Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 767: Entertainment At The Face-To-Face Conference! A Game Of Spiritual Will! (Please Collect

Sweeping monk: "Let's count me in too. Although I am not very good at chess, I am still very interested in this kind of entertainment. You can let me be a bystander.

In the past, when the sweeping monk used to clean the Sutra Pavilion, he did not just study the exercises and practice meditation every day.

Sometimes he also tries to play a few games of Go.

This kind of chess can be regarded as the most prestigious cultural inheritance in China, and it is also a cultural carrier for Chinese culture to spread to the outside world.

In every age of China, there will be a super powerful chess player, and there is actually such a player in the martial arts world where the sweeping monk lives.

And the one who is almost the same as him is not obvious, until the whole martial arts story is over, he has almost no chance to appear on the stage, but the sweeping monk is not until the existence of this person.

And he has never beaten the opponent in chess.

But now maybe this situation can be changed. In front of him is the most outstanding chess player in the world. As for the administrator, the sweeping monk has no doubts about Zhou Yang's ability.

In his opinion, Zhou Yang's so-called not being good at chess is actually a kind of modesty~.

In the past, Zhou Yang has done countless feats of superficial modesty, but in fact he is more powerful than others in any industry.

However, in fact, every time Zhou Yang accepts a brand-new industry, it is the first contact, but Zhou Yang's learning ability is too strong. Some trades that are purely based on the use of physical skills can almost be quickly learned in a very short period of time.

And this kind of Go, which requires hard study, Zhou Yang can't guarantee whether he can do better.

Of course, he is not worried that he will lose, because he has long been familiar with the chess moves of everyone in the Soul of Chess according to the plot, but Zhou Yang needs some time to adapt.

The rest of the group members have already started to lie down on the ground and fell asleep. They seldom relax so much. Seeing this, Zhou Yang set up an energy field on the spot that is completely isolated from this world, so as to avoid The group members will be disturbed this beautiful sleep.

Most of the group members have been together for so long, and Zhou Yang actually understands that each of them has their own troubles and pains in their hearts. After finally relaxing once, just let it be a complete indulgence.

As for Zhou Yang, he chose to go to Tatian Xingyang with Zuo Wei and the sweeping monk.

In a quiet high-end residence of the He family, a man who looked at least fifty years old was sitting quietly with his eyes closed.

Next to him is a delicately carved chessboard, on which there is a chess game, which seems to be extremely anxious.

Outside the house, when adding water to a small pond, every once in a while, because the water in the bamboo tube is full, it will turn over and hit the stones, making a very crisp sound.

Whenever this sound sounded, Taya Yukiyo would lift a chess piece and land it on the chessboard.

He is playing against himself.

Today, he is regarded as one of the top chess players in the world, and according to Zuo Wei, he is also the man who is closest to the so-called one of the gods.

Of course, the premise of all this is to exclude Huaxia.

On the other side of the sea, there are more powerful chess players there, but these are not described too much in the manga and animation of the soul of chess, so the Chinese kingdom in this world seems to be relatively vague.

On the premise of excluding Huaxia, Taya Yukiyo should be regarded as the strongest chess player in the world.

0…ask for flowers……


The water refill made of bamboo tubes in the pond made another clear sound, but this time Taya Yukiyo did not drop the words with the knocking sound like before, his hand hanging in the air slowly fell, and then opened his eyes Quietly looking at the game of chess.

"Mr. Taya, three people suddenly came outside. These three people are very weird. They said they wanted to see you. I was going to drive them away, but one of them, a young man in a very old costume, said he wanted me to see you." Give this letter to you first, and then decide whether to drive them away."

Taya Yukiyo didn't care about these, all his attention was focused on the chess game on the chessboard.

"It's over." Toya Yukiyo said to himself.

The person behind him who should be the butler continued to bow, stretched out his hands to hold the letter, and waited for Taya Yukiyo to end the game.

The butler didn't want to accept a letter from just anyone.

If a person with a slightly ordinary appearance sent a letter, he would probably regard it as a fan or follower of Mr. Taya Yukihiro, hoping to become a disciple of Taya Yukihiro.

But this time is different.

The young man who sent him this letter had an indescribably dusty aura all over his body. It was a kind of sacrilege that made people feel that even looking at the other party more than once was a kind of blasphemy.

Facing that kind of young man who is out of dust, we should look at it with admiration and longing.

This made the butler very puzzled, and he didn't understand why he felt this way.

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly ticket! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket for a long time!.

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