Myriad Worlds Inventory Box

Chapter 1215: The secret of the storage box

"Then your car and how did the magic come from?" Bai Xiaorou asked. This is what she cares about. She has always been curious about Huang Feng's inner strength and the six-channel magic sword. How did it come, but because Huang Feng hadn't taken the initiative to explain before, she didn't ask, and now, since Huang Feng has already planned to tell the truth, Bai Xiaorou naturally doesn't want to miss this opportunity.

"All of this starts with my inconspicuous storage box." Huang Feng got off the bed and took out the storage box that seemed a little out of place with the surrounding environment.

"Storage box? What does it have to do with the things you get?" Su Yumo asked suspiciously.

Bai Xiaorou had seen the Six Vein Divine Sword being replaced in the storage box. However, at that time, she thought that the Six Vein Divine Sword was placed in the storage box by Huang Feng himself. The storage box itself was nothing special. Local, but, now it seems, this storage box may not be an ordinary thing.

"It's related, it's a big relationship." Huang Feng said with a smile, and then Huang Feng said the magic of this storage box.

At present, the magic of this storage box lies in its three functions, replacement, transmission and exchange. In fact, as long as there is one of the functions, this storage box is a god, but this storage box is a collection. There are three functions.

"It's so amazing?" After listening to Huang Feng's introduction to the storage box, the girls all looked at the ordinary storage box with curiosity and shock. The appearance of this storage box is a bit damaged. If you look at it normally When they arrive, they won't even take a second look, but such an inconspicuous storage box has such a magical function.

"Of course." Huang Feng said with a smile: "I will continue to put some small things in, and then wait to be replaced, the previous brewing formula, sewage treatment equipment technology, and the suspension sports car, etc., are all It's through replacement."

"As for the exchange, you have also seen that the servants outside are all exchanged by me through the storage box. They are all my slaves. They are very skilled and will not betray me. Therefore, you You can also have absolute trust in them, and you can let them do whatever you want."

"That said, the people who you asked me to handle the hukou for you last time were also exchanged through the storage box." Bai Xiaorou thought of Huang Feng asking her to handle hukou for more than a dozen people before. If she wanted to come, those people were also admitted. The "black households" who came out of the box, therefore, needed her to help solve the hukou problem.

"Yes, those people are also slaves that I have exchanged. But, don’t underestimate them. They are all top scientists. They are quite capable. Of course, the price is not cheap. Basically, on average, everyone’s All need more than 100 million soft sister coins." Huang Feng said.

"If they really have such a strong ability, the price of 100 million is not expensive." Su Yumo said, their daughters are not short-sighted people, they all know the importance of talent, if those people really have the ability , The price of 100 million is indeed not expensive.

"It's not expensive, I think it's worth it." Huang Feng said. It didn't take long for those talents to be exchanged before they had already improved Huang Feng's existing sewage treatment equipment technology, indicating that their strength is still Very strong.

Moreover, this was researched by them using the equipment in the real world. After Huang Feng grabbed a lot of money from the end of the world, he also exchanged a lot of advanced equipment in the storage box for them. I believe that after they researched it The results will be more.

"Then all your money is earned through the storage box?" Tang Muxue asked.

"Yes." Huang Feng said, "After gathering a few items in a space, I will be teleported to that space. In those spaces, I will purchase some industries, especially those in reality. And there are not, such as the lack of cold weapons in some spaces, so I will send some swords to that space, and the cosmetics I bought from Mengjiao and others before are also sent to other spaces. In those spaces, for These cosmetics are very much needed. Ten times, or even a hundred times the profit is possible."

The daughters of Su Yumo nodded their heads in agreement. If, as Huang Feng said, these things are lacking in other spaces, and only Huang Feng has them, then Huang Feng is completely in a monopoly position, and once a monopoly is formed , The money is certain, it's just a matter of how much.

"No wonder you make money so fast, there is such a big blank market, it's strange not to make money." Xie Mengjiao said.

"So, I make money in other spaces, using the money earned there, and the technology obtained in the storage box, to start various companies in reality. There is no shortage of funds and technology. It is a matter of time for those companies to develop. So, I was so confident about the request made by Yumo's mother before." Huang Feng said.

"With those funds and technology, and with some connections, it is really not that difficult to meet my mother's requirements." Su Yumo said with a smile on her face. Before, she was still worried about Huang Feng's ability. Fulfilling the requirements that he has made to Huang Feng, now it seems that those requirements are really not too difficult for Huang Feng.

"Then the problem of funding sources has been resolved?" Bai Xiaorou said.

"Well, the storage box is still very powerful. Others only know that my money is transferred from foreign accounts. It is impossible to find the source." Huang Feng said.

"Then it's dangerous for you to teleport to other spaces?" Tang Muxue asked with some worry. The other women looked the same. Although they all hope Huang Feng can make more money and reach their family goals, they are obviously more. Concerned about the safety of Huangfeng.

"It's okay, other dimensions are indeed quite dangerous, but if I die in other dimensions, I will just be teleported back. I won't really die in other dimensions. If I don’t die in other dimensions, I At most, I stayed there for a year, and no matter how long I stay in other spaces, in reality, it’s all in the blink of an eye. Therefore, I’ve been teleported many times before, and I’ve also been in other spaces. I have died several times. In reality, you can't find it at all, right?" Huang Feng said.

The women Su Yumo nodded. In their cognition, Huang Feng had never left for a long time. Otherwise, they might have discovered the abnormality long ago.

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