Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 794: Fantasy Version Of The Star-Absorbing Dafa! The Secret Of Super Saiyan! (Please Collect

Zuo Wei's hands were trembling slightly, he was trying his best to suppress his opponent within his chess game.

But the enemy didn't think so. This time the enemy was stronger than before, and he even showed a crazy smile. This kind of smile seemed to be able to destroy the mind, torturing people's souls.

Especially Zuo Wei suffered more intense torture in this state where the soul is the main body.

On Tsunade's side, the pervert crazy reincarnated man kept saying that you belong to me, and then attacked Tsunade, making Tsunade also feel uneasy.

But there is also a special case here.

That is Lori-an.

Originally, Lori-an was fighting the enemy well.

But when I was playing Lori'an, inspiration came suddenly, I picked up the violin and started playing music.

Accompanied by the music, the enemy lost their desire to fight, and stood there blankly watching Lori'an play to his heart's content.

The crazy reincarnator with the appearance of Mr. Pianpian discovered what happened at the Lori'an, and was stunned at 04:00.

Zhou Yang chuckled: "It seems that there is still a little problem with your plan, but the carefully planned things seem to be defeated by the music."

The crazy reincarnator with the appearance of Mr. Pianpian felt like he was about to spurt out a mouthful of old blood.

Why is it that one player plays chess for a while, and the other plays the violin for a while?

Can there still be a serious fighter?

He felt that what he was facing was not a normal group at all.

However, the strength of these people is also extremely terrifying, but they can also use their own unconventional methods to fight when facing their own completely unconventional operations.

Tsunade: "Hey, would you like to bet with me?"

Tsunade squeezed the fist of the pervert mad demon reincarnation who charged again, and the corners of his mouth curled up.


The mental state of the pervert crazy reincarnator seems to be abnormal at the moment, and he can't even fully understand the meaning of what Tsunade is about to say.

Tsunade suddenly threw a few dice out of nowhere and slapped the opponent's face fiercely, every dice was embedded in the opponent's skin.

Tsunade: "Let's make a bet, see if these dice land on the ground after I blow your head off, will it be a large number or a small number!"

Boom boom boom boom!

Hundred Healings Mark, on!

Tsunade: "Do you think my Hundred Healings Mark is a way to consume vitality? In fact, what I want to tell you is that it is already my past tense. Today's Hundred Healings Mark has already It has been optimized, stronger than before, and the side effects are lower, even negligible, and you are the first to try my brand new Hundred Healings Mark."

Fire Fist Ace: "Hey, have you guys ever heard of a shapeshifting ability?"

"Transformation ability?" The crazy reincarnator in front of Ace also fell into a daze.

"That's the Super Saiyan! Although I'm not a Super Saiyan, Sun Wukong taught me another way to transform, the King Fist mode!"

A flame burst out crazily on Ace, and the transparent flame shot up into the sky.

Originally Kaiwangquan was just a kind of boxing, but Sun Wukong has completely cultivated Vice Admiral Kaiwangquan into a transformation similar to Super Saiyan through the various knowledge and comprehension processes of other group members in other worlds. model.

This can be regarded as a move that Sun Wukong is very proud of. After he successfully practiced, he even showed it off to the king of the world.

In the entire group, almost no one can withstand the domineering transformation ability of Kaiwangquan mode, which has a great impact on the physical body.

But Fire Fist Ace is an exception.

In fact, his characteristics are somewhat similar to Sun Wukong's. He keeps getting stronger by strengthening his own body, almost without any so-called internal force or spell addition, and finally reaches the peak.

Ace became the only person in the group who used Kaioh Fist mode.

Ace: "I haven't used this trick in front of other people. In fact, you have calculated all the upper limits of our group members for a long time, but have you ever thought that we can not only learn the skills of the strong in our own world in a group, we You can also improve and improve each other through the 803 weeks of learning from each other!"

On another battlefield, the God of Tiedan also used a more powerful star-absorbing technique than in the past. This kind of star-absorbing technique exceeded the prediction of the upper limit of the star-absorbing technique by the crazy reincarnation

This is no longer simply a top-level martial art in the ordinary Chinese martial arts world, it is simply the top-level combat skill that can only be possessed in the top-level high-energy world.

This evolved version of the star-absorbing method breaks through the limit of Tianyuan and directly sucks the crazy reincarnator in front of him into a human being.

Tie Dan Shenhou: "In order to prevent you from being resurrected again, I simply suck you up."

Tie Dan Shenhou sneered and stepped up his efforts, hollowing out the opponent's entire body, not even a scum left, and completely became a dead soul under the star-absorbing method that Tie Dan Shenhou thought was perfect.

Even the souls of the dead are unwilling to give up.

"No, don't! Don't!"

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