Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 748: World-Class Opportunity! The Scramble For Taboo Existence! (Please Collect! Please Subs

This is definitely a great opportunity!

Some people even feel that the shackles that were originally imprisoned have begun to loosen, as if they can break through the realm that has been difficult to break through for a long time at any time.

This made countless powerhouses ecstatic.

So more and more people rushed here.

As for those people on the farthest edge, one of the old men with an old face just stood on the periphery, and he noticed that his gray hair was beginning to turn black, and the youthful power in his body began to surge.

Big is a big opportunity, no one can refuse this temptation.

The strong man of the older generation immediately rushed in excitedly.

Only "2000" can start to gradually become younger only on the periphery, so what about going in? It will definitely be better.

Countless strong men also came to the periphery one after another at this time, and witnessed this miraculous encounter with their own eyes.

Of course, at the same time, they also saw the old man who entered first.

An old man went in!

You must enter faster than others!

Everyone rushed towards the range covered by the light without hesitation.

However, at this moment, everyone saw with their own eyes that the old man who entered first... began to melt under the shining light.

"Light, ah, it's kindness, there's nothing good about it! It's kindness! It's the feeling of following one's heart and doing good." The old man's eyes were full of happiness.

It seemed that he didn't notice that his body began to dissolve rapidly, first from his footsteps, then spread to his waist and abdomen, and then he suddenly woke up when there was only one head left.

Then at the last moment, he looked outside with terrified eyes.

An incomparably terrifying feeling spread over everyone.

What the hell kind of thing is this?!

"Oh, it's kindness, infinite kindness! I feel infinite kindness!"

Of course, the people who entered the area covered by this light for the first time were not just old people, they all wanted to enter here for the first time to seek opportunities.

But they have forgotten the possible danger here.

The people on the periphery have witnessed many blind and strong men entering the area covered by the light, and then they turned into little stars and disappeared. eyes.

These people didn't feel any strangeness at the moment they entered, and it wasn't until the moment of death that everyone suddenly woke up, but by then it was already too late.

A basin of ice water was poured from head to toe on each of those strong men who hadn't had time to enter it.

What kind of opportunity is this?

This is simply Jedi!

This is like a poisonous flower full of allure, which attracts everyone with the help of its smell, and if anyone dares to pick it, there will only be one result, and that is death.

"What the hell is this thing?"

"Go back and report! You must not enter here!"

Countless strong men rushed over excitedly, and then frantically moved away in horror.

This is no chance at all!

At the same time, in a certain city, in a library, a librarian was cleaning a bookshelf with squinted eyes, but at this time he suddenly opened his eyes.

"Rule calamity? Who is living the rule calamity? How many years have passed, and the rule calamity has reappeared in the world?! Could it be that some old antique who lived for countless years finally broke through the mountain?!"

The whole world began to fall into madness at this time.

The ancient families that existed in the world began to frantically inquire about everything related to this matter....

However, the youthful and ignorant young people still naively regard this place as a place of opportunity, rushing toward the place covered by light like moths to a flame

And Zhou Yang, who was in the center, frowned and looked at the center of the clouds hovering in the shape of a golden dragon at the top.

The light shines from there.

Rule robbery?

When the group cut off all messages, the group finally reminded itself of such a word.

Of course Zhou Yang understood the word robbery.

But Zhou Yang used to only know that he might encounter thunder calamity when he raised his realm, but it seems that there are few or almost no thunder calamities in this world.

There is almost no thunder calamity. Is there any difference between this rule calamity and the thunder calamity that appears when the realm is raised?

Also, Zhou Yang hates this extremely warm light.

From this light, Gu Yang felt endless kindness.

It's so huge, it's like a climber who has just climbed a peak, but in the blink of an eye, he sees an even higher and unreachable mountain. 3.3

Endless kindness poured into Zhou Yang's body crazily.

This energy is incomparably powerful, as long as he has this kind of energy, Zhou Yang is sure that he can definitely reach a higher level.

But how can it be that simple?

Zhou Yang is not stupid, there is no such thing as "pie in the sky" in this world.

Since it is a catastrophe, how could it be possible to use such a good thing as giving you energy for nothing?

So Zhou Yang immediately blocked the entry of all external energies, and then watched these warm energies surround him with cold eyes.

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket!.

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