Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 764: Prodigal Members! A Gift From One Piece World! (Please Collect! Please Subscribe!)

Tough and emerald green grass grew on the ground, and a few small flowers dotted the grass from time to time, and soon this life energy spread to the nearest Sakura flower tree.

When the Sakura flower tree came into contact with the life energy, the whole tree miraculously released a faint light, and the Sakura flower began to grow crazily on the branches, and each petal was extremely bright and dazzling, attracting countless people. Sight.

"Look over there, what happened there?"

Some passers-by noticed the movement of the Sakura flower forest, and stood not far away watching the change in shock.

At this time, the god who had disappeared for a long time looked at Sakura flower tree with distressed eyes.

What a loser!

If such a huge amount of life energy is used on him, if it is not good, his god's combat power will be raised to a small level.

This life energy is extremely gentle energy, any living creature can absorb it perfectly without any side effects, so the Sakura flower tree does not have any saturated state after absorbing these 04 life energy, but continues to grow rapidly, from the original The appearance of the Sakura flower tree has become thicker by at least half a circle.

Such a large and gentle life energy is only used on some trees now, and the gods feel that this group of people is really too wasteful.

But they also have that wasted capital.

For me, these life energies are roughly equivalent to double or even twice the assets I own.

Well, for Zhou Yang and his group, this is nothing more than a drop in the bucket, and it is not worth mentioning at all. Just doing a task can easily obtain life energy that is many times more than this, so Zhou Yang Don't care at all.

Passers-by were shocked by this almost miraculous thing.

It is already autumn and winter, but now there are such lush Sakura flowers. The most important thing is that the blooming Sakura flowers are more beautiful than ever before, and people can't help but indulge in them.

Tiedan Godhou: "Master Administrator is really powerful, I admire you!"

Tie Dan Shenhou, who was sucking Jiufeng soup, did not forget to continue licking the dog in front of him.

Kuang San: "Promise me not to be a licking dog?"

Xiaobu: "Promise..."

Zuo Wei: "Wait, this is already a face-to-face, can you guys repeat it?"

Anonymous old monk: "Zuo Wei benefactor, you still don't know much about it. As long as we want to repeat it, we can repeat it under any circumstances. It doesn't matter whether it's in the real world or in the group! Promise me not to be a dog licking? "

Zuo Wei: "Then I will continue to interrupt the rereading mercilessly!"

Xiao Bu: "Interruption failed, continue to repeat!"

Zuo Wei: "...

Now at the scene, the restrictions in the group have been weakened a lot. For example, the gag system is gone. Kuang San and Xiao Bu didn't want to miss such a good opportunity, so they launched the Crazy Great Repeating Technique!

The Sakura flowers became incomparably lush again, and then the sweeping monk waved lightly, all kinds of things for picnics were neatly placed in this lush Sakura forest, and everyone started their own Looking for a location.

Not surprisingly, the place where Zhou Yang was located naturally became the center where everyone gathered.

Among them, the female group members are closest to Zhou Yang, and the male group members are all on the side!

Everyone didn't complain, and even thought it was a matter of course, and didn't take it seriously. At this moment, almost all of them focused more on the next camping activities.

Ying Zheng took the initiative to stand up: "Everyone, it's not interesting for us to just get together like this. How about we play some interesting games? For example..."

Monkey King spoke first: "For example, fight!"

Everyone yelled at Sun Wukong at the same time: "Stay aside!"

Sun Wukong looked aggrieved.

The god was terrified listening to the conversation of this group of outsiders, but it seemed that they had no intention of doing anything, which made the god feel relieved.

Fire Fist Ace is 023 who came to this world with a backpack almost the size of a hill.

In the world of One Piece, carrying such a big backpack doesn’t seem so awkward. Anyway, some physical laws in that world are different from other places. People with thin arms and legs can always lift heavier than themselves Don't know how much weight.

I only heard Fire Fist Ace smashing his huge backpack to the ground with a bang, causing the ground to vibrate, which attracted the attention of many ordinary people in this world who were gathering towards the suddenly blooming Sakura forest.

Ace: "Everyone, I don't have any good gifts for you, but I brought the best wine in our world, and the most delicious meat! Everyone eat as much as you want, if there is not enough, I will go get it!"

In the backpack carried by Ace, it is stuffed with various fruit wines and juices, and each roasted thigh meat is about the size of an elephant leg. Each thigh meat exudes a tempting taste, crystal clear The clear oil dripped continuously.

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket!.

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