Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 756: Promise Me Not To Be A Dog Licker, Please? The Group Members Who Are Warned By Zhenxian

"No, it's impossible.

Zhou Yang stood on top of the ruins, looking around calmly.

And around him, there were many people lying in disorder.

These are people who don't open their eyes to provoke him.

They were all once invincible powerhouses in many regions, and they all had great prestige in their respective regions.

But now they are all corpses lying here.

And those nine people have long since disappeared.

Almost everyone thought they had escaped.

Only Zhou Yang knows where they are, and they have already entered the kingdom of heaven earlier than these cannon fodder.

When the tribulations were over, Zhou Yang was the first to look for these guys, and then deal with them one by one, so as not to cause future troubles forever.

The event of snatching opportunities with great fanfare ended in a very anticlimactic state.

Tiedan Shenhou: "Watching the management battle, I still feel so pleasing to the eye.

Tsunade: "Promise me not to be a licking dog?"

Orochimaru: "Promise me not to be a dog licker, okay?" 893 Xiaobu: "Promise me not to be a dog licker, okay?"

Ping An Chess Player: "Promise me not to be a dog licker?"

Kuang San: "Wow, wow, the newcomer is indeed a veteran, and he quickly learned how to repeat! Does he really deserve to be the strongest chess player?"

Ping An Chess Player: "Well, I see that you are all posting, it seems that it is too bad for me not to post, so I will post along with it, what did I do wrong? Also, what is dog licking?"

Orochimaru: "Don't worry about the newcomers, just remember that as long as this man named Tiedan Shenhou licks our management like crazy, you just say not to be a dog licker.

Peaceful Chess Player: "Oh, yes."

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Don't be too presumptuous, anyway, I am also the overlord! And this Ping An chess player, don't learn from them, you should learn more from me, and praise our group leader a lot, so that Any (aefg) benefits in the future are our top priority! Also, because of the snake, aren’t you also licking the dog now? Are you still ashamed to say me?”

Now Tiedan Shenhou has become an incomparable habit of being a dog licker, and now he is not ashamed at all, but thinks that it is a pity that others can't save face to be a dog licker, because you can't get more for it. Many benefits.

Just because he was a licking dog, he got some items from Zhou Yang that Zhou Yang didn't like, how about you? What did you get?

The more he thought about it, the more proud Tiedan Shenhou felt that he had taken a huge advantage.

Kuang San: "Newcomer, do you think the current appearance of Tiedan Shenhou is the one you like?"

Ping An Chess Player: "No, I don't really like to praise others insincerely, but the management is really good now. One person defeated so many good people." It was impossible to happen in my Heian era. "

At this moment, Zuo Wei already understood that the people here are more powerful than the other, and almost all of them are beyond his imagination. Here he may not even be as good as Xiao Bu, because Xiao Bu is still a life with a body, and he does not have any Combat power, the only thing he has is that exquisite chess skill.

This made Zuo Wei feel a slight sense of loss, he felt that he was as small as a grain of sand among these people.

But these group members don't seem to think so, they always welcome the arrival of new group members, and they are quite enthusiastic.

This kind of enthusiasm is without any fake emotion, it is completely sincere emotion.

Zhou Yang: "Everything is done."

Kuang San: "Management dominates the world forever!"

Tiedan Shenhou: "Management dominates the world forever!"

Orochimaru: "Management to rule the world for generations to come!"

Ping An Chess Player: "Promise me not to be a dog licker?"

The rest of the group:  …

This newcomer is so cute!

Suddenly everyone felt that it was quite interesting to have such a person in the group!


Peaceful Chess Player: "I, did I say something wrong?"

Zhou Yang: "No, you're doing very well, you're a good interrupted repeater.

Now Zhou Yang directly adds a prefix to the name of Ping An chess players: little expert who interrupts and repeats.

Xiaobu: "Wow, I also want this title, I want the super invincible Yu-Gi-Oh!"

This method of adding a title prefix in front of the group member's name is a hidden function that appeared a long time ago.

It's just that Zhou Yang didn't use this function in the past, because it has no practical significance.

But today Zhou Yang took it out on a rare occasion and felt that it was finally time for this thing to come in handy, and that was to award it to our little master of interrupted repetition.

Tie Dan Shenhou typed enviously: "Master Manager will last forever, can you give me a title?"

Orochimaru: "You don't rhyme at all, you don't have freestyle at all, look at me, yo, look at it, the manager, the supreme posture makes people fall in love. There are rare beautiful men in the world, the most invincible king in the world, the dawn of life... …”

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Promise me not to be a dog licking anymore.

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