Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 762: The Old Man Is Not A Devil! The Origin Of Chess Soul World! (Please Subscribe! Please C

Does this count as bullying?

A group of people who almost all possessed devastating fighting power stood in front of this god.

If the god had a mother, he might call it mother.

Don't play like this.

But at this time, the god also felt the looming power of Zhou Yang.

This is simply not something you can afford.

Is this a passerby?

What a joke, the other party is here to mess things up, and - I can't afford to mess with him!

Tsunade twisted his fist and said, "It's been a long time since I touched my hands, I really want to do it once."

While talking, Tsunade was looking for Orochimaru's trace.

Her target was actually Orochimaru, but the god mistook it for the man who also terrified him to come against him.

Zhou Yang: "After all, we are not demons, we just want you to remove our family, that is, Zuo Wei from your list, and stop making him always so selfless, as long as you can If we do, we won’t do it.”

Kuang San: "It's a pity, I wanted to do it at first, but since it's the pervert administrator who spoke up, then that's fine, as long as you can let Mr. Zuowei go."

The god said weakly: "Well, this person named Zuo Wei is because he has regrets in his heart, and I just fulfill his regrets.

Tie Dan Shenhou: "The regret of letting go of your fart, you just use other people's regret as a chess piece for you to play and watch the show. Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking in your heart!"

The Marquis Tiedan has also played with many people who think they are righteous people countless times.

Some people are really just people, and some people are outright hypocrites.

However, since Tiedan Shenhou has done similar things before, he doesn't believe the words of this god at all. If he says that he has no selfishness and just wants to help Zuo Wei, then there must be more to help Zuo Wei realize it. sorry way.

For example, let Zuowei be truly reborn, and travel across time and space to play against every top chess player at will.

This is not too difficult for a god.

And this god almost used the worst way to treat Zuo Wei.

If they were not members of the group, few people present would take this matter seriously. After all, there are too many tragic things in the world.

But since you are a member of the group, you have to protect your weaknesses to the end, no matter what purpose you have, as long as it is not good for our group members or our big family, then you just wait to be beaten

This god now has a clear understanding of the reality, these people in front of him are quite fierce, and he must be subdued.

But Tiedan Shenhou revealed his old background almost unreservedly to himself, which made him feel very angry and ashamed.

But what can he do?

Even if he is a god, he has to recognize the reality at this moment, that is, these guys are simply not something he can afford!

"Okay, I will let Zuo Wei go, and remove him from my list, and then let him reincarnate and become a normal person again."

Zhou Yang: "No, no, it's not that simple, remove Zuo Wei from your list, and from now on Zuo Wei's fate will no longer be under your control, if you can do it

We may be good friends in the future, if you can't, you should understand what we will do, in this world, a new god may be needed.

0…ask for flowers…………

Hongguoguo Menace!

Once upon a time, this god did the same thing, but now he was transferred over, and he became the threatened party.

"Okay, I promise you."

In the end, the god gave in.

Zuo Wei was removed from the list, and Zuo Wei was given the highest authority in this world, even reaching a level almost equal to himself.

There is another reason why the gods succumbed.

That is Zhou Yang also said another sentence, that is, if he does this, maybe these guys who are more ruthless than the other will not deal with him again, and they may help him in the future.


Although this world is a rather imbecile world, he can't guarantee that there won't be another group of unreasonable people like Zhou Yang in the future.

No, Zhou Yang and the others are already very reasonable, at least agreeing to this not-so-big condition is considered a deal.

In the future, if there are a few more vicious people, I'm afraid they won't be as easy-talking as Zhou Yang.

Therefore, even if it was to prepare for a rainy day, he also agreed to Zhou Yang's conditions.

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Master Administrator is really very witty, the skill of using a stick and a carrot is quite exquisite, and even in a disguised form, he has attracted a god of the world."

Although the gods in the world of chess soul are not very powerful, no one can say that it will be really useful in the future.

There is not that kind of unresolvable feud between them, and there is no need to really care about it.

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation tickets!.

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