Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 778: Reverse The Power Of Time And Space! Quota In The Chat Group? (Please Subscribe! Please

Crayon Shin-chan: "Big brother, do you want me to go with you? But my mother said you can't go with strangers.

Zhou Yang: "If you come with me, maybe you can meet the real Superman, how about it?"

Crayon Shin-chan: "Really big brother? I want to go with you! I want to watch Superman!"

This kid, if possible, Zhou Yang also hopes to absorb him as a group member.

Because in the group, it seems that there is really a lack of such a very special role.

He has the talent of the chosen one, which is to strip away all things outside the rules of the world.

Now Zhou Yang is on the road of constantly breaking through the rules of "three six seven" to reach a higher level, and if there is such a character in his group in the future who doesn't play cards according to the routine, Zhou Yang may be able to learn from this child There are special rewards on him.

Kuang San: "Why do I feel that the current administrator seems to be a weirdo, and he is fooling the children!"

Neither the sweeping monk nor the Tiedan Godhou dared to say a word.

We don't know, and we dare not ask.

Only Kuangsan and Acedes dared to say that about the administrator, and the others dared not say it even if they gave them 10085 courage.

Huoquan: "The administrator is really powerful. This kid is really not simple. Didn't you find Kuang San?"

Kuang San: "Of course I found out! It's just that I gave Zhou Yang a chance to recruit himself."

Kuang Sancai was embarrassed to say that his heart almost fluctuated because of this brat.

This kid is indeed quite special in some ways.

In fact, Zhou Yang still doesn't know how to actively recruit group members into the group, but as more and more group functions are opened up, Zhou Yang has also begun to have a more systematic understanding of chat groups. The function has actually existed for a long time, but it has never been actively opened, but Kang Yang can perceive that this function is about to be opened.

Perhaps when this mission is over, Zhou Yang plans to recruit Crayon Shin-chan into the group when the mission is over.

Then you have the opportunity to recruit more group members yourself.

Crayon Shin-chan seemed very happy, but he soon remembered that he had destroyed a third of his home.

"But my mother will kill me if she finds out I've ruined the house."

Zhou Yang smiled slightly, and then stood in front of the part of the house that was destroyed by Crayon Shin-chan, and the time-eating city opened!

Today's time-eating city is no longer simply absorbing time and using time to attack.

Today's time-eating city even has the ability to reverse time and space.

The moment Zhou Yang launched the City of Eating Time, except for a small area where the dimensional rift was torn open, the house began to quickly return to normal.

And Crayon Shin-chan's eyes were constantly shining and staring at everything that happened, he thought it was amazing what happened.

He had never seen such a miraculous thing.

In just 30 seconds, one-third of the destroyed house was restored to its original state, and at this time the police who were called by the aunt next door also rushed over.

Aunt: "Well, this is this house. It seems that there was a gas explosion or something else. The house was bombed... Bombed? Huh? How did it get back to its original state?"

The policeman looked at the aunt suspiciously: "I said Aunt, is this the house you said was blown up?"

Not only the police came, but the fire department was also called.

But when I arrived, I found that there was no such thing as a house being blown out by gas, so my mother knocked on the door of Crayon Shin-chan's house very uncertainly.

"Oh, it's Obasan next door, what do you want?"

It was Crayon Shin-chan who opened the door, and he looked curiously at the aunt, the firefighters and the police.

The aunt was so angry that her veins burst out, but she said patiently: "Xiaoxin, did any accident happen in your family just now?"

Crayon Shin-chan: "Accident? No, I'm watching cartoons at home."

At this time, the police and firemen behind the aunt looked at the aunt with unkind expressions.

Reporting false alarms is not a good thing.

Crayon Shin-chan: "But Obasan, there was indeed an explosion in my house just now, which is actually the reason why I just turned the sound in the cartoon too loud.

After hearing this, the aunt nodded as if she had grasped some life-saving straw: "That's right, it seems that I must have heard it wrong. It should be that the sound of Xiaoxin's TV is too loud to worry me. Your family really It's okay, right?"

Crayon Shin-chan: "No, Obasan, do you have anything else to do?"

Aunt: Xiaoxin, you really make people love and hate 3.4!

Sometimes Crayon Shin-chan is also a very sensible child. He saw that his aunt was in a predicament. If he was really determined to have reported a false police report, he would be punished, so Crayon Shin-chan also helped his aunt to make a lie.

The firemen and the police also saw it. Since nothing major happened, they simply turned a blind eye.

Crayon Shin-chan: "Then Obasan, if there is nothing else, I will go back and watch cartoons!"

Aunt: "Okay, Xiaoxin, remember to be good."

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