Myriad Worlds Military System

Chapter 374: : The pessimism of the main **** team

Of course, these are just talks, no matter how envy other great emperors are, at least they don't know anything now.

As for worry-free, there is nothing to say with a big mouth.

No one is a fool if he can get to this point.

At this level, one person may be arrogant at the pinnacle of independence, but he doesn't feel too stupid.

Every existence at the emperor level is not a mortal, IQ, EQ...

Uh... alright! It turns out that the emotional intelligence of some great emperors seems to be really bad.

For example... in a strange world, a certain red fairy facing the undead emperor.

Cough! Is it a bit too obvious?

Emperor Wu Shi: ... who knows you still say that?

But thinking about it, it seems that there is no error at all.

To be honest, no one knows whether the EQ of Wu Shi the Great is really low or fake.

But there is no doubt that the one who has been waiting for the Emperor Wu Shi for six thousand years in the starry sky, and finally the starry sky will end everything.

But it still exists in the world in a way of obsession, just for Emperor Wu Shi.

However... Whether the Great Emperor Wu Shi cared about this can only be said, after all, he is the Great Emperor Wu Shi.

How many emperors have there since eternity? Only when he Wushi Great Emperor turned his back to all living beings, the emperor's way was extremely high.

His life is not much different from Kai Hang.

Therefore, the attention and admiration he received were not even available to other emperors.

So, even if the female saint has accompanied him for a period of time, but what that period of time means to him, let's talk about it.

Therefore, in general, the EQ of Emperor Wu Shi is worrying.

But right! There are people who like this type.

But guessing, it was because Emperor Wu Shi was handsome.

After all, the son of a generation of emperors and Dacheng Eucharist, there must be no shortcomings in terms of appearance.

The time of tenderness always flies very fast, almost three days passed in a blink of an eye!

At the same time, in the holy city, suddenly twenty figures appeared, which surprised many people.

There are simply no mortals here, and naturally there is no possibility of being frightened.

Many people cursed a few words and left by themselves.

As for them, there is no doubt that they were members of the gods team that day.

They didn't care much about everyone's curses, and they were actually quite happy.

You know, their curse also gave them a lot of information.

For example...

"The **** guy, it really deserves to be the holy city, his mother is so scary! I'm scared to death, don't you know that scaring people will scare people to death?

Ok! At least I'm sure what is this place?

As for that person... it must have been alive soon. At least, although the captain didn't do anything, a certain player still did it.

In fact, their spirits are a bit tight now, or the spirit is extremely high.

This time, it was really accomplished, and there was no way back.

"Let's go! Find a place to stay first, and discuss the rest after detecting the news."

Without any hesitation, after thinking for a while, Xu Juncong spoke.

Everyone nodded, and now they really know too little, and there is no good plan to speak of.

Nodded, Xu Juncong said to a thin player:

"Jia Xingxing, you go to investigate the intelligence, mainly to detect the difference between this world and the original work.

Just ask a little bit, don’t be too impatient!

This time, it is better to fight steadily. "

Jia Xingxing nodded without expression, then turned around to inquire about the news.

As for how to find other people then, he doesn't need to worry.

Others also know that the main god's wrist has the ability to communicate, so they are not afraid of something that cannot be found at that time.

After Jia Xingxing left, the others didn't have anything to do, and began to find a place to stay.

In the evening again, twenty people gathered in a small courtyard, chatting about what they had inquired about.

Of course, the most important thing is that the person named Jia Xingxing is talking, and others are listening.

This Jia Xingxing is not necessarily true. If the time of the main **** space is too short, it is hard to say who the team leader is.

I think at the beginning, before he entered the main **** space, he was a person who often mingled among the three religions and nine streams.

Of course, the chaos here are not the so-called small chaos.

The mixed trace here refers to the enthusiasm among the crowd of three religions and nine streams.

After entering the main **** space, he also showed a talent that far surpassed ordinary people in intelligence.

Of course, no matter how good the talent is, there is no luck.

There is no doubt that if his situation is in the early stage of the development of the main **** space, then he is at least a super giant.

Not to mention the existence of the twelfth-order realm, the eleventh-order realm still has no problems at all.

But the problem is that this bad boy's luck really does not know.

How should I put it... In short, the time he spent in the Lord God Space was too short.

Even the protagonist, it takes a while or something to open and hang up.

Although he is not the protagonist, his terrifying intelligence talent is barely considered a plug-in.

But the question is, where is the main **** space?

The main **** space is a place for countless people to provide plug-ins.

There is no absolute plug-in, and there is no saying that stands out.

Therefore, he has nothing but the crowd.

But there is no doubt that he does have a hand in intelligence.

"That is to say... this world has a so-called Tianya Haige abnormal existence!

And... Ye Fan has also become a background existence? Is there a quasi-emperor or even a great emperor behind? "

Xu Juncong frowned and said solemnly.

Originally... he still had such a trace of pitiful expectations. The expectation was that the main **** space had made a mistake. In fact, nothing changed in this world.

But now... this trace of pitiful hope was crushed to pieces in an instant.

Jia Xingxing nodded, also inexplicable.

To be honest, the development process of this world is very strange.

In the past, they had faced the traverser more than once, but this time it was not necessarily the behavior of the traverser.

After all, it is not that simple to achieve the degree of mutation mentioned in the main **** space.

This is not something a mere traverser can reach.

How to say...There must be a not-weak horror behind it.

At a lower level, the way of heaven is fully recovered and directly intervenes in world development with the supreme realm.

But Zhetian shares the same root with the perfect world and the holy ruins world, and the will of heaven is terrifying to the extreme.

It is said that the creator of the main **** space is in the fourteenth-level supreme realm.

And the heavens that cover the world, or the heavens of this world, are also not much weaker.

Overall, this world is extremely dangerous.

To be honest, they were even sure that if there were any terrible changes in this world, it would be impossible for the Lord God to care about them.

In other words... even the main **** couldn't control them.

Although the fourteenth order is powerful, even if it is a perfect world of the same clan and the same origin as this world of the sky, there are also only twelve-level powerhouses.

But the problem is that if a world of twelve levels of power can be born, it is conservatively estimated that at least 13 levels of power exist.

After comprehensively integrating the perfect world and the reincarnation of God, it is conservatively estimated that the heavens of the three worlds are at least the fourteenth order.

In this way, there is no fear of being in the main god.

It would be fine if the main **** secretly made something, but if he wanted to swallow the world, it was simply impossible.

Above God can be said to be extremely mysterious, and there may even be a multi-universe equivalent to a pseudo-chaotic world or even a sub-chaotic world behind it.

Therefore, no one can guarantee what kind of level the real heaven behind the Zhetian world has reached.

Even Chen Jun was equally afraid.

Of course, the main thing that Chen Jun fears is that Tiandao takes action against people he cares about.

But generally speaking, this is Chen Jun's concern.

Although he also belongs to the traverser, because of the Ten Thousand Realm Military and Military System, he is essentially a native of the world that covers the sky.

As long as there is no idea of ​​destroying the world, it is unlikely that Tiandao will personally attack Chen Jun.

As for people who Chen Jun cares about... Chen Jun thinks too much.

The Heavenly Dao of the Little Thousand World might not be shameless, but the Heavenly Dao of the Big Thousand World could not be so shameless.

At the level of the Great Thousand World, Tiandao already has his own arrogance.

Speaking of heaven's arrogance, this is something to say.

You must know that the way of heaven is the supreme existence in the true ordinary sense.

This kind of existence is absolutely arrogant and arrogant.

This arrogance is called indifference to everything in the world.

All things in the heavens and the earth multiply and thrive in the heavens and the earth under the heavens, and the heavens are the will of the world and exist to balance the world.

Therefore, it can be said that it is impossible for the gods to be arrogant. They are not the children of destiny, nor are they the protagonist.

But...they themselves are the incarnation of the sky, and the sky and the earth are nothing more than their bodies or parts.

This kind of existence, its degree of arrogance is higher than that of someone who is strong, and I don't know where it is.

At least, the level of arrogance of a great emperor is certainly not as high as that of a small thousand world.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for Heaven to surrender to anyone, even the supreme powerhouse.

Of course, if it is another world with a higher level, it is another matter.

Ok! Pulling away, but saying that this world can be said to be extremely dangerous. If Tiandao really ended up in person, then this time the mission is definitely the same as the result of not coming in the main **** space, ten deaths and no life.

Of course, there is another situation here, that is, another heaven-level power also takes a fancy to this heaven-shading world.

For example... the legendary nightmare space, the highest temple, the raiders of the heavens, the city of the heavens, the tower of ten thousand worlds... and so on.

This is also extremely dangerous, because the forces that dare to stare at a world with at least the fourteenth order of power are definitely at least a line stronger than their own main **** space.

In fact, as far as they know, there are many terrifying forces in the heavens and worlds in their impression.

And these forces, some names or most functions can be said to be different.

For example, the main **** space, it is said that there are many.

There is a mysterious small hall of the heavens, which seems to belong to the only heaven.

In the small hall of the heavens, all power will be suppressed, and in the small hall of the heavens, there is also nothing that cannot be bought.

But that is just a legend, there are almost no small shops in the sky now.

But in any case, the task this time is at least a lifelong task.

Of course... Nine deaths may seem a little optimistic, and ten deaths without life can be considered normal.

Of course, Chen Jun must be someone who has no knowledge of the main **** space here.

In fact, even if he knew about Chen Jun, he didn't care.

In the main **** space, apart from the mysterious main god, Chen Jun didn't have the slightest fear.

In addition, it is impossible for the main **** to explode power in this world by a large margin, so overall, Chen Jun is very safe!

At most, exchange another wave of twelve-tier puppets, in that case, it's almost safe.

In short, Chen Jun didn't care about the main **** space at all.

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