Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 774: Strange World! Anime Super Bear! (Please Collect! Please Subscribe!)

When everyone came to the world where the mission was located, they found that the world didn't seem to have changed in any way.

Acedes looked around: "What kind of world is this? Is it our own world or another virtual world?"

Tiedan Shenhou: "This world is a modern world, so it is definitely not the world I am in."

Orochimaru: "Is it another modern world? It seems that these reincarnated people especially like to find these modern worlds. Does it have any relationship?"

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, no matter what kind of world we are in, we will definitely be enemies of those people when we come here, but old monk, I can't feel the breath of those crazy reincarnators.

Fire Fist: "I also can't perceive it, it's very strange, obviously I have learned from Monkey King how to perceive the ability of Qi 04, if the enemy is very strong, it shouldn't be impossible to perceive it.

Zhou Yang: "You can't perceive that it's normal, because this world is not a world invaded by crazy reincarnators. We were sent to the wrong place."

Just now, the group system suddenly showed a reminder that some unknown force interfered with the collective teleportation, which caused obvious deviations in the places where they were teleported.

This is something that has never been seen in this system in the past.

This made Zhou Yang couldn't help but think of the group chat system's reminder to the characters just now.

The task this time is very complicated, it may not be the strongest enemy they have ever encountered, but it will definitely be the most difficult enemy, and the group chat also emphasized several times to be extra careful

If it's just a pure strength confrontation, now Zhou Yang has the advantage of crushing level completely.

Obviously, the enemy also seemed to be planning to become a little smarter. When they found that they could not win in terms of strength, they began to plan to use strange tricks.

Kuang San's nose twitched, sniffing the air of this world, and then said: "Administrator, what should we do next? Retransmission or something?"

Zhou Yang: "I don't need it for now, because there are also enemies here, and I have already discovered them."

Lori An: "There are also enemies? Why didn't I perceive it?"

Zhou Yang: "Because these enemies are deliberately avoiding those conventional detection methods, and I just changed another way to detect the world."

Zhou Yang looked up at the sky with a smile on his lips.

Every world has its own world will.

But now Zhou Yang has reached the level where he can completely communicate with the will of every world that reaches the world.

In Zuowei's world, the will of the world is the appearance of a god, but in this world, the will of the world is a very ordinary sky.

This kind of sky does not have much self-emotion, most of it is in a static state.

And this kind of static world will is best used for a short time.

Zhou Yang has mastered a special way to integrate into the will of this world with the help of his current exquisite control over the rules.

Then use the will of the whole world to observe the abnormalities of this world.

And that anomaly is an ordinary civil servant.

When Zhou Yang discovered this ordinary dwelling and the people in it, Zhou Yang was stunned.

Such a familiar character, did I come here?

Zhou Yang never thought that he would come to such a world.

This world can be said to be an ordinary world, but it is not so ordinary. It seems that it is not so simple for them to be sent to this world because of disturbance.

Zhou Yang: "Let's go and meet someone I know well."

Kuang San: "Familiar people? Is this the world of our group members?"

Zhou Yang: "It's not, but it's hard to say it will be in the future, but if you really want to become our group members, I think you may have a headache in the future."

Kuang San: "Joke, how could I have a headache? I am Kuang San! If this person will enter the group, if he dares to provoke me without opening his eyes, I will definitely make this guy look good.

Zhou Yang: "Well, you can try it, this character is the absolute emperor of the world, well, let's go meet him.

673 In the residential building that Zhou Yang paid attention to, a child-like person was lying on the ground, watching cartoons on TV intently.

"Dynamic superman! Light wave shock!"

The child's excited eyes lit up: "Oh! The dynamic superman is about to shine!"

While being excited, the child stood up on the ground and made gestures of the dynamic superman launching the light wave in the cartoon, and then imitated the light wave sound of the dynamic superman with his mouth.

Child: "Dynamic Superman, Beep Beep, Boom!"


Suddenly, a very violent explosion sounded from a corner of the whole room, and a huge hole was directly blasted open in the corner of the whole house beside the TV, and black smoke came from the edge of the blast.

The child looked at his 'masterpiece' with a dazed expression while muttering to himself.

"Oops, oops, mom is going to kill me!"

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