Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 753: Nervous Acedes! Mengxin Is Trembling! (Please Subscribe! Please Collect!)

Of course, most of the information is still a group of people repeating the information, and there is not much content that is really valuable.

After all, they themselves don't know much about group chat.

Acedus: "Where's the administrator? Where's that bastard Zhou Yang?"

In the group chat, Acedes is the only person who can reprimand Zhou Yang without any scruples, maybe a few other female group members can do it too? But if the male group members dare to do this, then they will probably all cold.

Acedes is the craziest when the group disappears in every group member's mind.

In just a few hours, Acedes almost overturned the "two or three" in the world of the Crimson Pupil she was in.

Now Acedes is the top fighting force in the entire Crimson Eye Slasher, if she makes a fuss, almost no one can stop her.

So everyone can only wait in horror for Acedes to calm down his anger. They don't even know why Acedes is so angry all of a sudden.

Could it be that it's been a while since they've found those eyeliners lurking in their world again?

But it's not without any benefit for Acedus to make such a fuss.

Many undercover agents from the side of the reincarnated people who were hiding in the capital mistakenly thought that they had been discovered, so they exposed their bodies and planned to escape.

But soon they were discovered by the enraged Acedes.

Zhengchou has nowhere to vent her anger, she can't really overthrow her own world, and now a group of unscrupulous guys just popped up, so Acedes didn't even let them survive to investigate some valuable information , All of these people turned into ice sculptures in the instant they fled, which was extremely cold and penetrating.

After almost three hours of tossing, when the group chat was online again, the incomparably frightening oppression in the entire city disappeared instantly.

Instead, it was like the spring breeze that everyone was bathed in the sun after the cold winter.

This ups and downs made everyone in the entire capital bewildered, not knowing exactly what their Queen Commander was doing.

The group chat returned, and at the moment of return, Acedes' crazy anger turned into infinite tenderness, as if she had never been so gentle.

This time, Acedus has confirmed what Zhou Yang's position in his heart is.

But this time, she doesn't intend to hide her sincerity anymore, she wants to confess everything to Zhou Yang, she wants to tell Zhou Yang that she likes him!

People always realize how precious what they once had is when they lose it.

In the past, I was so shy, and it was all nonsense to refuse or welcome. It was her Acedes character to go straight and straight.

My wife is going to chase after me!

Who dares to provoke?

Then, the first question she asked in the group chat was where is the admin, where is that bastard Zhou Yang!

However, her news was quickly suppressed by 99 additional messages per second, and Acedes turned on the repeat mode for himself without being discouraged.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang's heart warmed up, and he nodded.

Ding, the administrator has turned on the mute mode, and now only the administrator and Acedes can speak.

Acedes: "Where is the administrator, where is that bastard Zhou Yang!"

Acedes: "Where is the administrator, where is that bastard Zhou Yang!"

Acedus: "Where is the administrator, where is that bastard Zhou Yang!


Zhou Yang: "I am here.

Those two words made the extremely nervous Acedes feel a big rock fall down...

Great, Zhou Yang is still here!

Acedes found that it seemed as if he hadn't shed a tear for a long time.

She has always believed that the strong own everything, and only the weak will shed tears. She shed tears this time.

But the tears quickly turned into little ice crystals and dissipated, no one could see what Acedes was like at this moment.

Of course, Zhou Yang must be excluded from this.

Zhou Yang used his authority to watch Acedes quietly.

He saw all the actions of Acedes.

Zhou Yang: "Thank you for your concern, I can't repay you."

You can repay me with your heart!

These were the words that Acedus wanted to type.

But she held back.

At this moment, she suddenly twitched again.

What's wrong with me?

Why is it like this?

Acedus was extremely annoyed.

Zhou Yang: "I still have some things on hand, wait for me, and then I will go to you in person, waiting for me on 2.6."

Acedus: "Hmm~"

Ding, the ban ends.

Xiaobu: "Wow, wow, have you seen it? Have you seen it? The administrator has used the authority at will, just to flirt and tease girls! Can you bear it?!"

Kuang San: "That's it!"

Jin Shining: "This character is very Haki, I like it!"

Lin Jiuye: "Mengxin is trembling and dare not comment."

Anonymous old monk: "Mengxin is trembling and dare not comment."

Liu Angxing: "Mengxin is trembling and dare not comment.

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket!.

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