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Chapter 786: The Persistence Of The Heroes! The Realm Of Life And Death! (Please Subscribe! Please C

Reinhardt: "These damned things have come back to life again, obviously we have destroyed the core of every machine!"

A few heroes from Overwatch that hadn't disbanded watched the omnics stand up again with a little panic in their hearts.

They are not afraid of facing tough battles, but this kind of endless battle makes their hearts start to feel tired.

Lionheart: "Reinhardt, no matter what, don't forget to protect your teammates. Now, it's my turn to play!"

Reinhardt: "Teacher!"

Reinhardt wants to stop the teacher.

He has so many things he wants to ask.

For example, why did my teacher really come back to life?

This should be something that is simply impossible to happen.

But now it actually happened in front of him.

This is completely unreasonable. 730 However, Lionheart's emphasis on protecting teammates once again aroused his regretful memories.

It was because he didn't listen to the teacher's words and insisted on fighting alone that caused his teammates to be injured, and he almost died because of this. Without the teacher's rescue, he might have died at that time.

For this incident, he felt guilty for many years, but no matter what, protecting his teammates will always be his top priority.

So he raised his shield, and a blue light barrier stood beside his teammates, helping them block most of the attacks of the newly resurrected omnics.

The Lionheart looks completely different these days.

The two sledgehammers hammered fiercely, and each hammer would definitely destroy an omnic mecha.

Although those omnics will be resurrected and stand up again.

It's just that Lionheart fights faster (aefc) faster than these omnics recover.

The crazy reincarnator who was secretly monitoring all this looked at all this in shock: "How could such a thing happen? Could it be that this person also became a member of that mysterious group? But this person should have died. !"

The appearance of the lion heart caused the reincarnation to feel extremely shocked.

He is also someone who understands the plot of Overwatch.

I also know that Lionheart is a person who died long ago.

Does this group have the ability to resurrect people?

This is a bit too pervert!

The appearance of Lionheart disrupted his rhythm.

One of the reasons why the crazy reincarnators chose to attack this world this time is because there are some mysterious things in this world, and those things will be of great benefit to them

On the other hand, according to the news sent back by the reincarnators who fought with that mysterious group in the past before they died, it is known that that group has not yet appeared a character from Overwatch.

Therefore, the layout of Crazy Demon Reincarnation is almost all for characters that do not come from this world.

As long as people who do not belong to this world fall into their carefully laid traps, countless omnics will flow like locusts that can never be killed.

But now Lionheart alone resisted the first plan of the Mad Demon Reincarnator, and none of the other characters from the outside world took the initiative to make a move." Song Shi watched all this quietly.

Zuo Wei: "Mr. Administrator, the pawns in my hands that contain the broken souls of this world are agitated, and they are all starting to quickly restore their souls at this moment. The souls of this world are amazing!"

The soul is like the body of an ordinary person.

If there is only one soul remnant left, it will be like an ordinary person with a physical disability, an injury that cannot be recovered.

But now all these souls are also affected by the battle of the Lion Heart below, and then the souls start to be repaired frantically. The first souls that are successfully repaired are almost all the most elite crusader knights in Aichen World. Zuo Wei's chess pieces roared wildly, and they seemed to be ready to rush out of the restraints of the chess pieces at any time and then go down to fight.

Zhou Yang: "After all, they are a group of people whose honor and homeland are paramount. Let them come out. At the same time, it seems that doing so will give our enemies a headache."

Zhou Yang has already discovered that the opponent's layout is not aimed at these characters who belong to this world.

When dealing with foreign characters, this layout will be infinitely magnified and lethal.

However, when dealing with local characters and characters, the power of the layout is greatly reduced due to the inherent limitations of this world.

It seems Zuo Wei is really right to come this time.

It was precisely because of his appearance that he disrupted the enemy's layout and made the crazy demon reincarnators who were watching behind the scenes panic.

Zuo Wei was also affected by the powerful fighting spirit, and then released every chess piece in his sleeve that carried the soldiers and knights of this world.

The moment they were released, these soldiers all became soul states visible to the naked eye.

At this moment on the ground, Reinhardt looked at all this in disbelief.

Those were all his dead companions.

Each is such a familiar old face.

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