Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 797: New Group Members Join The Group! I Didn't Expect You To Be Such A Little Boss! (P

Faced with such a humiliation, the insane demon reincarnator who looked like Mr. Pianpian still didn't dare to take any action.

His veins were popping.

Plans really can't keep up with changes sometimes.

Even though he estimated the strength of the enemy, the real strength of the enemy was beyond their imagination.

The people they had predicted earlier might at best be regarded as the pinnacle powerhouses of their respective worlds.

But the status quo is that they are not only the peak powerhouses in their respective worlds, if these people go to those fantasy high-energy worlds, they will also be peak powerhouses.

This is a very scary thing, everyone is of this level, so how can we fight?

There is only one thought in his mind now, and that is forbearance!

As long as the backhand is ready to complete.

It's really not that big of a deal that he's behind.

It's just a simple summoning technique.

This kind of summoning technique is a summoning technique that can summon the strongest man in the past who belonged to their crazy demons into a full body form.

The price is to use his body and this world as a medium.

Hehe, what a group of naive guys, when my backhand preparations are completed, the world will be destroyed, and you can obviously stop me in advance, but you are so complacent to give me the opportunity to prepare backhands, wait until In the end, this world will be destroyed because of you, and then you will regret going there!

Lionheart looked at Zhou Yang, and then at the guy who brought chaos to this world.

These people were existences he had never seen before.

They are all stronger than this world.

So it turns out that they are not the only Overwatch world in this Great Thousand World?

This is starting to make Lionheart yearn.

Not long ago, Zhou Yang said that he should work hard to catch up with them, and then become Zhou Yang's partner. Can ordinary people like me in the ordinary world have the opportunity to become a member of this strong team?

Perhaps this requires your own efforts?

Ding! Lion Heart has joined this group!

Suddenly, a voice appeared in the minds of all group members and Lion Heart at the same time.

Xiao Bu: "Wow, welcome to the new group members. Now our main members are not in the group, so I will welcome the new group members on their behalf, and by the way: 'Big photos, hot women's photos!"

E: "...


Firefist Ace:

Ping An Chess Player:

Zhou Yang:

Everyone turned their heads to look at Lionheart at the same time.

Just joined the group?

Lionheart was also stunned.

Is it so sudden?

This really caught Lion Heart by surprise, but he also became ecstatic at the same time.

It turns out that I can also have the opportunity to join the group.

Zhou Yang stood up at this time, but he was startled by the person who was still preparing for the reincarnation of Mr. Pian.

He thought that Zhou Yang finally couldn't bear it and wanted to attack him in advance.

Damn! Damn! Why am I scared?!

Zhou Yang smiled at Lion Heart: "Welcome to join our big family. As for the explosive photos, we don't need them. We have seen them all, unless you are willing to wear women's clothing and then explode."

Lionheart: "Huh? Women's clothing photo? Now? I'm not ready, can you give me some time?"


Do you really want to explode women's clothing photos?

Now it was Zhou Yang's turn to be stunned.

Lionheart is too straightforward, isn't he?

He exploded in women's clothing?

Just imagine it makes your eyes very hot.

0…ask for flowers………………

Xiaobu: "Wow, is there really someone willing to blow up photos in women's clothing? Are you a man and a woman?"

Heart of the Lion: "I, I am a man, may I ask if you are also a great power?"

Lion Heart thinks that all the newly joined group must be super strong.

Xiaobu: "Me? Oh, I am a master, I am a master of games, I am a super expert in any game!"

Heart of the Lion: "Great skill in playing games? Oh, oh, I really look forward to it for a long time. If there is a chance, we can learn from each other!"


The chat between Xiaobu and Lion Heart is obviously not on the same frequency band, but they can talk wonderfully and harmoniously, and everyone has weird expressions.

Xiaobu: "Hurry up, hurry up, post photos in women's clothing, since it's a man, post photos in women's clothing quickly! Before the administrator and several other main group members return!"

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, is there such a big news coming during my retreat? The poor monk couldn't help it anymore, "I plan to join in the fun too.

Sun Wukong: "What's so good about women's clothing photos? I'll take a look too."

Jin Shining: "You monkey, I advise you to continue to practice. The photos of men wearing women's clothing are only for hot eyes."

Foodie King of Great Britain: "You're talking about others, but you also come to chat at the same time, it's really honest!"

Liu Angxing: "Newcomer, if you blow up women's clothing photos, I will make you a delicacy in the world!"

All-around tennis player: "Unexpectedly, you are such Liu Angxing!"

Nie Xiaoqian: "Unexpectedly, you are such Liu Angxing!

Dad: "Unexpectedly, you are such Liu Angxing!"

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for a small evaluation ticket!.

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