and she wanted to welcome Zhou Yang's arrival in an incomparably grand way.

This behavior of Acedes added a touch of mystery to the so-called big man.

At the same time, in a dark chamber, a group of people were gathering together.

The appearances of these people were almost covered by heavy cloaks, making it impossible to see their faces clearly. They sat on a round table respectively. There were nine of them in total, and stars of different colors surrounded their bodies.

These energy bodies are either evil or frightening, in short, they are the kind of energy that can bring serious negative emotions to people.

One of the nine people spoke first: "What do you think about this rotten woman's behavior today? I don't think I can understand it."

"She said she was going to welcome a big shot. Where do you think that big shot is from?"

"I guess the biggest possibility is from there." The man who said this stretched out his hand, pointing upwards with dry fingers exposed from the sleeve.

"You mean from a higher world? Could it be that this rotten woman found our traces? Then she plans to wipe them all out?"

"No, I don't think so. It should be just to welcome someone's arrival, but I think this may be a good opportunity."

"good chance?"

"A good opportunity to spy on the upper layer, let us 5.5 understand what kind of existence has affected our basic plan."

"Then what should we do?"

"Get ready to launch an assassination when the so-called big man arrives. This time I will prepare a big gift, which can kill the big gift at the top of the pyramid!"

"What?! You brought that thing here? If you use that kind of thing carelessly, it may even directly destroy the world. Are you crazy?"

"Hehe, I'm not crazy, this is the will of the people above, the forces behind that rotten woman have ruined our good deeds countless times, how can we sit and wait for them to come to us every time?

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket!.

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